To follow are the changes to the Scholar Bowl rules, for the last three years, as recommended by the Advisory Committee.
2024-25 Rule Changes
1. Recommend rule C.1.a be updated to read:
C.1.a: Toss-up questions are worth (10) points and may be answered by individuals only; no verbal conferring or looking at another player’s paper is allowed. Nonverbal signaling not related to question content is allowed. If the answer is correct, that team receives ten (10) points and the opportunity to answer a bonus question.
2. Recommend rule J.1 be updated to read:
If a player(s) on either team talks or consults regarding question content or verbally communicates with teammates during the reading or answering of a toss-up question, that player’s team will forfeit that opportunity to answer the toss-up question.
2023-24 Rule Changes
1. Recommend rule G.1 be updated to read:
G1. Toss-Ups and Bonuses: In requesting a clarification of a moderator’s decision or accuracy of the question, the captain or coach must explain the request to the moderator who then discusses the clarification with the judges. Another team member may indicate to the team captain that a protest is appropriate. The team captain or coach will then indicate to the judges that the team has a protest.
a. Toss-ups: All question/answer protests of a toss-up question must be made by the team captain or coach before the category of the bonus question is begun.
b. Bonus: If any part of the bonus is to be protested, it must be done after the completion of all bonus parts and before the category of the next toss-up is begun.
2. Recommend rule G.3 be updated to read:
G3. Protests not made immediately will have no bearing on the outcome of the game. If a question/answer protest is denied, no further protest by the same team in regard to that question/answer will be heard.
2022-23 Rule Changes
1. Expand the language in the parenthetical in rule B-1, General Game Format, Players on page 5 to say "See Section D-6 for Player Emergencies during a match."
2. In rule F-4 and F-5, clarify that BOTH teams may conduct all activities that are allowed in the language, based on the type of time-out taken (30 or 60-second).
2021-22 Rule Changes
1. The Scholar Bowl game format for District and State Tournament play, as listed in the Scholar Bowl Manual, was changed to a 22 Toss-ups/22 Bonus (pyramidal question) format, with an altered subject distribution.