Sports and Activities 2023 Class 2 Boys Final Results Find School MSHSAA Member/AffiliateNon-Member School Go   cancel Find School Girls Class 2 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 2022-2023 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 Class Class 1 2 3 4 Individual Championship Results Championship Team Scores Copy Results HTML to Clipboard Championships 106 Class 2 1st Place Match - Cole Blattner (Fulton) 50-0 won by decision over Landon Scarborough (Odessa) 42-10 (Dec 2-0) 113 Class 2 1st Place Match - Cooper Collins (Excelsior Springs) 40-7 won by fall over Jesiah Simmons (Eldon) 37-6 (Fall 1:13) 120 Class 2 1st Place Match - Ryan Meek (St. Clair) 43-1 won by tech fall over Gabe Studdard (Odessa) 33-15 (TF-1.5 5:44 (15-0)) 126 Class 2 1st Place Match - Caleb Husch (Cameron) 62-1 won by major decision over Caiden Davison (Odessa) 43-11 (MD 10-2) 132 Class 2 1st Place Match - Brady Roark (Seneca) 56-0 won by fall over Levi Perry-South (St. Charles) 40-9 (Fall 4:26) 138 Class 2 1st Place Match - Chase Short (Cameron) 58-2 won by decision over Parker Crane (Hallsville) 50-7 (Dec 5-0) 144 Class 2 1st Place Match - Gavynn Carpenter (Hallsville) 48-3 won by major decision over Andrew Manley (Seneca) 48-5 (MD 13-2) 150 Class 2 1st Place Match - Garrett Lyons (Pleasant Hill) 48-3 won by major decision over Bishop Rush (Benton) 49-5 (MD 13-4) 157 Class 2 1st Place Match - Brock Woodcock (St. Clair) 53-0 won by major decision over Lane Snyder (Pleasant Hill) 48-5 (MD 12-2) 165 Class 2 1st Place Match - Jay Greiner (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 59-0 won by fall over Zach Rackers (Blair Oaks) 53-1 (Fall 2:50) 175 Class 2 1st Place Match - Kale Weber (Harrisonville) 41-4 won by decision over Zane Palmer (Odessa) 51-4 (Dec 4-3) 190 Class 2 1st Place Match - Brayden Bush (Pleasant Hill) 49-5 won by major decision over Cooper Burnsides (Savannah) 48-7 (MD 11-3) 215 Class 2 1st Place Match - Jacob Hanes (Pleasant Hill) 50-3 won by decision over Brady Kerperin (Blair Oaks) 46-3 (Dec 3-1) 285 Class 2 1st Place Match - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 51-0 won by fall over Caleb Groff (Oak Grove) 46-5 (Fall 1:59) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 106 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Parker Lutz (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 39-13 won by decision over Dylan Pratt (Cameron) 51-5 (Dec 6-3) 5th Place Match - Grant Schuster (Mid-Buchanan) 29-16 won by decision over Brock Arrowood (Osage) 40-9 (Dec 4-0) 113 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 38-3 won by fall over Justin Schutter (Kirksville) 38-12 (Fall 3:56) 5th Place Match - Drake Meyer (Ste. Genevieve) 43-3 won by fall over Carter Shipers (Chillicothe) 45-15 (Fall 0:53) 120 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Austyn Hunter (Kirksville) 49-8 won by fall over Simon Hartline (Monett) 46-5 (Fall 2:42) 5th Place Match - Easton Demilia (Blair Oaks) 50-11 won by fall over Creighton Cook (Savannah) 47-11 (Fall 4:13) 126 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Chris Sullivan (Harrisonville) 46-4 won by decision over Micah Danner (Excelsior Springs) 23-10 (Dec 7-1) 5th Place Match - Whit Nichols (Blair Oaks) 44-13 won by decision over Kai Foster (Fulton) 35-17 (Dec 3-2) 132 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 33-15 won by decision over Akhilleus Arguelles (Cassville) 18-4 (Dec 6-3) 5th Place Match - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 42-13 won by fall over Eli Peregoy (Sullivan) 32-10 (Fall 0:18) 138 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Gable Gross (Odessa) 47-10 won by decision over Lane Patterson (Kirksville) 52-6 (Dec 5-2) 5th Place Match - Grant VanHorn (Mexico) 44-7 won by decision over Gage Gross (Ste. Genevieve) 15-5 (Dec 9-6) 144 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Sam Ewing (Pleasant Hill) 52-5 won by major decision over Evan Winters (Ste. Genevieve) 39-7 (MD 15-1) 5th Place Match - Colton Roark (Cassville) 47-10 won by decision over Lincoln LaFave (Savannah) 39-17 (Dec 9-2) 150 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Hunter Jennings (Southern Boone) 43-5 won by decision over Gage Jones (Cameron) 52-11 (Dec 4-2) 5th Place Match - Riley James (Cassville) 37-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over Brayden Koenig (Nevada) 26-9 (SV-1 9-7) 157 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Mason Langeneckert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-6 won by major decision over Colton Brendel (Sullivan) 41-10 (MD 12-4) 5th Place Match - Elijah Brocksmith (Fulton) 44-10 won by decision over Dominic Cahalan (Kirksville) 37-8 (Dec 10-4) 165 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Ethan Phillips (Oak Grove) 46-10 won by decision over Jake Anthonysz (Cassville) 42-9 (Dec 4-2) 5th Place Match - Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over Gage St. Clair (Moberly) 43-10 (SV-1 8-6) 175 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Jackson Perkins (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 39-5 won by decision over Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 31-11 (Dec 6-4) 5th Place Match - Cameron Simcox (St. Clair) 48-6 won by fall over Doug Blaha (Blair Oaks) 34-8 (Fall 2:25) 190 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 41-3 won by fall over Jace Renfro (Seneca) 32-11 (Fall 1:35) 5th Place Match - Dalton Mcbride (Ste. Genevieve) 32-13 won by medical forfeit over Brock Miller (Chillicothe) 45-5 (M. For.) 215 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Harold Tsafack (Center) 42-5 won by fall over Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 37-14 (Fall 1:41) 5th Place Match - JaDontae Ray (Fulton) 39-5 won by major decision over Kenneth Johnson (Nevada) 28-13 (MD 16-2) 285 Class 2 3rd Place Match - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 38-10 won by decision over Kort Watkins (Maryville) 43-9 (Dec 4-2) 5th Place Match - Sam Mcdowell-driskell (Pleasant Hill) 43-10 won by fall over Shea Eberhardt (Herculaneum) 47-8 (Fall 2:21) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) 106 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Parker Lutz (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 39-13 won by decision over Brock Arrowood (Osage) 40-9 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Semi - Dylan Pratt (Cameron) 51-5 won by major decision over Grant Schuster (Mid-Buchanan) 29-16 (MD 15-2) 113 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Justin Schutter (Kirksville) 38-12 won by fall over Carter Shipers (Chillicothe) 45-15 (Fall 3:15) Cons. Semi - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 38-3 won by fall over Drake Meyer (Ste. Genevieve) 43-3 (Fall 1:16) 120 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Simon Hartline (Monett) 46-5 won by decision over Easton Demilia (Blair Oaks) 50-11 (Dec 9-5) Cons. Semi - Austyn Hunter (Kirksville) 49-8 won by fall over Creighton Cook (Savannah) 47-11 (Fall 2:45) 126 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Micah Danner (Excelsior Springs) 23-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over Whit Nichols (Blair Oaks) 44-13 (SV-1 6-4) Cons. Semi - Chris Sullivan (Harrisonville) 46-4 won by decision over Kai Foster (Fulton) 35-17 (Dec 5-4) 132 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Akhilleus Arguelles (Cassville) 18-4 won by decision over Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 42-13 (Dec 9-5) Cons. Semi - Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 33-15 won by decision over Eli Peregoy (Sullivan) 32-10 (Dec 4-2) 138 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Lane Patterson (Kirksville) 52-6 won by decision over Gage Gross (Ste. Genevieve) 15-5 (Dec 8-3) Cons. Semi - Gable Gross (Odessa) 47-10 won in tie breaker - 1 over Grant VanHorn (Mexico) 44-7 (TB-1 2-1) 144 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Sam Ewing (Pleasant Hill) 52-5 won by fall over Lincoln LaFave (Savannah) 39-17 (Fall 0:52) Cons. Semi - Evan Winters (Ste. Genevieve) 39-7 won by fall over Colton Roark (Cassville) 47-10 (Fall 2:46) 150 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Gage Jones (Cameron) 52-11 won by decision over Riley James (Cassville) 37-10 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Semi - Hunter Jennings (Southern Boone) 43-5 won by fall over Brayden Koenig (Nevada) 26-9 (Fall 3:27) 157 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Mason Langeneckert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-6 won by decision over Elijah Brocksmith (Fulton) 44-10 (Dec 10-5) Cons. Semi - Colton Brendel (Sullivan) 41-10 won by decision over Dominic Cahalan (Kirksville) 37-8 (Dec 8-2) 165 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Jake Anthonysz (Cassville) 42-9 won by decision over Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-10 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Semi - Ethan Phillips (Oak Grove) 46-10 won by decision over Gage St. Clair (Moberly) 43-10 (Dec 7-6) 175 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Jackson Perkins (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 39-5 won by fall over Cameron Simcox (St. Clair) 48-6 (Fall 2:36) Cons. Semi - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 31-11 won by fall over Doug Blaha (Blair Oaks) 34-8 (Fall 4:50) 190 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Jace Renfro (Seneca) 32-11 won by medical forfeit over Brock Miller (Chillicothe) 45-5 (M. For.) Cons. Semi - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 41-3 won by fall over Dalton Mcbride (Ste. Genevieve) 32-13 (Fall 2:07) 215 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 37-14 won by decision over Kenneth Johnson (Nevada) 28-13 (Dec 5-1) Cons. Semi - Harold Tsafack (Center) 42-5 won by decision over JaDontae Ray (Fulton) 39-5 (Dec 5-2) 285 Class 2 Cons. Semi - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 38-10 won by decision over Sam Mcdowell-driskell (Pleasant Hill) 43-10 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Semi - Kort Watkins (Maryville) 43-9 won by fall over Shea Eberhardt (Herculaneum) 47-8 (Fall 1:58) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) 106 Class 2 Semifinal - Landon Scarborough (Odessa) 42-10 won by decision over Parker Lutz (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 39-13 (Dec 3-1) Semifinal - Cole Blattner (Fulton) 50-0 won by decision over Dylan Pratt (Cameron) 51-5 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 3 - Brock Arrowood (Osage) 40-9 won by fall over Paxton Bruegal (Seneca) 42-10 (Fall 0:44) Cons. Round 3 - Grant Schuster (Mid-Buchanan) 29-16 won by decision over Lucas Mcmenemy (Clinton) 31-11 (Dec 8-4) 113 Class 2 Semifinal - Cooper Collins (Excelsior Springs) 40-7 won by decision over Justin Schutter (Kirksville) 38-12 (Dec 8-5) Semifinal - Jesiah Simmons (Eldon) 37-6 won by fall over Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 38-3 (Fall 3:41) Cons. Round 3 - Carter Shipers (Chillicothe) 45-15 won by decision over Shane Pearson (Reeds Spring) 42-10 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 3 - Drake Meyer (Ste. Genevieve) 43-3 won by major decision over Carter Kempker (Blair Oaks) 30-13 (MD 12-0) 120 Class 2 Semifinal - Ryan Meek (St. Clair) 43-1 won by major decision over Simon Hartline (Monett) 46-5 (MD 13-0) Semifinal - Gabe Studdard (Odessa) 33-15 won by decision over Austyn Hunter (Kirksville) 49-8 (Dec 4-1) Cons. Round 3 - Easton Demilia (Blair Oaks) 50-11 won by decision over Bryant Schwent (Ste. Genevieve) 35-10 (Dec 5-4) Cons. Round 3 - Creighton Cook (Savannah) 47-11 won by decision over Luke Marlatt (St. James) 37-13 (Dec 4-2) 126 Class 2 Semifinal - Caleb Husch (Cameron) 62-1 won by tech fall over Micah Danner (Excelsior Springs) 23-10 (TF-1.5 4:37 (17-0)) Semifinal - Caiden Davison (Odessa) 43-11 won by decision over Chris Sullivan (Harrisonville) 46-4 (Dec 6-5) Cons. Round 3 - Whit Nichols (Blair Oaks) 44-13 won in tie breaker - 1 over Eli Manley (Seneca) 41-11 (TB-1 8-3) Cons. Round 3 - Kai Foster (Fulton) 35-17 won in sudden victory - 1 over Isaiah Basler (Ste. Genevieve) 29-19 (SV-1 8-6) 132 Class 2 Semifinal - Levi Perry-South (St. Charles) 40-9 won by tech fall over Akhilleus Arguelles (Cassville) 18-4 (TF-1.5 4:10 (19-4)) Semifinal - Brady Roark (Seneca) 56-0 won by fall over Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 33-15 (Fall 3:00) Cons. Round 3 - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 42-13 won by decision over Antonio Valentine (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 36-7 (Dec 9-6) Cons. Round 3 - Eli Peregoy (Sullivan) 32-10 won by major decision over Bryson Whitman (Hollister) 24-13 (MD 14-5) 138 Class 2 Semifinal - Chase Short (Cameron) 58-2 won by fall over Gage Gross (Ste. Genevieve) 15-5 (Fall 4:21) Semifinal - Parker Crane (Hallsville) 50-7 won by decision over Gable Gross (Odessa) 47-10 (Dec 2-0) Cons. Round 3 - Lane Patterson (Kirksville) 52-6 won by major decision over Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-13 (MD 12-4) Cons. Round 3 - Grant VanHorn (Mexico) 44-7 won by tech fall over David Riggs (Wright City) 40-13 (TF-1.5 4:40 (19-3)) 144 Class 2 Semifinal - Andrew Manley (Seneca) 48-5 won by fall over Lincoln LaFave (Savannah) 39-17 (Fall 3:53) Semifinal - Gavynn Carpenter (Hallsville) 48-3 won by tech fall over Colton Roark (Cassville) 47-10 (TF-1.5 2:51 (18-1)) Cons. Round 3 - Sam Ewing (Pleasant Hill) 52-5 won by fall over Cole Eppy (Southern Boone) 39-14 (Fall 2:07) Cons. Round 3 - Evan Winters (Ste. Genevieve) 39-7 won by fall over Dominic Dowdy (Lutheran St. Charles) 27-12 (Fall 1:31) 150 Class 2 Semifinal - Bishop Rush (Benton) 49-5 won by fall over Riley James (Cassville) 37-10 (Fall 0:42) Semifinal - Garrett Lyons (Pleasant Hill) 48-3 won by major decision over Hunter Jennings (Southern Boone) 43-5 (MD 17-6) Cons. Round 3 - Gage Jones (Cameron) 52-11 won by decision over Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 33-10 (Dec 8-6) Cons. Round 3 - Brayden Koenig (Nevada) 26-9 won by decision over Grant Rodriguez (St. James) 40-9 (Dec 4-3) 157 Class 2 Semifinal - Brock Woodcock (St. Clair) 53-0 won by tech fall over Elijah Brocksmith (Fulton) 44-10 (TF-1.5 4:37 (19-0)) Semifinal - Lane Snyder (Pleasant Hill) 48-5 won by fall over Dominic Cahalan (Kirksville) 37-8 (Fall 3:03) Cons. Round 3 - Mason Langeneckert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-6 won by fall over Cayden Larson (Chillicothe) 47-12 (Fall 3:59) Cons. Round 3 - Colton Brendel (Sullivan) 41-10 won by decision over Beau Thompson (Logan-Rogersville) 39-9 (Dec 9-2) 165 Class 2 Semifinal - Zach Rackers (Blair Oaks) 53-1 won by fall over Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-10 (Fall 4:35) Semifinal - Jay Greiner (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 59-0 won by fall over Ethan Phillips (Oak Grove) 46-10 (Fall 2:37) Cons. Round 3 - Jake Anthonysz (Cassville) 42-9 won by decision over Chance Phillips (Savannah) 43-12 (Dec 10-3) Cons. Round 3 - Gage St. Clair (Moberly) 43-10 won by fall over Nolan Napier (Seneca) 27-18 (Fall 2:02) 175 Class 2 Semifinal - Zane Palmer (Odessa) 51-4 won by fall over Cameron Simcox (St. Clair) 48-6 (Fall 3:15) Semifinal - Kale Weber (Harrisonville) 41-4 won by decision over Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 31-11 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 3 - Jackson Perkins (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 39-5 won by decision over Gabriel Willett (Ste. Genevieve) 28-18 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 3 - Doug Blaha (Blair Oaks) 34-8 won by fall over Tyler Longobardi (Nevada) 40-11 (Fall 2:30) 190 Class 2 Semifinal - Cooper Burnsides (Savannah) 48-7 won by fall over Brock Miller (Chillicothe) 45-5 (Fall 2:59) Semifinal - Brayden Bush (Pleasant Hill) 49-5 won in sudden victory - 1 over Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 41-3 (SV-1 5-3) Cons. Round 3 - Jace Renfro (Seneca) 32-11 won by decision over Kale Nichols (Hallsville) 29-12 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 3 - Dalton Mcbride (Ste. Genevieve) 32-13 won by decision over Gage Fallaw (Moberly) 40-14 (Dec 12-9) 215 Class 2 Semifinal - Brady Kerperin (Blair Oaks) 46-3 won by decision over Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 37-14 (Dec 5-1) Semifinal - Jacob Hanes (Pleasant Hill) 50-3 won by decision over JaDontae Ray (Fulton) 39-5 (Dec 4-0) Cons. Round 3 - Kenneth Johnson (Nevada) 28-13 won by decision over Bo Leatherman (Odessa) 39-16 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 3 - Harold Tsafack (Center) 42-5 won by decision over Aden Martinez (Potosi) 25-11 (Dec 9-3) 285 Class 2 Semifinal - Caleb Groff (Oak Grove) 46-5 won by decision over Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 38-10 (Dec 5-0) Semifinal - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 51-0 won by fall over Shea Eberhardt (Herculaneum) 47-8 (Fall 1:35) Cons. Round 3 - Sam Mcdowell-driskell (Pleasant Hill) 43-10 won by decision over Jacob Schweigert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-5 (Dec 6-3) Cons. Round 3 - Kort Watkins (Maryville) 43-9 won by fall over Dj Glidewell (Cassville) 15-5 (Fall 1:21) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) 106 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Paxton Bruegal (Seneca) 42-10 won by fall over Kaid Shaw (Southern Boone) 27-17 (Fall 2:59) Cons. Round 2 - Brock Arrowood (Osage) 40-9 won by decision over Paxton Crane (Hallsville) 36-12 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 2 - Grant Schuster (Mid-Buchanan) 29-16 won by decision over Victor Schmalz (Pleasant Hill) 29-17 (Dec 7-2) Cons. Round 2 - Lucas Mcmenemy (Clinton) 31-11 won by decision over Aaron Watson (St. Charles West) 32-20 (Dec 8-2) 113 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Shane Pearson (Reeds Spring) 42-10 won by major decision over Blake Marlatt (St. James) 29-14 (MD 9-0) Cons. Round 2 - Carter Shipers (Chillicothe) 45-15 won by fall over Liam Borgsmiller (Orchard Farm) 31-12 (Fall 1:41) Cons. Round 2 - Carter Kempker (Blair Oaks) 30-13 won by major decision over Davion Wilson (Center) 40-13 (MD 14-6) Cons. Round 2 - Drake Meyer (Ste. Genevieve) 43-3 won by fall over Rhett Pollard (Macon) 29-21 (Fall 1:47) 120 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Easton Demilia (Blair Oaks) 50-11 won by decision over Luke Devenney (Harrisonville) 26-20 (Dec 11-8) Cons. Round 2 - Bryant Schwent (Ste. Genevieve) 35-10 won by decision over Jayden Davis (Boonville) 23-23 (Dec 4-1) Cons. Round 2 - Creighton Cook (Savannah) 47-11 won in sudden victory - 1 over Austin Stevick (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 30-24 (SV-1 7-5) Cons. Round 2 - Luke Marlatt (St. James) 37-13 won by decision over Paxton Martin (Hallsville) 41-12 (Dec 6-4) 126 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Eli Manley (Seneca) 41-11 won by decision over Gage Schottel (Savannah) 43-10 (Dec 6-5) Cons. Round 2 - Whit Nichols (Blair Oaks) 44-13 won by decision over Charlie Reid (St. Charles) 34-17 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 2 - Kai Foster (Fulton) 35-17 won by fall over Sam Hecht (Sullivan) 23-23 (Fall 2:30) Cons. Round 2 - Isaiah Basler (Ste. Genevieve) 29-19 won by decision over Grant Leininger (Southern Boone) 34-13 (Dec 13-10) 132 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 42-13 won by fall over Ben Amerman (Kirksville) 38-12 (Fall 0:48) Cons. Round 2 - Antonio Valentine (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 36-7 won by fall over Owen Drury (Ste. Genevieve) 25-18 (Fall 4:00) Cons. Round 2 - Bryson Whitman (Hollister) 24-13 won by fall over Jase Todd (Odessa) 43-12 (Fall 1:25) Cons. Round 2 - Eli Peregoy (Sullivan) 32-10 won by fall over Eric Harmon (Dexter) 33-7 (Fall 4:55) 138 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Lane Patterson (Kirksville) 52-6 won by decision over Troy Gustin (Pleasant Hill) 33-10 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 2 - Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-13 won by fall over Nolan Laughlin (Blair Oaks) 33-17 (Fall 3:34) Cons. Round 2 - Grant VanHorn (Mexico) 44-7 won by fall over Gavin Shoemate (St. Clair) 33-13 (Fall 3:39) Cons. Round 2 - David Riggs (Wright City) 40-13 won by decision over Jackson Snider (Logan-Rogersville) 37-12 (Dec 3-0) 144 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Cole Eppy (Southern Boone) 39-14 won by decision over Ethan Nash (Benton) 41-9 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 2 - Sam Ewing (Pleasant Hill) 52-5 won by fall over Bryce Dominique (Chillicothe) 34-17 (Fall 1:24) Cons. Round 2 - Evan Winters (Ste. Genevieve) 39-7 won by fall over Xavier Flippin (Boonville) 36-14 (Fall 3:22) Cons. Round 2 - Dominic Dowdy (Lutheran St. Charles) 27-12 won by fall over Keaton Reeves (Herculaneum) 40-13 (Fall 2:06) 150 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Gage Jones (Cameron) 52-11 won by fall over John Behrens (St. Charles West) 33-19 (Fall 2:39) Cons. Round 2 - Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 33-10 won by fall over Gabriel Soest (Owensville) 26-26 (Fall 1:10) Cons. Round 2 - Brayden Koenig (Nevada) 26-9 won by decision over Jason Evers (Eldon) 31-18 (Dec 9-7) Cons. Round 2 - Grant Rodriguez (St. James) 40-9 won by decision over Adam Peregoy (Sullivan) 38-10 (Dec 3-2) 157 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Cayden Larson (Chillicothe) 47-12 won by fall over Tristan Thompson (Cassville) 43-12 (Fall 0:51) Cons. Round 2 - Mason Langeneckert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-6 won by fall over Cody Wilfong (St. James) 32-13 (Fall 1:55) Cons. Round 2 - Beau Thompson (Logan-Rogersville) 39-9 won by fall over Kenton Gates (Cameron) 50-9 (Fall 1:44) Cons. Round 2 - Colton Brendel (Sullivan) 41-10 won by fall over Hunter Scoma (Excelsior Springs) 41-10 (Fall 4:04) 165 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Jake Anthonysz (Cassville) 42-9 won by tech fall over Lucas Hulett (Hallsville) 40-11 (TF-1.5 3:00 (15-0)) Cons. Round 2 - Chance Phillips (Savannah) 43-12 won by fall over Hunter Jenkins (Buffalo) 38-11 (Fall 1:21) Cons. Round 2 - Gage St. Clair (Moberly) 43-10 won by decision over Isaac Kauffman (Macon) 34-15 (Dec 7-2) Cons. Round 2 - Nolan Napier (Seneca) 27-18 won by decision over Deron Gipson (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 24-10 (Dec 9-2) 175 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Jackson Perkins (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 39-5 won by decision over Brody Carins (Chillicothe) 50-12 (Dec 4-1) Cons. Round 2 - Gabriel Willett (Ste. Genevieve) 28-18 won by major decision over Lincoln Renfro (Seneca) 32-15 (MD 10-2) Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Longobardi (Nevada) 40-11 won by fall over Carter Wilfong (St. James) 32-12 (Fall 2:59) Cons. Round 2 - Doug Blaha (Blair Oaks) 34-8 won by fall over Josiah Lovelace (Affton) 29-10 (Fall 2:02) 190 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Kale Nichols (Hallsville) 29-12 won by major decision over Dylan Peate (Blair Oaks) 33-17 (MD 9-1) Cons. Round 2 - Jace Renfro (Seneca) 32-11 won by decision over Braeden Stotts (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 5-5 (Dec 5-0) Cons. Round 2 - Gage Fallaw (Moberly) 40-14 won by fall over Daniel Bischoff (Odessa) 25-20 (Fall 3:26) Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Mcbride (Ste. Genevieve) 32-13 won by fall over Jordan Rice (Sullivan) 9-5 (Fall 4:18) 215 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Kenneth Johnson (Nevada) 28-13 won by decision over Paul Viena (Cameron) 54-9 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 2 - Bo Leatherman (Odessa) 39-16 won by fall over Luke Hornburg (Westminster Christian Academy) 38-21 (Fall 0:55) Cons. Round 2 - Harold Tsafack (Center) 42-5 won by decision over Derron Perkins (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 23-12 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Round 2 - Aden Martinez (Potosi) 25-11 won by fall over Thomas Palmer (St. Charles) 38-12 (Fall 2:26) 285 Class 2 Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Schweigert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-5 won by decision over Tanner Gardener (Osage) 39-8 (Dec 2-0) Cons. Round 2 - Sam Mcdowell-driskell (Pleasant Hill) 43-10 won by medical forfeit over Eben Crain (Reeds Spring) 43-6 (M. For.) Cons. Round 2 - Kort Watkins (Maryville) 43-9 won by fall over Garrett Hufstedler (Fulton) 34-16 (Fall 0:31) Cons. Round 2 - Dj Glidewell (Cassville) 15-5 won by decision over Hayden Shoemaker (Owensville) 52-5 (Dec 11-6) Quarters (16 Man) 106 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Parker Lutz (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 39-13 won by fall over Lucas Mcmenemy (Clinton) 31-11 (Fall 1:54) Quarterfinal - Landon Scarborough (Odessa) 42-10 won by decision over Victor Schmalz (Pleasant Hill) 29-17 (Dec 4-2) Quarterfinal - Cole Blattner (Fulton) 50-0 won by tech fall over Brock Arrowood (Osage) 40-9 (TF-1.5 5:02 (15-0)) Quarterfinal - Dylan Pratt (Cameron) 51-5 won by tech fall over Paxton Bruegal (Seneca) 42-10 (TF-1.5 2:46 (17-1)) 113 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Cooper Collins (Excelsior Springs) 40-7 won by decision over Drake Meyer (Ste. Genevieve) 43-3 (Dec 9-6) Quarterfinal - Justin Schutter (Kirksville) 38-12 won by tech fall over Carter Kempker (Blair Oaks) 30-13 (TF-1.5 2:57 (16-0)) Quarterfinal - Jesiah Simmons (Eldon) 37-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Liam Borgsmiller (Orchard Farm) 31-12 (SV-1 6-4) Quarterfinal - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 38-3 won by fall over Blake Marlatt (St. James) 29-14 (Fall 2:58) 120 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Ryan Meek (St. Clair) 43-1 won by tech fall over Paxton Martin (Hallsville) 41-12 (TF-1.5 3:39 (17-0)) Quarterfinal - Simon Hartline (Monett) 46-5 won by fall over Creighton Cook (Savannah) 47-11 (Fall 1:19) Quarterfinal - Austyn Hunter (Kirksville) 49-8 won by decision over Bryant Schwent (Ste. Genevieve) 35-10 (Dec 5-0) Quarterfinal - Gabe Studdard (Odessa) 33-15 won by fall over Easton Demilia (Blair Oaks) 50-11 (Fall 1:46) 126 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Micah Danner (Excelsior Springs) 23-10 won by fall over Grant Leininger (Southern Boone) 34-13 (Fall 0:36) Quarterfinal - Caleb Husch (Cameron) 62-1 won by fall over Kai Foster (Fulton) 35-17 (Fall 1:32) Quarterfinal - Caiden Davison (Odessa) 43-11 won by fall over Charlie Reid (St. Charles) 34-17 (Fall 1:59) Quarterfinal - Chris Sullivan (Harrisonville) 46-4 won by decision over Gage Schottel (Savannah) 43-10 (Dec 8-1) 132 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Akhilleus Arguelles (Cassville) 18-4 won by fall over Eric Harmon (Dexter) 33-7 (Fall 4:48) Quarterfinal - Levi Perry-South (St. Charles) 40-9 won by fall over Bryson Whitman (Hollister) 24-13 (Fall 2:45) Quarterfinal - Brady Roark (Seneca) 56-0 won by fall over Antonio Valentine (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 36-7 (Fall 0:59) Quarterfinal - Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 33-15 won by fall over Ben Amerman (Kirksville) 38-12 (Fall 3:08) 138 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Gage Gross (Ste. Genevieve) 15-5 won by decision over Jackson Snider (Logan-Rogersville) 37-12 (Dec 8-4) Quarterfinal - Chase Short (Cameron) 58-2 won by decision over Grant VanHorn (Mexico) 44-7 (Dec 7-5) Quarterfinal - Parker Crane (Hallsville) 50-7 won by major decision over Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-13 (MD 8-0) Quarterfinal - Gable Gross (Odessa) 47-10 won by decision over Troy Gustin (Pleasant Hill) 33-10 (Dec 9-2) 144 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Lincoln LaFave (Savannah) 39-17 won by major decision over Keaton Reeves (Herculaneum) 40-13 (MD 18-8) Quarterfinal - Andrew Manley (Seneca) 48-5 won by fall over Xavier Flippin (Boonville) 36-14 (Fall 5:57) Quarterfinal - Gavynn Carpenter (Hallsville) 48-3 won by decision over Sam Ewing (Pleasant Hill) 52-5 (Dec 5-1) Quarterfinal - Colton Roark (Cassville) 47-10 won by tech fall over Ethan Nash (Benton) 41-9 (TF-1.5 3:51 (17-2)) 150 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Riley James (Cassville) 37-10 won by decision over Grant Rodriguez (St. James) 40-9 (Dec 6-2) Quarterfinal - Bishop Rush (Benton) 49-5 won by fall over Brayden Koenig (Nevada) 26-9 (Fall 3:29) Quarterfinal - Hunter Jennings (Southern Boone) 43-5 won by decision over Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 33-10 (Dec 8-5) Quarterfinal - Garrett Lyons (Pleasant Hill) 48-3 won by fall over Gage Jones (Cameron) 52-11 (Fall 2:32) 157 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Brock Woodcock (St. Clair) 53-0 won by fall over Hunter Scoma (Excelsior Springs) 41-10 (Fall 1:22) Quarterfinal - Elijah Brocksmith (Fulton) 44-10 won in tie breaker - 1 over Beau Thompson (Logan-Rogersville) 39-9 (TB-1 4-2) Quarterfinal - Lane Snyder (Pleasant Hill) 48-5 won by decision over Mason Langeneckert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-6 (Dec 6-4) Quarterfinal - Dominic Cahalan (Kirksville) 37-8 won by decision over Cayden Larson (Chillicothe) 47-12 (Dec 6-2) 165 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-10 won by decision over Nolan Napier (Seneca) 27-18 (Dec 8-3) Quarterfinal - Zach Rackers (Blair Oaks) 53-1 won by major decision over Isaac Kauffman (Macon) 34-15 (MD 11-3) Quarterfinal - Ethan Phillips (Oak Grove) 46-10 won by fall over Hunter Jenkins (Buffalo) 38-11 (Fall 0:59) Quarterfinal - Jay Greiner (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 59-0 won by decision over Jake Anthonysz (Cassville) 42-9 (Dec 6-0) 175 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Cameron Simcox (St. Clair) 48-6 won by fall over Doug Blaha (Blair Oaks) 34-8 (Fall 3:34) Quarterfinal - Zane Palmer (Odessa) 51-4 won by fall over Tyler Longobardi (Nevada) 40-11 (Fall 1:35) Quarterfinal - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 31-11 won by fall over Lincoln Renfro (Seneca) 32-15 (Fall 0:39) Quarterfinal - Kale Weber (Harrisonville) 41-4 won by fall over Jackson Perkins (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 39-5 (Fall 5:36) 190 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Cooper Burnsides (Savannah) 48-7 won by fall over Jordan Rice (Sullivan) 9-5 (Fall 2:49) Quarterfinal - Brock Miller (Chillicothe) 45-5 won by fall over Gage Fallaw (Moberly) 40-14 (Fall 1:28) Quarterfinal - Brayden Bush (Pleasant Hill) 49-5 won by tech fall over Braeden Stotts (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 5-5 (TF-1.5 3:22 (17-2)) Quarterfinal - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 41-3 won by fall over Kale Nichols (Hallsville) 29-12 (Fall 0:43) 215 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 37-14 won by fall over Thomas Palmer (St. Charles) 38-12 (Fall 3:48) Quarterfinal - Brady Kerperin (Blair Oaks) 46-3 won by fall over Harold Tsafack (Center) 42-5 (Fall 3:09) Quarterfinal - JaDontae Ray (Fulton) 39-5 won in tie breaker - 1 over Bo Leatherman (Odessa) 39-16 (TB-1 2-1) Quarterfinal - Jacob Hanes (Pleasant Hill) 50-3 won by decision over Paul Viena (Cameron) 54-9 (Dec 5-0) 285 Class 2 Quarterfinal - Caleb Groff (Oak Grove) 46-5 won by decision over Hayden Shoemaker (Owensville) 52-5 (Dec 7-4) Quarterfinal - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 38-10 won by fall over Garrett Hufstedler (Fulton) 34-16 (Fall 2:58) Quarterfinal - Shea Eberhardt (Herculaneum) 47-8 won by injury default over Eben Crain (Reeds Spring) 43-6 (Inj. 2:13) Quarterfinal - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 51-0 won by fall over Jacob Schweigert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-5 (Fall 1:45) 1st WB (16 Man) 106 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Kaid Shaw (Southern Boone) 27-17 won by fall over Camden Henderson (Sullivan) 25-14 (Fall 0:59) Cons. Round 1 - Paxton Crane (Hallsville) 36-12 won by fall over Tyler Pieper (Herculaneum) 16-23 (Fall 0:23) Cons. Round 1 - Grant Schuster (Mid-Buchanan) 29-16 won by fall over Jace Amschler (Ste. Genevieve) 14-17 (Fall 0:51) Cons. Round 1 - Aaron Watson (St. Charles West) 32-20 won by fall over William Nick (Central (Park Hills)) 21-19 (Fall 4:20) 113 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Shane Pearson (Reeds Spring) 42-10 won by fall over Keegan Koons (Mexico) 21-25 (Fall 1:44) Cons. Round 1 - Carter Shipers (Chillicothe) 45-15 won by fall over Samuel Mullins (Central (Park Hills)) 21-24 (Fall 0:59) Cons. Round 1 - Davion Wilson (Center) 40-13 won by decision over Carter Blankenship (Sullivan) 27-19 (Dec 8-2) Cons. Round 1 - Rhett Pollard (Macon) 29-21 won by fall over Zac Green (Osage) 33-13 (Fall 2:57) 120 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Luke Devenney (Harrisonville) 26-20 won by decision over River Meadows (Cameron) 46-11 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 1 - Jayden Davis (Boonville) 23-23 won by fall over Gavin Patterson (Kennett) 22-10 (Fall 3:39) Cons. Round 1 - Austin Stevick (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 30-24 won by decision over Aiden Minor (Pleasant Hill) 25-16 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Round 1 - Luke Marlatt (St. James) 37-13 won by decision over Edmond Roberts (Moberly) 31-24 (Dec 4-1) 126 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Eli Manley (Seneca) 41-11 won by decision over Josh Hurt (Herculaneum) 38-13 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 1 - Whit Nichols (Blair Oaks) 44-13 won by fall over Conrad Purnell (Dexter) 14-24 (Fall 3:41) Cons. Round 1 - Sam Hecht (Sullivan) 23-23 won by fall over Samuel Simmons (Eldon) 24-15 (Fall 2:25) Cons. Round 1 - Isaiah Basler (Ste. Genevieve) 29-19 won by decision over Watson Azdell (Mexico) 22-17 (Dec 6-1) 132 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 42-13 won by fall over Gavyn Martin (Mexico) 25-7 (Fall 1:10) Cons. Round 1 - Owen Drury (Ste. Genevieve) 25-18 won by decision over Ryne Marcum (Excelsior Springs) 29-7 (Dec 8-2) Cons. Round 1 - Jase Todd (Odessa) 43-12 won by fall over Landon Morris (Moberly) 42-10 (Fall 4:32) Cons. Round 1 - Eli Peregoy (Sullivan) 32-10 won by major decision over Bradyn Huhn (Blair Oaks) 33-23 (MD 13-5) 138 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Lane Patterson (Kirksville) 52-6 won by fall over Trevor Green (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 22-24 (Fall 0:44) Cons. Round 1 - Nolan Laughlin (Blair Oaks) 33-17 won by fall over Dylan Schacht (St. James) 13-19 (Fall 4:01) Cons. Round 1 - Gavin Shoemate (St. Clair) 33-13 won by fall over Joseph Fahnstock (Nevada) 37-16 (Fall 0:44) Cons. Round 1 - David Riggs (Wright City) 40-13 won by fall over Dominic Ransom (Sullivan) 33-10 (Fall 2:05) 144 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Cole Eppy (Southern Boone) 39-14 won by fall over Jonathon Etzel (Eldon) 25-13 (Fall 3:57) Cons. Round 1 - Bryce Dominique (Chillicothe) 34-17 won by major decision over Ryan Young (Dexter) 23-17 (MD 19-7) Cons. Round 1 - Evan Winters (Ste. Genevieve) 39-7 won by fall over Jakob Gray (Cameron) 37-19 (Fall 2:08) Cons. Round 1 - Dominic Dowdy (Lutheran St. Charles) 27-12 won by fall over Draysen Nolie (Sullivan) 15-28 (Fall 0:45) 150 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - John Behrens (St. Charles West) 33-19 won by fall over Mason Evans (Marshall) 22-18 (Fall 1:58) Cons. Round 1 - Gabriel Soest (Owensville) 26-26 won by medical forfeit over Kaden Barnes (Fulton) 16-10 (M. For.) Cons. Round 1 - Jason Evers (Eldon) 31-18 won by medical forfeit over Kasen Forkum (Dexter) 14-7 (M. For.) Cons. Round 1 - Adam Peregoy (Sullivan) 38-10 won by decision over Stephone Cody (Normandy Collaborative) 31-7 (Dec 11-6) 157 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Tristan Thompson (Cassville) 43-12 won by decision over Jacob Plummer (Hallsville) 38-15 (Dec 9-5) Cons. Round 1 - Cody Wilfong (St. James) 32-13 won by decision over Brenden Marquess (Marshall) 25-16 (Dec 8-1) Cons. Round 1 - Kenton Gates (Cameron) 50-9 won by decision over Bodie Legan (Macon) 35-13 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 1 - Colton Brendel (Sullivan) 41-10 won by fall over Landon Commons (Seneca) 10-12 (Fall 1:27) 165 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Lucas Hulett (Hallsville) 40-11 won by major decision over Connor Sikes (St. Clair) 29-15 (MD 14-0) Cons. Round 1 - Chance Phillips (Savannah) 43-12 won by fall over Madden Wolk (Ste. Genevieve) 35-21 (Fall 1:22) Cons. Round 1 - Gage St. Clair (Moberly) 43-10 won by fall over Wieland Schmuke (Sullivan) 19-16 (Fall 1:56) Cons. Round 1 - Deron Gipson (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 24-10 won by fall over Marlo James (Normandy Collaborative) 44-12 (Fall 0:49) 175 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Brody Carins (Chillicothe) 50-12 won by fall over Ethan Prewitt (Macon) 25-23 (Fall 1:46) Cons. Round 1 - Gabriel Willett (Ste. Genevieve) 28-18 won by decision over Ervin Perryman (Normandy Collaborative) 40-19 (Dec 4-0) Cons. Round 1 - Carter Wilfong (St. James) 32-12 won by fall over Calvin Gross (Lutheran St. Charles) 35-7 (Fall 1:17) Cons. Round 1 - Josiah Lovelace (Affton) 29-10 won by fall over Nick Slover (St. Charles West) 28-18 (Fall 0:49) 190 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Dylan Peate (Blair Oaks) 33-17 won by decision over Aiden McDaniel (Southern Boone) 29-25 (Dec 8-5) Cons. Round 1 - Jace Renfro (Seneca) 32-11 won by fall over Nehemiah Oginni (Westminster Christian Academy) 26-22 (Fall 1:52) Cons. Round 1 - Daniel Bischoff (Odessa) 25-20 won by decision over Ninove Omehele (Kirksville) 37-18 (Dec 12-7) Cons. Round 1 - Dalton Mcbride (Ste. Genevieve) 32-13 received a bye () (Bye) 215 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Kenneth Johnson (Nevada) 28-13 won by fall over Jeremiah Rodriguez (Sullivan) 25-15 (Fall 4:54) Cons. Round 1 - Luke Hornburg (Westminster Christian Academy) 38-21 won by decision over Dalton Arndt (Mexico) 26-15 (Dec 2-1) Cons. Round 1 - Derron Perkins (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 23-12 won by decision over Davin Agee (Logan-Rogersville) 25-14 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Round 1 - Aden Martinez (Potosi) 25-11 won by fall over Hayden Burns (Macon) 27-23 (Fall 1:38) 285 Class 2 Cons. Round 1 - Tanner Gardener (Osage) 39-8 won by fall over Reggie Thomas (STEAM Academy-MSB) 24-22 (Fall 2:18) Cons. Round 1 - Sam Mcdowell-driskell (Pleasant Hill) 43-10 won by fall over Kolin Simpson (Dexter) 18-10 (Fall 2:16) Cons. Round 1 - Kort Watkins (Maryville) 43-9 won by fall over Rhett Wilborn (Moberly) 27-20 (Fall 1:33) Cons. Round 1 - Dj Glidewell (Cassville) 15-5 won by fall over Ryder Comegys (Boonville) 24-23 (Fall 0:33) Round 1 (16 Man) 106 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Lucas Mcmenemy (Clinton) 31-11 won by fall over Camden Henderson (Sullivan) 25-14 (Fall 5:10) Champ. Round 1 - Parker Lutz (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 39-13 won by fall over Kaid Shaw (Southern Boone) 27-17 (Fall 0:48) Champ. Round 1 - Victor Schmalz (Pleasant Hill) 29-17 won by fall over Tyler Pieper (Herculaneum) 16-23 (Fall 0:07) Champ. Round 1 - Landon Scarborough (Odessa) 42-10 won by major decision over Paxton Crane (Hallsville) 36-12 (MD 11-1) Champ. Round 1 - Cole Blattner (Fulton) 50-0 won by tech fall over Grant Schuster (Mid-Buchanan) 29-16 (TF-1.5 3:46 (15-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Brock Arrowood (Osage) 40-9 won by fall over Jace Amschler (Ste. Genevieve) 14-17 (Fall 1:27) Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Pratt (Cameron) 51-5 won by fall over Aaron Watson (St. Charles West) 32-20 (Fall 1:52) Champ. Round 1 - Paxton Bruegal (Seneca) 42-10 won by fall over William Nick (Central (Park Hills)) 21-19 (Fall 4:00) 113 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Drake Meyer (Ste. Genevieve) 43-3 won by fall over Keegan Koons (Mexico) 21-25 (Fall 0:22) Champ. Round 1 - Cooper Collins (Excelsior Springs) 40-7 won by fall over Shane Pearson (Reeds Spring) 42-10 (Fall 3:32) Champ. Round 1 - Justin Schutter (Kirksville) 38-12 won by fall over Samuel Mullins (Central (Park Hills)) 21-24 (Fall 1:02) Champ. Round 1 - Carter Kempker (Blair Oaks) 30-13 won by fall over Carter Shipers (Chillicothe) 45-15 (Fall 2:00) Champ. Round 1 - Jesiah Simmons (Eldon) 37-6 won by decision over Davion Wilson (Center) 40-13 (Dec 8-1) Champ. Round 1 - Liam Borgsmiller (Orchard Farm) 31-12 won by fall over Carter Blankenship (Sullivan) 27-19 (Fall 5:02) Champ. Round 1 - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 38-3 won by fall over Zac Green (Osage) 33-13 (Fall 0:53) Champ. Round 1 - Blake Marlatt (St. James) 29-14 won by fall over Rhett Pollard (Macon) 29-21 (Fall 0:18) 120 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Ryan Meek (St. Clair) 43-1 won by decision over Luke Devenney (Harrisonville) 26-20 (Dec 6-0) Champ. Round 1 - Paxton Martin (Hallsville) 41-12 won by fall over River Meadows (Cameron) 46-11 (Fall 1:48) Champ. Round 1 - Simon Hartline (Monett) 46-5 won by fall over Gavin Patterson (Kennett) 22-10 (Fall 0:35) Champ. Round 1 - Creighton Cook (Savannah) 47-11 won by major decision over Jayden Davis (Boonville) 23-23 (MD 14-5) Champ. Round 1 - Austyn Hunter (Kirksville) 49-8 won by fall over Austin Stevick (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 30-24 (Fall 1:54) Champ. Round 1 - Bryant Schwent (Ste. Genevieve) 35-10 won by fall over Aiden Minor (Pleasant Hill) 25-16 (Fall 4:57) Champ. Round 1 - Gabe Studdard (Odessa) 33-15 won by fall over Edmond Roberts (Moberly) 31-24 (Fall 5:25) Champ. Round 1 - Easton Demilia (Blair Oaks) 50-11 won by major decision over Luke Marlatt (St. James) 37-13 (MD 11-2) 126 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Micah Danner (Excelsior Springs) 23-10 won by fall over Josh Hurt (Herculaneum) 38-13 (Fall 1:21) Champ. Round 1 - Grant Leininger (Southern Boone) 34-13 won by decision over Eli Manley (Seneca) 41-11 (Dec 11-9) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Husch (Cameron) 62-1 won by fall over Conrad Purnell (Dexter) 14-24 (Fall 0:35) Champ. Round 1 - Kai Foster (Fulton) 35-17 won by major decision over Whit Nichols (Blair Oaks) 44-13 (MD 13-4) Champ. Round 1 - Charlie Reid (St. Charles) 34-17 won by decision over Samuel Simmons (Eldon) 24-15 (Dec 9-6) Champ. Round 1 - Caiden Davison (Odessa) 43-11 won by fall over Sam Hecht (Sullivan) 23-23 (Fall 1:26) Champ. Round 1 - Chris Sullivan (Harrisonville) 46-4 won by fall over Watson Azdell (Mexico) 22-17 (Fall 0:25) Champ. Round 1 - Gage Schottel (Savannah) 43-10 won by decision over Isaiah Basler (Ste. Genevieve) 29-19 (Dec 6-3) 132 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Eric Harmon (Dexter) 33-7 won by fall over Gavyn Martin (Mexico) 25-7 (Fall 5:06) Champ. Round 1 - Akhilleus Arguelles (Cassville) 18-4 won by decision over Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 42-13 (Dec 9-5) Champ. Round 1 - Levi Perry-South (St. Charles) 40-9 won by fall over Owen Drury (Ste. Genevieve) 25-18 (Fall 1:44) Champ. Round 1 - Bryson Whitman (Hollister) 24-13 won by fall over Ryne Marcum (Excelsior Springs) 29-7 (Fall 3:40) Champ. Round 1 - Brady Roark (Seneca) 56-0 won by fall over Jase Todd (Odessa) 43-12 (Fall 1:14) Champ. Round 1 - Antonio Valentine (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 36-7 won by decision over Landon Morris (Moberly) 42-10 (Dec 8-4) Champ. Round 1 - Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 33-15 won by tech fall over Bradyn Huhn (Blair Oaks) 33-23 (TF-1.5 5:04 (15-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Ben Amerman (Kirksville) 38-12 won by decision over Eli Peregoy (Sullivan) 32-10 (Dec 6-3) 138 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Gage Gross (Ste. Genevieve) 15-5 won by fall over Trevor Green (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 22-24 (Fall 1:16) Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Snider (Logan-Rogersville) 37-12 won by decision over Lane Patterson (Kirksville) 52-6 (Dec 5-4) Champ. Round 1 - Chase Short (Cameron) 58-2 won by fall over Dylan Schacht (St. James) 13-19 (Fall 2:21) Champ. Round 1 - Grant VanHorn (Mexico) 44-7 won by major decision over Nolan Laughlin (Blair Oaks) 33-17 (MD 13-1) Champ. Round 1 - Parker Crane (Hallsville) 50-7 won by tech fall over Joseph Fahnstock (Nevada) 37-16 (TF-1.5 5:56 (16-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-13 won by fall over Gavin Shoemate (St. Clair) 33-13 (Fall 2:12) Champ. Round 1 - Troy Gustin (Pleasant Hill) 33-10 won by fall over David Riggs (Wright City) 40-13 (Fall 1:15) Champ. Round 1 - Gable Gross (Odessa) 47-10 won by fall over Dominic Ransom (Sullivan) 33-10 (Fall 1:13) 144 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Keaton Reeves (Herculaneum) 40-13 won by decision over Jonathon Etzel (Eldon) 25-13 (Dec 7-6) Champ. Round 1 - Lincoln LaFave (Savannah) 39-17 won by decision over Cole Eppy (Southern Boone) 39-14 (Dec 7-5) Champ. Round 1 - Andrew Manley (Seneca) 48-5 won by fall over Ryan Young (Dexter) 23-17 (Fall 2:31) Champ. Round 1 - Xavier Flippin (Boonville) 36-14 won by decision over Bryce Dominique (Chillicothe) 34-17 (Dec 12-10) Champ. Round 1 - Gavynn Carpenter (Hallsville) 48-3 won by fall over Jakob Gray (Cameron) 37-19 (Fall 3:00) Champ. Round 1 - Sam Ewing (Pleasant Hill) 52-5 won by fall over Evan Winters (Ste. Genevieve) 39-7 (Fall 0:48) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Nash (Benton) 41-9 won by tech fall over Dominic Dowdy (Lutheran St. Charles) 27-12 (TF-1.5 4:23 (19-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Colton Roark (Cassville) 47-10 won by fall over Draysen Nolie (Sullivan) 15-28 (Fall 0:54) 150 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Grant Rodriguez (St. James) 40-9 won by fall over Mason Evans (Marshall) 22-18 (Fall 2:36) Champ. Round 1 - Riley James (Cassville) 37-10 won by fall over John Behrens (St. Charles West) 33-19 (Fall 4:31) Champ. Round 1 - Bishop Rush (Benton) 49-5 won by fall over Gabriel Soest (Owensville) 26-26 (Fall 1:52) Champ. Round 1 - Brayden Koenig (Nevada) 26-9 won by fall over Kaden Barnes (Fulton) 16-10 (Fall 5:37) Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Jennings (Southern Boone) 43-5 won by fall over Jason Evers (Eldon) 31-18 (Fall 3:57) Champ. Round 1 - Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 33-10 won by injury default over Kasen Forkum (Dexter) 14-7 (Inj. 3:36) Champ. Round 1 - Garrett Lyons (Pleasant Hill) 48-3 won by fall over Stephone Cody (Normandy Collaborative) 31-7 (Fall 3:09) Champ. Round 1 - Gage Jones (Cameron) 52-11 won by fall over Adam Peregoy (Sullivan) 38-10 (Fall 3:26) 157 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Brock Woodcock (St. Clair) 53-0 won by fall over Jacob Plummer (Hallsville) 38-15 (Fall 1:04) Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Scoma (Excelsior Springs) 41-10 won by decision over Tristan Thompson (Cassville) 43-12 (Dec 4-3) Champ. Round 1 - Elijah Brocksmith (Fulton) 44-10 won by fall over Cody Wilfong (St. James) 32-13 (Fall 3:15) Champ. Round 1 - Beau Thompson (Logan-Rogersville) 39-9 won by decision over Brenden Marquess (Marshall) 25-16 (Dec 5-4) Champ. Round 1 - Lane Snyder (Pleasant Hill) 48-5 won by fall over Kenton Gates (Cameron) 50-9 (Fall 3:20) Champ. Round 1 - Mason Langeneckert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-6 won by fall over Bodie Legan (Macon) 35-13 (Fall 3:52) Champ. Round 1 - Cayden Larson (Chillicothe) 47-12 won by fall over Landon Commons (Seneca) 10-12 (Fall 0:00) Champ. Round 1 - Dominic Cahalan (Kirksville) 37-8 won by decision over Colton Brendel (Sullivan) 41-10 (Dec 12-9) 165 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Nolan Napier (Seneca) 27-18 won by fall over Connor Sikes (St. Clair) 29-15 (Fall 3:43) Champ. Round 1 - Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-10 won by fall over Lucas Hulett (Hallsville) 40-11 (Fall 4:00) Champ. Round 1 - Zach Rackers (Blair Oaks) 53-1 won by fall over Madden Wolk (Ste. Genevieve) 35-21 (Fall 1:07) Champ. Round 1 - Isaac Kauffman (Macon) 34-15 won by fall over Chance Phillips (Savannah) 43-12 (Fall 4:57) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Phillips (Oak Grove) 46-10 won by decision over Gage St. Clair (Moberly) 43-10 (Dec 7-3) Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Jenkins (Buffalo) 38-11 won by decision over Wieland Schmuke (Sullivan) 19-16 (Dec 8-1) Champ. Round 1 - Jay Greiner (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 59-0 won by fall over Marlo James (Normandy Collaborative) 44-12 (Fall 1:25) Champ. Round 1 - Jake Anthonysz (Cassville) 42-9 won by fall over Deron Gipson (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 24-10 (Fall 1:15) 175 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Cameron Simcox (St. Clair) 48-6 won by decision over Brody Carins (Chillicothe) 50-12 (Dec 7-4) Champ. Round 1 - Doug Blaha (Blair Oaks) 34-8 won by fall over Ethan Prewitt (Macon) 25-23 (Fall 3:38) Champ. Round 1 - Zane Palmer (Odessa) 51-4 won by fall over Gabriel Willett (Ste. Genevieve) 28-18 (Fall 1:05) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Longobardi (Nevada) 40-11 won by fall over Ervin Perryman (Normandy Collaborative) 40-19 (Fall 1:59) Champ. Round 1 - Lincoln Renfro (Seneca) 32-15 won by fall over Calvin Gross (Lutheran St. Charles) 35-7 (Fall 1:51) Champ. Round 1 - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 31-11 won by fall over Carter Wilfong (St. James) 32-12 (Fall 1:24) Champ. Round 1 - Kale Weber (Harrisonville) 41-4 won by fall over Nick Slover (St. Charles West) 28-18 (Fall 0:20) Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Perkins (Lafayette (St. Joseph)) 39-5 won by fall over Josiah Lovelace (Affton) 29-10 (Fall 3:25) 190 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Jordan Rice (Sullivan) 9-5 won by fall over Aiden McDaniel (Southern Boone) 29-25 (Fall 3:11) Champ. Round 1 - Cooper Burnsides (Savannah) 48-7 won by fall over Dylan Peate (Blair Oaks) 33-17 (Fall 0:51) Champ. Round 1 - Gage Fallaw (Moberly) 40-14 won by fall over Nehemiah Oginni (Westminster Christian Academy) 26-22 (Fall 1:21) Champ. Round 1 - Brock Miller (Chillicothe) 45-5 won by decision over Jace Renfro (Seneca) 32-11 (Dec 4-2) Champ. Round 1 - Brayden Bush (Pleasant Hill) 49-5 won by fall over Daniel Bischoff (Odessa) 25-20 (Fall 0:22) Champ. Round 1 - Braeden Stotts (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 5-5 won by decision over Ninove Omehele (Kirksville) 37-18 (Dec 6-5) Champ. Round 1 - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 41-3 received a bye () (Bye) Champ. Round 1 - Kale Nichols (Hallsville) 29-12 won by fall over Dalton Mcbride (Ste. Genevieve) 32-13 (Fall 1:47) 215 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 37-14 won by decision over Jeremiah Rodriguez (Sullivan) 25-15 (Dec 10-3) Champ. Round 1 - Thomas Palmer (St. Charles) 38-12 won by decision over Kenneth Johnson (Nevada) 28-13 (Dec 5-2) Champ. Round 1 - Harold Tsafack (Center) 42-5 won by fall over Luke Hornburg (Westminster Christian Academy) 38-21 (Fall 2:57) Champ. Round 1 - Brady Kerperin (Blair Oaks) 46-3 won by fall over Dalton Arndt (Mexico) 26-15 (Fall 3:53) Champ. Round 1 - JaDontae Ray (Fulton) 39-5 won by fall over Davin Agee (Logan-Rogersville) 25-14 (Fall 5:11) Champ. Round 1 - Bo Leatherman (Odessa) 39-16 won by fall over Derron Perkins (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 23-12 (Fall 3:06) Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Hanes (Pleasant Hill) 50-3 won by fall over Hayden Burns (Macon) 27-23 (Fall 1:15) Champ. Round 1 - Paul Viena (Cameron) 54-9 won by fall over Aden Martinez (Potosi) 25-11 (Fall 0:58) 285 Class 2 Champ. Round 1 - Hayden Shoemaker (Owensville) 52-5 won by fall over Reggie Thomas (STEAM Academy-MSB) 24-22 (Fall 1:09) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Groff (Oak Grove) 46-5 won by decision over Tanner Gardener (Osage) 39-8 (Dec 7-1) Champ. Round 1 - Garrett Hufstedler (Fulton) 34-16 won by fall over Kolin Simpson (Dexter) 18-10 (Fall 4:30) Champ. Round 1 - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 38-10 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Sam Mcdowell-driskell (Pleasant Hill) 43-10 (UTB 3-2) Champ. Round 1 - Eben Crain (Reeds Spring) 43-6 won by fall over Kort Watkins (Maryville) 43-9 (Fall 5:10) Champ. Round 1 - Shea Eberhardt (Herculaneum) 47-8 won by fall over Rhett Wilborn (Moberly) 27-20 (Fall 2:38) Champ. Round 1 - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel Catholic) 51-0 won by fall over Dj Glidewell (Cassville) 15-5 (Fall 1:06) Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Schweigert (Ste. Genevieve) 36-5 won by fall over Ryder Comegys (Boonville) 24-23 (Fall 1:32)