Sports and Activities 2012 MSHSAA Championship Results - Class 1 Find School MSHSAA Member/AffiliateNon-Member School Go   cancel Find School Girls Class 1 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 2011-2012 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 Class Class 1 2 3 4 Championship Team Scores Individual Championship Results Copy Results HTML to Clipboard 106 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Quintin Lewis (Carrollton ) 29-2 won by pin over Caleb Osborn (Lathrop ) 54-2 (Pin 0:56) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Dillan DeRosier (Rock Port ) 40-8 won by decision over Carlos Gonzalez (Trenton ) 40-11 (Dec 9-7) 5th Place Match - Jake Gipson (Plattsburg ) 25-9 won by major decision over Daniel McCarthy (St. James ) 40-11 (Maj 20-6) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Dillan DeRosier (Rock Port ) 40-8 won by decision over Jake Gipson (Plattsburg ) 25-9 (Dec 7-3) Cons. Semi - Carlos Gonzalez (Trenton ) 40-11 won by major decision over Daniel McCarthy (St. James ) 40-11 (Maj 11-1) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Caleb Osborn (Lathrop ) 54-2 won by pin over Dillan DeRosier (Rock Port ) 40-8 (Pin 1:29) Semifinal - Quintin Lewis (Carrollton ) 29-2 won by pin over Carlos Gonzalez (Trenton ) 40-11 (Pin 2:29) Cons. Round 3 - Jake Gipson (Plattsburg ) 25-9 won by decision over Taylor Rogalski (Knob Noster) 20-15 (Dec 11-5) Cons. Round 3 - Daniel McCarthy (St. James ) 40-11 won in overtime over Savanna Nobile (Richmond ) 26-17 (OT 8-6) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Jake Gipson (Plattsburg ) 25-9 won by decision over Jakob Laing (Holden) 30-19 (Dec 9-2) Cons. Round 2 - Taylor Rogalski (Knob Noster) 20-15 won by decision over Jordan Souders (South Harrison ) 26-12 (Dec 8-7) Cons. Round 2 - Daniel McCarthy (St. James ) 40-11 won by pin over Marshall Wilson (Warsaw ) 28-14 (Pin 3:00) Cons. Round 2 - Savanna Nobile (Richmond ) 26-17 won by decision over Nathan Long (Versailles ) 24-19 (Dec 1-0) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Dillan DeRosier (Rock Port ) 40-8 won by pin over Nathan Long (Versailles ) 24-19 (Pin 4:12) Quarterfinal - Caleb Osborn (Lathrop ) 54-2 won by pin over Marshall Wilson (Warsaw ) 28-14 (Pin 0:30) Quarterfinal - Quintin Lewis (Carrollton ) 29-2 won by pin over Taylor Rogalski (Knob Noster) 20-15 (Pin 3:40) Quarterfinal - Carlos Gonzalez (Trenton ) 40-11 won by decision over Jakob Laing (Holden) 30-19 (Dec 15-10) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Jake Gipson (Plattsburg ) 25-9 won by forfeit over Bryce Smith (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 22-7 (FF) Cons. Round 1 - Jordan Souders (South Harrison ) 26-12 won by major decision over Lucas Jones (Brentwood ) 30-15 (Maj 19-7) Cons. Round 1 - Daniel McCarthy (St. James ) 40-11 won by pin over Blaine Sportsman (Brookfield ) 26-23 (Pin 3:42) Cons. Round 1 - Savanna Nobile (Richmond ) 26-17 won by decision over Saad Raza (Whitfield ) 12-38 (Dec 7-2) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Nathan Long (Versailles ) 24-19 won by forfeit over Bryce Smith (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 22-7 (FF) Champ. Round 1 - Dillan DeRosier (Rock Port ) 40-8 won by decision over Jake Gipson (Plattsburg ) 25-9 (Dec 8-6) Champ. Round 1 - Marshall Wilson (Warsaw ) 28-14 won by pin over Lucas Jones (Brentwood ) 30-15 (Pin 2:41) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Osborn (Lathrop ) 54-2 won by major decision over Jordan Souders (South Harrison ) 26-12 (Maj 16-3) Champ. Round 1 - Quintin Lewis (Carrollton ) 29-2 won by pin over Blaine Sportsman (Brookfield ) 26-23 (Pin 1:16) Champ. Round 1 - Taylor Rogalski (Knob Noster) 20-15 won by decision over Daniel McCarthy (St. James ) 40-11 (Dec 10-5) Champ. Round 1 - Carlos Gonzalez (Trenton ) 40-11 won by pin over Savanna Nobile (Richmond ) 26-17 (Pin 2:57) Champ. Round 1 - Jakob Laing (Holden) 30-19 won by pin over Saad Raza (Whitfield ) 12-38 (Pin 2:30) 113 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Catholic) 33-0 won by tech fall over Trey Heckadon (Butler) 48-5 (TF 21-6) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Brian Noble (Stanberry ) 41-8 won by decision over Dakota Jones (Adrian ) 38-14 (Dec 6-3) 5th Place Match - Sullivan O`Brien (Lexington ) 20-10 won by major decision over Brian Pfeil (Rock Port ) 46-13 (Maj 13-4) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Dakota Jones (Adrian ) 38-14 won by pin over Brian Pfeil (Rock Port ) 46-13 (Pin 1:11) Cons. Semi - Brian Noble (Stanberry ) 41-8 won by decision over Sullivan O`Brien (Lexington ) 20-10 (Dec 6-4) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Trey Heckadon (Butler) 48-5 won by decision over Dakota Jones (Adrian ) 38-14 (Dec 13-7) Semifinal - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Catholic) 33-0 won by tech fall over Brian Noble (Stanberry ) 41-8 (TF 18-3) Cons. Round 3 - Brian Pfeil (Rock Port ) 46-13 won by pin over Jake Goade (Diamond ) 25-18 (Pin 0:39) Cons. Round 3 - Sullivan O`Brien (Lexington ) 20-10 won by decision over Jake Brock (Lathrop ) 45-10 (Dec 2-0) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Jake Goade (Diamond ) 25-18 won by major decision over Jonas Tiggs (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-9 (Maj 17-5) Cons. Round 2 - Brian Pfeil (Rock Port ) 46-13 won by pin over Jerin Hudgens (Carrollton ) 26-15 (Pin 3:46) Cons. Round 2 - Sullivan O`Brien (Lexington ) 20-10 won by pin over Ben Asyre (Whitfield ) 9-32 (Pin 1:25) Cons. Round 2 - Jake Brock (Lathrop ) 45-10 won by decision over Reid Steiner (Maysville ) 34-18 (Dec 6-2) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Trey Heckadon (Butler) 48-5 won by decision over Reid Steiner (Maysville ) 34-18 (Dec 6-2) Quarterfinal - Dakota Jones (Adrian ) 38-14 won by pin over Ben Asyre (Whitfield ) 9-32 (Pin 1:22) Quarterfinal - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Catholic) 33-0 won by pin over Brian Pfeil (Rock Port ) 46-13 (Pin 0:46) Quarterfinal - Brian Noble (Stanberry ) 41-8 won by pin over Jake Goade (Diamond ) 25-18 (Pin 1:34) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Jonas Tiggs (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-9 won in overtime over Collin Bradley (Lawson ) 28-17 (OT 9-7) Cons. Round 1 - Jerin Hudgens (Carrollton ) 26-15 won by forfeit over Garrett Zahner (Brookfield ) 22-4 (FF) Cons. Round 1 - Sullivan O`Brien (Lexington ) 20-10 won by pin over Zeya Kyaw (Principia) 18-16 (Pin 1:40) Cons. Round 1 - Jake Brock (Lathrop ) 45-10 won by tech fall over Jesse O`Dell (Herculaneum ) 20-14 (TF 17-2) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Reid Steiner (Maysville ) 34-18 won by decision over Jonas Tiggs (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-9 (Dec 10-6) Champ. Round 1 - Trey Heckadon (Butler) 48-5 won by major decision over Collin Bradley (Lawson ) 28-17 (Maj 9-0) Champ. Round 1 - Ben Asyre (Whitfield ) 9-32 won by forfeit over Garrett Zahner (Brookfield ) 22-4 (FF) Champ. Round 1 - Dakota Jones (Adrian ) 38-14 won by decision over Jerin Hudgens (Carrollton ) 26-15 (Dec 5-2) Champ. Round 1 - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Catholic) 33-0 won by pin over Sullivan O`Brien (Lexington ) 20-10 (Pin 3:43) Champ. Round 1 - Brian Pfeil (Rock Port ) 46-13 won by pin over Zeya Kyaw (Principia) 18-16 (Pin 2:54) Champ. Round 1 - Jake Goade (Diamond ) 25-18 won by pin over Jake Brock (Lathrop ) 45-10 (Pin 5:13) Champ. Round 1 - Brian Noble (Stanberry ) 41-8 won by pin over Jesse O`Dell (Herculaneum ) 20-14 (Pin 2:36) 120 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Marcus Schmidt (Centralia ) 39-1 won by decision over Cole Kemna (Blair Oaks ) 42-6 (Dec 8-3) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Ryan Strope (Fatima) 43-3 won by decision over Dakota Smidt (Lawson ) 46-8 (Dec 7-2) 5th Place Match - Jacob O`Neal (Carrollton ) 40-8 won by pin over Cody Neimeier (Brookfield ) 42-14 (Pin 4:01) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Dakota Smidt (Lawson ) 46-8 won by major decision over Cody Neimeier (Brookfield ) 42-14 (Maj 11-2) Cons. Semi - Ryan Strope (Fatima) 43-3 won by pin over Jacob O`Neal (Carrollton ) 40-8 (Pin 4:45) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Marcus Schmidt (Centralia ) 39-1 won by decision over Dakota Smidt (Lawson ) 46-8 (Dec 9-4) Semifinal - Cole Kemna (Blair Oaks ) 42-6 won in overtime over Jacob O`Neal (Carrollton ) 40-8 (OT 5-3) Cons. Round 3 - Cody Neimeier (Brookfield ) 42-14 won by major decision over Andrew Gearhart (Holden) 28-23 (Maj 10-2) Cons. Round 3 - Ryan Strope (Fatima) 43-3 won by pin over Jacob Glidewell (Lathrop ) 47-7 (Pin 4:03) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Cody Neimeier (Brookfield ) 42-14 won by decision over Nathaniel Alexander (Maryville ) 38-10 (Dec 9-7) Cons. Round 2 - Andrew Gearhart (Holden) 28-23 won by decision over Brody Richardson (South Harrison ) 41-8 (Dec 6-5) Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Glidewell (Lathrop ) 47-7 won by pin over Rashaad Jordan (Brentwood ) 34-15 (Pin 2:22) Cons. Round 2 - Ryan Strope (Fatima) 43-3 won by major decision over Colman Kennedy (Plattsburg ) 32-19 (Maj 11-0) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Dakota Smidt (Lawson ) 46-8 won by decision over Ryan Strope (Fatima) 43-3 (Dec 7-2) Quarterfinal - Marcus Schmidt (Centralia ) 39-1 won by pin over Jacob Glidewell (Lathrop ) 47-7 (Pin 0:53) Quarterfinal - Jacob O`Neal (Carrollton ) 40-8 won by tech fall over Andrew Gearhart (Holden) 28-23 (TF 16-1) Quarterfinal - Cole Kemna (Blair Oaks ) 42-6 won by pin over Cody Neimeier (Brookfield ) 42-14 (Pin 5:19) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Nathaniel Alexander (Maryville ) 38-10 won by decision over Jeremy Morris (Diamond ) 19-17 (Dec 7-5) Cons. Round 1 - Brody Richardson (South Harrison ) 41-8 won by pin over Sean Hunter (St. James ) 25-26 (Pin 0:39) Cons. Round 1 - Rashaad Jordan (Brentwood ) 34-15 won by forfeit over Bryar Ginther (Stanberry ) 38-10 (FF) Cons. Round 1 - Colman Kennedy (Plattsburg ) 32-19 won by tech fall over Titus Swope (Herculaneum ) 30-15 (TF 15-0) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Ryan Strope (Fatima) 43-3 won by pin over Jeremy Morris (Diamond ) 19-17 (Pin 1:30) Champ. Round 1 - Dakota Smidt (Lawson ) 46-8 won by tech fall over Nathaniel Alexander (Maryville ) 38-10 (TF 18-0) Champ. Round 1 - Marcus Schmidt (Centralia ) 39-1 won by pin over Sean Hunter (St. James ) 25-26 (Pin 0:42) Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Glidewell (Lathrop ) 47-7 won by decision over Brody Richardson (South Harrison ) 41-8 (Dec 5-2) Champ. Round 1 - Jacob O`Neal (Carrollton ) 40-8 won by forfeit over Bryar Ginther (Stanberry ) 38-10 (FF) Champ. Round 1 - Andrew Gearhart (Holden) 28-23 won by decision over Rashaad Jordan (Brentwood ) 34-15 (Dec 9-7) Champ. Round 1 - Cody Neimeier (Brookfield ) 42-14 won by decision over Colman Kennedy (Plattsburg ) 32-19 (Dec 8-1) Champ. Round 1 - Cole Kemna (Blair Oaks ) 42-6 won by pin over Titus Swope (Herculaneum ) 30-15 (Pin 0:48) 126 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Chris Wilkes (Whitfield ) 49-1 won by tech fall over Troy Kyser (Knob Noster) 46-4 (TF 24-9) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Tyler Mann (Lathrop ) 55-3 won by decision over Kyle Bell (Marceline ) 40-9 (Dec 3-0) 5th Place Match - Alex Adam (Blair Oaks ) 37-9 won by pin over Robert Querrey (Plattsburg ) 21-23 (Pin 4:37) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Tyler Mann (Lathrop ) 55-3 won by tech fall over Robert Querrey (Plattsburg ) 21-23 (TF 18-1) Cons. Semi - Kyle Bell (Marceline ) 40-9 won in overtime over Alex Adam (Blair Oaks ) 37-9 (OT 4-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Chris Wilkes (Whitfield ) 49-1 won by major decision over Tyler Mann (Lathrop ) 55-3 (Maj 13-0) Semifinal - Troy Kyser (Knob Noster) 46-4 won by decision over Kyle Bell (Marceline ) 40-9 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 3 - Robert Querrey (Plattsburg ) 21-23 won by decision over Nicholas DeClue (St. James ) 43-8 (Dec 7-5) Cons. Round 3 - Alex Adam (Blair Oaks ) 37-9 won by pin over Ethan Leighton (Centralia ) 26-17 (Pin 3:38) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Robert Querrey (Plattsburg ) 21-23 won by decision over Dylan Seely (Richmond ) 26-17 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 2 - Nicholas DeClue (St. James ) 43-8 won by pin over Logan Coleman (Maryville ) 32-15 (Pin 3:43) Cons. Round 2 - Alex Adam (Blair Oaks ) 37-9 won by decision over Trent Steiner (Maysville ) 36-15 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 2 - Ethan Leighton (Centralia ) 26-17 won by pin over Lane Beverlin (Trenton ) 34-13 (Pin 1:23) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Chris Wilkes (Whitfield ) 49-1 won by tech fall over Lane Beverlin (Trenton ) 34-13 (TF 16-1) Quarterfinal - Tyler Mann (Lathrop ) 55-3 won by decision over Alex Adam (Blair Oaks ) 37-9 (Dec 5-2) Quarterfinal - Troy Kyser (Knob Noster) 46-4 won by decision over Nicholas DeClue (St. James ) 43-8 (Dec 11-10) Quarterfinal - Kyle Bell (Marceline ) 40-9 won by decision over Robert Querrey (Plattsburg ) 21-23 (Dec 3-1) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Dylan Seely (Richmond ) 26-17 won by forfeit over Daniel Shubert (Butler) 35-14 (FF) Cons. Round 1 - Logan Coleman (Maryville ) 32-15 won by pin over Matt Stiefermann (Fatima) 26-18 (Pin 3:29) Cons. Round 1 - Trent Steiner (Maysville ) 36-15 won by major decision over Jordan Creason (Carrollton ) 19-11 (Maj 10-1) Cons. Round 1 - Ethan Leighton (Centralia ) 26-17 won by pin over Matt Ross (Principia) 24-15 (Pin 4:51) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Chris Wilkes (Whitfield ) 49-1 won by pin over Dylan Seely (Richmond ) 26-17 (Pin 0:32) Champ. Round 1 - Lane Beverlin (Trenton ) 34-13 won by forfeit over Daniel Shubert (Butler) 35-14 (FF) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Mann (Lathrop ) 55-3 won by pin over Matt Stiefermann (Fatima) 26-18 (Pin 1:24) Champ. Round 1 - Alex Adam (Blair Oaks ) 37-9 won by major decision over Logan Coleman (Maryville ) 32-15 (Maj 13-5) Champ. Round 1 - Troy Kyser (Knob Noster) 46-4 won by decision over Trent Steiner (Maysville ) 36-15 (Dec 6-2) Champ. Round 1 - Nicholas DeClue (St. James ) 43-8 won by pin over Jordan Creason (Carrollton ) 19-11 (Pin 2:47) Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Bell (Marceline ) 40-9 won by decision over Ethan Leighton (Centralia ) 26-17 (Dec 5-2) Champ. Round 1 - Robert Querrey (Plattsburg ) 21-23 won by decision over Matt Ross (Principia) 24-15 (Dec 9-4) 132 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Austin Smith (Whitfield ) 46-6 won by decision over Kevin Steeby (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-1 (Dec 3-2) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Mitch Schmidt (Centralia ) 42-7 won by forfeit over Logan Mudd (Blair Oaks ) 39-5 (FF) 5th Place Match - Jesse Oldham (Stanberry ) 41-5 won by decision over Anthony Cupp (Brookfield ) 27-14 (Dec 5-2) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Mitch Schmidt (Centralia ) 42-7 won by major decision over Anthony Cupp (Brookfield ) 27-14 (Maj 9-1) Cons. Semi - Logan Mudd (Blair Oaks ) 39-5 won by pin over Jesse Oldham (Stanberry ) 41-5 (Pin 0:31) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Austin Smith (Whitfield ) 46-6 won by decision over Mitch Schmidt (Centralia ) 42-7 (Dec 5-2) Semifinal - Kevin Steeby (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-1 won in overtime over Logan Mudd (Blair Oaks ) 39-5 (OT 6-5) Cons. Round 3 - Anthony Cupp (Brookfield ) 27-14 won by decision over Joseph Vinson (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 30-8 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Round 3 - Jesse Oldham (Stanberry ) 41-5 won by pin over Kyler Milligan (Knob Noster) 39-16 (Pin 4:54) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Anthony Cupp (Brookfield ) 27-14 won by decision over Austin Moudy (Marceline ) 32-13 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 2 - Joseph Vinson (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 30-8 won by pin over Gabe Stringer (Principia) 27-21 (Pin 3:43) Cons. Round 2 - Jesse Oldham (Stanberry ) 41-5 won by pin over Tyler Owens (Lathrop ) 32-21 (Pin 2:03) Cons. Round 2 - Kyler Milligan (Knob Noster) 39-16 won by decision over Trevor Brunscher (Carrollton ) 30-16 (Dec 10-8) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Austin Smith (Whitfield ) 46-6 won by pin over Trevor Brunscher (Carrollton ) 30-16 (Pin 1:14) Quarterfinal - Mitch Schmidt (Centralia ) 42-7 won by pin over Jesse Oldham (Stanberry ) 41-5 (Pin 1:36) Quarterfinal - Logan Mudd (Blair Oaks ) 39-5 won by major decision over Joseph Vinson (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 30-8 (Maj 12-1) Quarterfinal - Kevin Steeby (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-1 won by pin over Anthony Cupp (Brookfield ) 27-14 (Pin 3:13) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Austin Moudy (Marceline ) 32-13 won by decision over Dylan Flint (Diamond ) 26-13 (Dec 8-5) Cons. Round 1 - Gabe Stringer (Principia) 27-21 won in overtime over Matthew Jordan-Garr (West Platte ) 32-21 (OT 17-12) Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Owens (Lathrop ) 32-21 won by injury default over Luke DeOrnellis (Fatima) 26-18 (I-D) Cons. Round 1 - Kyler Milligan (Knob Noster) 39-16 won by pin over Daniel Davis (St. James ) 39-12 (Pin 4:25) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Austin Smith (Whitfield ) 46-6 won by pin over Austin Moudy (Marceline ) 32-13 (Pin 1:42) Champ. Round 1 - Trevor Brunscher (Carrollton ) 30-16 won by pin over Dylan Flint (Diamond ) 26-13 (Pin 5:47) Champ. Round 1 - Jesse Oldham (Stanberry ) 41-5 won by pin over Gabe Stringer (Principia) 27-21 (Pin 1:43) Champ. Round 1 - Mitch Schmidt (Centralia ) 42-7 won by pin over Matthew Jordan-Garr (West Platte ) 32-21 (Pin 0:42) Champ. Round 1 - Logan Mudd (Blair Oaks ) 39-5 won by pin over Tyler Owens (Lathrop ) 32-21 (Pin 1:46) Champ. Round 1 - Joseph Vinson (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 30-8 won by decision over Luke DeOrnellis (Fatima) 26-18 (Dec 5-1) Champ. Round 1 - Kevin Steeby (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-1 won by pin over Kyler Milligan (Knob Noster) 39-16 (Pin 3:55) Champ. Round 1 - Anthony Cupp (Brookfield ) 27-14 won by major decision over Daniel Davis (St. James ) 39-12 (Maj 21-8) 138 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Karson Hill (Trenton ) 50-0 won by major decision over Nathaniel Conant (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-7 (Maj 16-6) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Isaiah Clark (Versailles ) 43-2 won by decision over Garret Wightman (Maysville ) 43-13 (Dec 21-14) 5th Place Match - Michael Eddleman (Tarkio) 30-9 won by decision over Austin Fix (Butler) 36-13 (Dec 7-0) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Garret Wightman (Maysville ) 43-13 won by decision over Michael Eddleman (Tarkio) 30-9 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Semi - Isaiah Clark (Versailles ) 43-2 won by pin over Austin Fix (Butler) 36-13 (Pin 2:02) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Nathaniel Conant (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-7 won by major decision over Michael Eddleman (Tarkio) 30-9 (Maj 10-0) Semifinal - Karson Hill (Trenton ) 50-0 won by decision over Isaiah Clark (Versailles ) 43-2 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 3 - Garret Wightman (Maysville ) 43-13 won by decision over Lawrence Becker (Whitfield ) 24-16 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 3 - Austin Fix (Butler) 36-13 won by decision over Jordan Douglas (Diamond ) 31-13 (Dec 5-3) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Lawrence Becker (Whitfield ) 24-16 won by decision over Trenton Scobee (Lathrop ) 33-20 (Dec 9-8) Cons. Round 2 - Garret Wightman (Maysville ) 43-13 won by major decision over Montel Maggitt (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 42-3 (Maj 13-0) Cons. Round 2 - Austin Fix (Butler) 36-13 won by pin over Garrison Sanders (Richmond ) 30-20 (Pin 2:48) Cons. Round 2 - Jordan Douglas (Diamond ) 31-13 won by pin over Zachary Pitts (St. James ) 40-10 (Pin 4:50) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Michael Eddleman (Tarkio) 30-9 won by decision over Zachary Pitts (St. James ) 40-10 (Dec 6-2) Quarterfinal - Nathaniel Conant (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-7 won by pin over Austin Fix (Butler) 36-13 (Pin 5:35) Quarterfinal - Isaiah Clark (Versailles ) 43-2 won by pin over Montel Maggitt (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 42-3 (Pin 5:56) Quarterfinal - Karson Hill (Trenton ) 50-0 won by tech fall over Lawrence Becker (Whitfield ) 24-16 (TF 30-15) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Trenton Scobee (Lathrop ) 33-20 won by decision over Trevor Glynn (Holden) 33-15 (Dec 8-6) Cons. Round 1 - Garret Wightman (Maysville ) 43-13 won by pin over Eric Vogeli (Brentwood ) 9-14 (Pin 2:19) Cons. Round 1 - Garrison Sanders (Richmond ) 30-20 won by decision over Trey Lathrum (South Harrison ) 26-17 (Dec 8-2) Cons. Round 1 - Jordan Douglas (Diamond ) 31-13 won by injury default over Preston Smidt (Lawson ) 33-17 (I-D) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Zachary Pitts (St. James ) 40-10 won by pin over Trenton Scobee (Lathrop ) 33-20 (Pin 3:39) Champ. Round 1 - Michael Eddleman (Tarkio) 30-9 won by pin over Trevor Glynn (Holden) 33-15 (Pin 2:58) Champ. Round 1 - Nathaniel Conant (Mid-Buchanan ) 49-7 won by pin over Eric Vogeli (Brentwood ) 9-14 (Pin 3:02) Champ. Round 1 - Austin Fix (Butler) 36-13 won by decision over Garret Wightman (Maysville ) 43-13 (Dec 3-2) Champ. Round 1 - Isaiah Clark (Versailles ) 43-2 won by tech fall over Trey Lathrum (South Harrison ) 26-17 (TF 24-8) Champ. Round 1 - Montel Maggitt (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 42-3 won by major decision over Garrison Sanders (Richmond ) 30-20 (Maj 11-1) Champ. Round 1 - Karson Hill (Trenton ) 50-0 won by tech fall over Jordan Douglas (Diamond ) 31-13 (TF 33-15) Champ. Round 1 - Lawrence Becker (Whitfield ) 24-16 won by pin over Preston Smidt (Lawson ) 33-17 (Pin 1:31) 145 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Rodney Hahn (Whitfield ) 46-3 won by decision over Grant Schottel (Mid-Buchanan ) 38-3 (Dec 13-6) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Austin McBride (Centralia ) 47-7 won by decision over Matt Mattingley (Sherwood ) 27-3 (Dec 2-0) 5th Place Match - Rikki Ramirez (Plattsburg ) 46-13 won by decision over Ramzie Cooper (Brookfield ) 36-12 (Dec 3-2) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Austin McBride (Centralia ) 47-7 won by decision over Ramzie Cooper (Brookfield ) 36-12 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Semi - Matt Mattingley (Sherwood ) 27-3 won by major decision over Rikki Ramirez (Plattsburg ) 46-13 (Maj 12-3) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Rodney Hahn (Whitfield ) 46-3 won by pin over Austin McBride (Centralia ) 47-7 (Pin 4:27) Semifinal - Grant Schottel (Mid-Buchanan ) 38-3 won by decision over Matt Mattingley (Sherwood ) 27-3 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Round 3 - Ramzie Cooper (Brookfield ) 36-12 won by decision over Jacob Hicks (Polo ) 39-10 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 3 - Rikki Ramirez (Plattsburg ) 46-13 won by decision over Camden Ireland (Rock Port ) 37-14 (Dec 9-4) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Ramzie Cooper (Brookfield ) 36-12 won by pin over Mason Mounce (Trenton ) 38-10 (Pin 1:55) Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Hicks (Polo ) 39-10 won by pin over Jason Walls (St. James ) 40-10 (Pin 3:48) Cons. Round 2 - Camden Ireland (Rock Port ) 37-14 won by pin over Derek Stiens (Maryville ) 40-13 (Pin 2:53) Cons. Round 2 - Rikki Ramirez (Plattsburg ) 46-13 won by major decision over Nathan Wilson (Lawson ) 35-19 (Maj 13-3) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Rodney Hahn (Whitfield ) 46-3 won by major decision over Rikki Ramirez (Plattsburg ) 46-13 (Maj 14-6) Quarterfinal - Austin McBride (Centralia ) 47-7 won by pin over Derek Stiens (Maryville ) 40-13 (Pin 2:25) Quarterfinal - Grant Schottel (Mid-Buchanan ) 38-3 won by major decision over Jason Walls (St. James ) 40-10 (Maj 9-1) Quarterfinal - Matt Mattingley (Sherwood ) 27-3 won by decision over Ramzie Cooper (Brookfield ) 36-12 (Dec 10-8) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Mason Mounce (Trenton ) 38-10 won by decision over Brad Thomas (Blair Oaks ) 33-20 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Hicks (Polo ) 39-10 won by pin over Mykell Hudspeth (Brentwood ) 40-11 (Pin 0:25) Cons. Round 1 - Camden Ireland (Rock Port ) 37-14 won by pin over Dalton Harris (Butler) 19-16 (Pin 1:29) Cons. Round 1 - Nathan Wilson (Lawson ) 35-19 won by injury default over Timothy Standing (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 36-13 (I-D) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Rodney Hahn (Whitfield ) 46-3 won by pin over Brad Thomas (Blair Oaks ) 33-20 (Pin 0:56) Champ. Round 1 - Rikki Ramirez (Plattsburg ) 46-13 won by decision over Mason Mounce (Trenton ) 38-10 (Dec 7-2) Champ. Round 1 - Austin McBride (Centralia ) 47-7 won by pin over Mykell Hudspeth (Brentwood ) 40-11 (Pin 3:56) Champ. Round 1 - Derek Stiens (Maryville ) 40-13 won by decision over Jacob Hicks (Polo ) 39-10 (Dec 9-7) Champ. Round 1 - Grant Schottel (Mid-Buchanan ) 38-3 won by pin over Camden Ireland (Rock Port ) 37-14 (Pin 2:35) Champ. Round 1 - Jason Walls (St. James ) 40-10 won by pin over Dalton Harris (Butler) 19-16 (Pin 1:49) Champ. Round 1 - Ramzie Cooper (Brookfield ) 36-12 won by pin over Nathan Wilson (Lawson ) 35-19 (Pin 1:58) Champ. Round 1 - Matt Mattingley (Sherwood ) 27-3 won by major decision over Timothy Standing (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 36-13 (Maj 12-2) 152 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - William Hahn (Whitfield ) 50-5 won by decision over Max Mickey (Holden) 38-4 (Dec 4-2) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Micah Blakely (Brookfield ) 50-4 won by decision over Nick Fansher (Mid-Buchanan ) 23-10 (Dec 3-0) 5th Place Match - Ian Gash (Lafayette County ) 21-13 won by decision over Zach Vogt (Versailles ) 21-9 (Dec 2-0) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Micah Blakely (Brookfield ) 50-4 won by decision over Zach Vogt (Versailles ) 21-9 (Dec 9-2) Cons. Semi - Nick Fansher (Mid-Buchanan ) 23-10 won in overtime over Ian Gash (Lafayette County ) 21-13 (OT 7-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - William Hahn (Whitfield ) 50-5 won by pin over Micah Blakely (Brookfield ) 50-4 (Pin 3:33) Semifinal - Max Mickey (Holden) 38-4 won by decision over Nick Fansher (Mid-Buchanan ) 23-10 (Dec 7-1) Cons. Round 3 - Zach Vogt (Versailles ) 21-9 won by decision over Drake Oetting (Lexington ) 22-17 (Dec 5-4) Cons. Round 3 - Ian Gash (Lafayette County ) 21-13 won by decision over Blaine Steiner (Maysville ) 33-9 (Dec 8-5) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Drake Oetting (Lexington ) 22-17 won by tech fall over Nick Maxwell (Herculaneum ) 31-8 (TF 19-4) Cons. Round 2 - Zach Vogt (Versailles ) 21-9 won by pin over Peter Steele (Gallatin ) 45-5 (Pin 2:37) Cons. Round 2 - Ian Gash (Lafayette County ) 21-13 won by pin over Marcus Smith (Hogan Prep Academy ) 32-14 (Pin 3:24) Cons. Round 2 - Blaine Steiner (Maysville ) 33-9 won by decision over Zach Black (Lone Jack ) 31-14 (Dec 2-1) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - William Hahn (Whitfield ) 50-5 won by tech fall over Zach Black (Lone Jack ) 31-14 (TF 16-0) Quarterfinal - Micah Blakely (Brookfield ) 50-4 won by pin over Ian Gash (Lafayette County ) 21-13 (Pin 0:41) Quarterfinal - Max Mickey (Holden) 38-4 won by decision over Peter Steele (Gallatin ) 45-5 (Dec 6-4) Quarterfinal - Nick Fansher (Mid-Buchanan ) 23-10 won by tech fall over Nick Maxwell (Herculaneum ) 31-8 (TF 20-4) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Drake Oetting (Lexington ) 22-17 won by decision over Nick Smith (Stanberry ) 20-14 (Dec 9-5) Cons. Round 1 - Zach Vogt (Versailles ) 21-9 won by decision over Jared Gray (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 32-17 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Round 1 - Marcus Smith (Hogan Prep Academy ) 32-14 won by decision over Payton Woolsey (St. James ) 35-5 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 1 - Blaine Steiner (Maysville ) 33-9 won by decision over Case Duggan (Knob Noster) 27-18 (Dec 8-2) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - William Hahn (Whitfield ) 50-5 won by pin over Nick Smith (Stanberry ) 20-14 (Pin 0:31) Champ. Round 1 - Zach Black (Lone Jack ) 31-14 won by pin over Drake Oetting (Lexington ) 22-17 (Pin 3:06) Champ. Round 1 - Micah Blakely (Brookfield ) 50-4 won by pin over Jared Gray (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 32-17 (Pin 2:50) Champ. Round 1 - Ian Gash (Lafayette County ) 21-13 won by decision over Zach Vogt (Versailles ) 21-9 (Dec 5-3) Champ. Round 1 - Max Mickey (Holden) 38-4 won by pin over Marcus Smith (Hogan Prep Academy ) 32-14 (Pin 2:38) Champ. Round 1 - Peter Steele (Gallatin ) 45-5 won by decision over Payton Woolsey (St. James ) 35-5 (Dec 7-5) Champ. Round 1 - Nick Fansher (Mid-Buchanan ) 23-10 won by major decision over Case Duggan (Knob Noster) 27-18 (Maj 9-1) Champ. Round 1 - Nick Maxwell (Herculaneum ) 31-8 won by injury default over Blaine Steiner (Maysville ) 33-9 (I-D) 160 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Matthew Schieber (Penney) 33-1 won by pin over Josh Hartzell (Lathrop ) 53-3 (Pin 3:13) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Eli Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 49-4 won by pin over Zack Mckenzie (Knob Noster) 41-9 (Pin 3:54) 5th Place Match - Clay Oneal (Trenton ) 41-8 won by forfeit over Billy Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-5 (FF) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Zack Mckenzie (Knob Noster) 41-9 won by forfeit over Billy Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-5 (FF) Cons. Semi - Eli Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 49-4 won by decision over Clay Oneal (Trenton ) 41-8 (Dec 3-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Josh Hartzell (Lathrop ) 53-3 won by major decision over Billy Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-5 (Maj 13-4) Semifinal - Matthew Schieber (Penney) 33-1 won by decision over Eli Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 49-4 (Dec 6-1) Cons. Round 3 - Zack Mckenzie (Knob Noster) 41-9 won by decision over Taylor Green (North Platte ) 24-6 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 3 - Clay Oneal (Trenton ) 41-8 won by major decision over Monteze Latimore (Cleveland NJROTC) 21-4 (Maj 15-4) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Zack Mckenzie (Knob Noster) 41-9 won by pin over Matthew Hollingsworth (Lexington ) 24-16 (Pin 4:28) Cons. Round 2 - Taylor Green (North Platte ) 24-6 won by pin over Joe Collins (Adrian ) 34-13 (Pin 1:48) Cons. Round 2 - Clay Oneal (Trenton ) 41-8 won by decision over Kevin Stoll (Stanberry ) 28-16 (Dec 10-3) Cons. Round 2 - Monteze Latimore (Cleveland NJROTC) 21-4 won by decision over J.J. Abongo (Brookfield ) 24-18 (Dec 9-6) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Billy Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-5 won by pin over J.J. Abongo (Brookfield ) 24-18 (Pin 5:08) Quarterfinal - Josh Hartzell (Lathrop ) 53-3 won by decision over Clay Oneal (Trenton ) 41-8 (Dec 11-7) Quarterfinal - Eli Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 49-4 won by decision over Taylor Green (North Platte ) 24-6 (Dec 6-1) Quarterfinal - Matthew Schieber (Penney) 33-1 won by pin over Matthew Hollingsworth (Lexington ) 24-16 (Pin 2:49) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Zack Mckenzie (Knob Noster) 41-9 won by pin over Marquan Lane (Hogan Prep Academy ) 25-18 (Pin 0:53) Cons. Round 1 - Joe Collins (Adrian ) 34-13 won by pin over Raheem Brown (Lift For Life Academy) 11-16 (Pin 3:48) Cons. Round 1 - Kevin Stoll (Stanberry ) 28-16 won by major decision over Pat McLaughlin (Whitfield ) 27-9 (Maj 10-2) Cons. Round 1 - Monteze Latimore (Cleveland NJROTC) 21-4 won by injury default over Johnathan Sullins (Holden) 21-23 (I-D) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Billy Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-5 won by pin over Marquan Lane (Hogan Prep Academy ) 25-18 (Pin 0:35) Champ. Round 1 - J.J. Abongo (Brookfield ) 24-18 won by pin over Zack Mckenzie (Knob Noster) 41-9 (Pin 6:22) Champ. Round 1 - Josh Hartzell (Lathrop ) 53-3 won by pin over Raheem Brown (Lift For Life Academy) 11-16 (Pin 1:58) Champ. Round 1 - Clay Oneal (Trenton ) 41-8 won by decision over Joe Collins (Adrian ) 34-13 (Dec 10-3) Champ. Round 1 - Eli Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 49-4 won by decision over Kevin Stoll (Stanberry ) 28-16 (Dec 7-1) Champ. Round 1 - Taylor Green (North Platte ) 24-6 won by major decision over Pat McLaughlin (Whitfield ) 27-9 (Maj 18-10) Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Schieber (Penney) 33-1 won by pin over Johnathan Sullins (Holden) 21-23 (Pin 1:51) Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Hollingsworth (Lexington ) 24-16 won by pin over Monteze Latimore (Cleveland NJROTC) 21-4 (Pin 1:32) 170 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Craig Clark (Blair Oaks ) 50-1 won by pin over Dallas Lamphier (Lexington ) 39-9 (Pin 1:43) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Jacob Spillman (Trenton ) 46-3 won by major decision over Ethan Crowe (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 32-7 (Maj 11-3) 5th Place Match - Chad Ness (Gallatin ) 42-8 won by decision over Nick Vansell (Knob Noster) 30-19 (Dec 8-1) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Ethan Crowe (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 32-7 won by decision over Nick Vansell (Knob Noster) 30-19 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Semi - Jacob Spillman (Trenton ) 46-3 won by decision over Chad Ness (Gallatin ) 42-8 (Dec 3-1) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Craig Clark (Blair Oaks ) 50-1 won by major decision over Ethan Crowe (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 32-7 (Maj 13-1) Semifinal - Dallas Lamphier (Lexington ) 39-9 won by decision over Jacob Spillman (Trenton ) 46-3 (Dec 8-7) Cons. Round 3 - Nick Vansell (Knob Noster) 30-19 won by decision over Tyler Jones (Brentwood ) 41-7 (Dec 5-3) Cons. Round 3 - Chad Ness (Gallatin ) 42-8 won by decision over Andrew McLaughlin (Whitfield ) 31-21 (Dec 9-6) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Nick Vansell (Knob Noster) 30-19 won by decision over Brandon Baumgarden (Sherwood ) 39-14 (Dec 4-0) Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Jones (Brentwood ) 41-7 won by pin over Shane Reisen (Principia) 16-16 (Pin 2:17) Cons. Round 2 - Chad Ness (Gallatin ) 42-8 won by major decision over Mason Rosier (Stanberry ) 26-16 (Maj 9-0) Cons. Round 2 - Andrew McLaughlin (Whitfield ) 31-21 won by pin over Michael Clark (Polo ) 27-23 (Pin 4:56) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Ethan Crowe (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 32-7 won by decision over Andrew McLaughlin (Whitfield ) 31-21 (Dec 9-6) Quarterfinal - Craig Clark (Blair Oaks ) 50-1 won by major decision over Chad Ness (Gallatin ) 42-8 (Maj 13-2) Quarterfinal - Dallas Lamphier (Lexington ) 39-9 won by major decision over Tyler Jones (Brentwood ) 41-7 (Maj 13-4) Quarterfinal - Jacob Spillman (Trenton ) 46-3 won by pin over Nick Vansell (Knob Noster) 30-19 (Pin 5:25) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Brandon Baumgarden (Sherwood ) 39-14 won by pin over Drake Hendrix (Lafayette County ) 23-21 (Pin 2:26) Cons. Round 1 - Shane Reisen (Principia) 16-16 won by pin over Ryan Jones-Franks (Hogan Prep Academy ) 14-15 (Pin 0:30) Cons. Round 1 - Mason Rosier (Stanberry ) 26-16 won by pin over Christian Schlotman (Adrian ) 29-20 (Pin 1:47) Cons. Round 1 - Michael Clark (Polo ) 27-23 won by decision over Nicolas Brown (Herculaneum ) 21-15 (Dec 8-1) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Andrew McLaughlin (Whitfield ) 31-21 won by pin over Brandon Baumgarden (Sherwood ) 39-14 (Pin 4:57) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Crowe (Southwest (Livingston Co.)) 32-7 won by pin over Drake Hendrix (Lafayette County ) 23-21 (Pin 1:12) Champ. Round 1 - Craig Clark (Blair Oaks ) 50-1 won by pin over Shane Reisen (Principia) 16-16 (Pin 1:13) Champ. Round 1 - Chad Ness (Gallatin ) 42-8 won by pin over Ryan Jones-Franks (Hogan Prep Academy ) 14-15 (Pin 2:46) Champ. Round 1 - Dallas Lamphier (Lexington ) 39-9 won by tech fall over Mason Rosier (Stanberry ) 26-16 (TF 16-0) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Jones (Brentwood ) 41-7 won by pin over Christian Schlotman (Adrian ) 29-20 (Pin 2:28) Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Spillman (Trenton ) 46-3 won by pin over Michael Clark (Polo ) 27-23 (Pin 1:19) Champ. Round 1 - Nick Vansell (Knob Noster) 30-19 won by tech fall over Nicolas Brown (Herculaneum ) 21-15 (TF 16-0) 182 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Ethan Sherertz (Whitfield ) 42-3 won by pin over Jake Riggs (Maysville ) 50-3 (Pin 3:09) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Caleb Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 47-2 won by pin over Austen Eskew (Lawson ) 46-8 (Pin 1:25) 5th Place Match - Chris Pittman (Diamond ) 37-7 won by pin over Dylan McClain (Plattsburg ) 42-15 (Pin 2:20) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Austen Eskew (Lawson ) 46-8 won by decision over Dylan McClain (Plattsburg ) 42-15 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Semi - Caleb Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 47-2 won by major decision over Chris Pittman (Diamond ) 37-7 (Maj 8-0) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Ethan Sherertz (Whitfield ) 42-3 won by decision over Austen Eskew (Lawson ) 46-8 (Dec 6-5) Semifinal - Jake Riggs (Maysville ) 50-3 won by decision over Caleb Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 47-2 (Dec 7-5) Cons. Round 3 - Dylan McClain (Plattsburg ) 42-15 won by injury default over Brad Williams (Albany ) 41-14 (I-D) Cons. Round 3 - Chris Pittman (Diamond ) 37-7 won by pin over Michael Stanley (Gallatin ) 24-24 (Pin 2:26) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Dylan McClain (Plattsburg ) 42-15 won by decision over Dakota Galvin (Trenton ) 37-10 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 2 - Brad Williams (Albany ) 41-14 won by pin over Austin Cummins (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 21-17 (Pin 1:52) Cons. Round 2 - Michael Stanley (Gallatin ) 24-24 won by decision over Vince Romi (Adrian ) 32-19 (Dec 8-3) Cons. Round 2 - Chris Pittman (Diamond ) 37-7 won by pin over Myles Black (Lone Jack ) 26-14 (Pin 2:40) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Ethan Sherertz (Whitfield ) 42-3 won by pin over Chris Pittman (Diamond ) 37-7 (Pin 0:45) Quarterfinal - Austen Eskew (Lawson ) 46-8 won by pin over Vince Romi (Adrian ) 32-19 (Pin 3:09) Quarterfinal - Caleb Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 47-2 won by pin over Austin Cummins (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 21-17 (Pin 1:03) Quarterfinal - Jake Riggs (Maysville ) 50-3 won by major decision over Dylan McClain (Plattsburg ) 42-15 (Maj 15-6) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Dakota Galvin (Trenton ) 37-10 won by forfeit over Cody Reffitt (Carrollton ) 17-15 (FF) Cons. Round 1 - Brad Williams (Albany ) 41-14 won by pin over Geoffry Bardley (Herculaneum ) 13-17 (Pin 4:28) Cons. Round 1 - Michael Stanley (Gallatin ) 24-24 won by pin over Wiley Martin (Polo ) 39-17 (Pin 2:17) Cons. Round 1 - Myles Black (Lone Jack ) 26-14 won by pin over James Gentles (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 17-20 (Pin 1:20) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Sherertz (Whitfield ) 42-3 won by forfeit over Cody Reffitt (Carrollton ) 17-15 (FF) Champ. Round 1 - Chris Pittman (Diamond ) 37-7 won by decision over Dakota Galvin (Trenton ) 37-10 (Dec 12-9) Champ. Round 1 - Austen Eskew (Lawson ) 46-8 won by pin over Geoffry Bardley (Herculaneum ) 13-17 (Pin 0:27) Champ. Round 1 - Vince Romi (Adrian ) 32-19 won by decision over Brad Williams (Albany ) 41-14 (Dec 6-5) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Roberts (Blair Oaks ) 47-2 won by pin over Michael Stanley (Gallatin ) 24-24 (Pin 1:21) Champ. Round 1 - Austin Cummins (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 21-17 won by pin over Wiley Martin (Polo ) 39-17 (Pin 3:19) Champ. Round 1 - Jake Riggs (Maysville ) 50-3 won by pin over Myles Black (Lone Jack ) 26-14 (Pin 0:25) Champ. Round 1 - Dylan McClain (Plattsburg ) 42-15 won by pin over James Gentles (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 17-20 (Pin 1:24) 195 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Justin Hicks (Polo ) 54-1 won by pin over Mark Bradley (Marceline ) 19-4 (Pin 1:03) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Kyle Kunz (Herculaneum ) 30-3 won by decision over Austin Tevis (Holden) 34-9 (Dec 8-4) 5th Place Match - Daniel Vannier (Knob Noster) 17-6 won by decision over Josh Riggs (Maysville ) 34-8 (Dec 2-0) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Kyle Kunz (Herculaneum ) 30-3 won by major decision over Josh Riggs (Maysville ) 34-8 (Maj 12-1) Cons. Semi - Austin Tevis (Holden) 34-9 won by decision over Daniel Vannier (Knob Noster) 17-6 (Dec 5-4) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Mark Bradley (Marceline ) 19-4 won by decision over Kyle Kunz (Herculaneum ) 30-3 (Dec 6-4) Semifinal - Justin Hicks (Polo ) 54-1 won by pin over Austin Tevis (Holden) 34-9 (Pin 0:44) Cons. Round 3 - Josh Riggs (Maysville ) 34-8 won by pin over Dakota Wooten (Tarkio) 43-10 (Pin 2:53) Cons. Round 3 - Daniel Vannier (Knob Noster) 17-6 won by decision over Cale Diehl (Butler) 39-8 (Dec 7-2) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Josh Riggs (Maysville ) 34-8 won by pin over John Melton (Adrian ) 29-26 (Pin 1:19) Cons. Round 2 - Dakota Wooten (Tarkio) 43-10 won by pin over Jacob Wilshusen (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 15-26 (Pin 2:11) Cons. Round 2 - Cale Diehl (Butler) 39-8 won by forfeit over Jake Gleason (St. James ) 22-19 (FF) Cons. Round 2 - Daniel Vannier (Knob Noster) 17-6 won by pin over Roy Garrett (Lawson ) 38-13 (Pin 1:18) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Kyle Kunz (Herculaneum ) 30-3 won by pin over Roy Garrett (Lawson ) 38-13 (Pin 1:49) Quarterfinal - Mark Bradley (Marceline ) 19-4 won by decision over Cale Diehl (Butler) 39-8 (Dec 7-6) Quarterfinal - Austin Tevis (Holden) 34-9 won by decision over Dakota Wooten (Tarkio) 43-10 (Dec 8-6) Quarterfinal - Justin Hicks (Polo ) 54-1 won by pin over Josh Riggs (Maysville ) 34-8 (Pin 0:36) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - John Melton (Adrian ) 29-26 won by pin over Derrick Hughes (Penney) 36-13 (Pin 1:25) Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Wilshusen (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 15-26 won by pin over Dylan Clark (Wentworth Military Academy) 11-15 (Pin 3:40) Cons. Round 1 - Jake Gleason (St. James ) 22-19 won by pin over Drew Lefman (Lafayette County ) 13-27 (Pin 0:44) Cons. Round 1 - Daniel Vannier (Knob Noster) 17-6 won by pin over Michael Shearburn (Whitfield ) 12-22 (Pin 1:39) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Kunz (Herculaneum ) 30-3 won by pin over Derrick Hughes (Penney) 36-13 (Pin 2:42) Champ. Round 1 - Roy Garrett (Lawson ) 38-13 won by decision over John Melton (Adrian ) 29-26 (Dec 3-1) Champ. Round 1 - Mark Bradley (Marceline ) 19-4 won by pin over Jacob Wilshusen (Lutheran (St. Peters)) 15-26 (Pin 3:12) Champ. Round 1 - Cale Diehl (Butler) 39-8 won by pin over Dylan Clark (Wentworth Military Academy) 11-15 (Pin 3:01) Champ. Round 1 - Austin Tevis (Holden) 34-9 won by pin over Drew Lefman (Lafayette County ) 13-27 (Pin 1:03) Champ. Round 1 - Dakota Wooten (Tarkio) 43-10 won by pin over Jake Gleason (St. James ) 22-19 (Pin 1:24) Champ. Round 1 - Justin Hicks (Polo ) 54-1 won by pin over Daniel Vannier (Knob Noster) 17-6 (Pin 0:47) Champ. Round 1 - Josh Riggs (Maysville ) 34-8 won by pin over Michael Shearburn (Whitfield ) 12-22 (Pin 1:11) 220 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Tyler Berg (Lathrop ) 52-0 won by decision over Colden Denisar (Lawson ) 36-8 (Dec 11-4) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Harley Martin (Polo ) 51-3 won by decision over Colby Bowers (Richmond ) 35-7 (Dec 4-0) 5th Place Match - Stephen Scobee (Whitfield ) 31-23 won by pin over James Dale (Gallatin ) 39-13 (Pin 3:45) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Harley Martin (Polo ) 51-3 won by pin over James Dale (Gallatin ) 39-13 (Pin 1:33) Cons. Semi - Colby Bowers (Richmond ) 35-7 won by pin over Stephen Scobee (Whitfield ) 31-23 (Pin 4:27) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Colden Denisar (Lawson ) 36-8 won by pin over Harley Martin (Polo ) 51-3 (Pin 4:59) Semifinal - Tyler Berg (Lathrop ) 52-0 won by decision over Colby Bowers (Richmond ) 35-7 (Dec 9-3) Cons. Round 3 - James Dale (Gallatin ) 39-13 won by pin over John Karsten (Blair Oaks ) 34-18 (Pin 1:28) Cons. Round 3 - Stephen Scobee (Whitfield ) 31-23 won by pin over Ryan McCann (Centralia ) 21-11 (Pin 2:12) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - James Dale (Gallatin ) 39-13 won by pin over Garrett Moulton (Principia) 35-18 (Pin 4:13) Cons. Round 2 - John Karsten (Blair Oaks ) 34-18 won by pin over Matthew Lapiana (Penney) 41-15 (Pin 2:08) Cons. Round 2 - Ryan McCann (Centralia ) 21-11 won by pin over Kevin Jernigan (St. James ) 37-8 (Pin 1:38) Cons. Round 2 - Stephen Scobee (Whitfield ) 31-23 won by pin over Trevor Allard (Brookfield ) 29-8 (Pin 3:52) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Colden Denisar (Lawson ) 36-8 won by pin over Stephen Scobee (Whitfield ) 31-23 (Pin 2:37) Quarterfinal - Harley Martin (Polo ) 51-3 won by pin over Ryan McCann (Centralia ) 21-11 (Pin 0:53) Quarterfinal - Tyler Berg (Lathrop ) 52-0 won by pin over John Karsten (Blair Oaks ) 34-18 (Pin 1:18) Quarterfinal - Colby Bowers (Richmond ) 35-7 won in overtime over Garrett Moulton (Principia) 35-18 (OT 3-1) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - James Dale (Gallatin ) 39-13 won by injury default over Michael Coy (Butler) 28-18 (I-D) Cons. Round 1 - Matthew Lapiana (Penney) 41-15 won by pin over Tyler Partney (Herculaneum ) 19-15 (Pin 1:15) Cons. Round 1 - Kevin Jernigan (St. James ) 37-8 won by pin over Sean Quimby (Tarkio) 35-15 (Pin 1:24) Cons. Round 1 - Trevor Allard (Brookfield ) 29-8 won by pin over Austyn Bair (Warsaw ) 26-19 (Pin 1:27) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Stephen Scobee (Whitfield ) 31-23 won by pin over Michael Coy (Butler) 28-18 (Pin 1:12) Champ. Round 1 - Colden Denisar (Lawson ) 36-8 won by pin over James Dale (Gallatin ) 39-13 (Pin 0:47) Champ. Round 1 - Ryan McCann (Centralia ) 21-11 won by pin over Tyler Partney (Herculaneum ) 19-15 (Pin 0:29) Champ. Round 1 - Harley Martin (Polo ) 51-3 won by pin over Matthew Lapiana (Penney) 41-15 (Pin 1:36) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Berg (Lathrop ) 52-0 won by pin over Sean Quimby (Tarkio) 35-15 (Pin 0:15) Champ. Round 1 - John Karsten (Blair Oaks ) 34-18 won by decision over Kevin Jernigan (St. James ) 37-8 (Dec 8-4) Champ. Round 1 - Colby Bowers (Richmond ) 35-7 won by decision over Trevor Allard (Brookfield ) 29-8 (Dec 6-4) Champ. Round 1 - Garrett Moulton (Principia) 35-18 won by pin over Austyn Bair (Warsaw ) 26-19 (Pin 5:15) 285 Class 1 Championships 1st Place Match - Derek Scates (Brookfield ) 37-1 won in overtime over Alex Luman (Richmond ) 19-5 (OT 3-1) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Brian Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-2 won by pin over David Rivera (Brentwood ) 30-8 (Pin 2:41) 5th Place Match - Dylan Morris (Lawson ) 37-13 won by pin over Kolby Carlock (Albany ) 20-10 (Pin 1:22) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Brian Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-2 won by pin over Dylan Morris (Lawson ) 37-13 (Pin 4:52) Cons. Semi - David Rivera (Brentwood ) 30-8 won by pin over Kolby Carlock (Albany ) 20-10 (Pin 0:36) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Alex Luman (Richmond ) 19-5 won in overtime over Brian Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-2 (OT 3-1) Semifinal - Derek Scates (Brookfield ) 37-1 won by pin over Kolby Carlock (Albany ) 20-10 (Pin 0:41) Cons. Round 3 - Dylan Morris (Lawson ) 37-13 won by pin over Brandon Western (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 16-9 (Pin 1:32) Cons. Round 3 - David Rivera (Brentwood ) 30-8 won by decision over Brendan Weybrew (Maryville ) 40-10 (Dec 3-0) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Dylan Morris (Lawson ) 37-13 won by pin over Mitch Adams (North Platte ) 34-8 (Pin 1:35) Cons. Round 2 - Brandon Western (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 16-9 won by forfeit over Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan ) 39-10 (FF) Cons. Round 2 - David Rivera (Brentwood ) 30-8 won by pin over Keaton Shaw (Tarkio) 43-8 (Pin 2:15) Cons. Round 2 - Brendan Weybrew (Maryville ) 40-10 won by major decision over Ryan Pope (St. James ) 28-16 (Maj 9-1) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Brian Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-2 won by decision over Brendan Weybrew (Maryville ) 40-10 (Dec 2-0) Quarterfinal - Alex Luman (Richmond ) 19-5 won by major decision over Keaton Shaw (Tarkio) 43-8 (Maj 17-8) Quarterfinal - Kolby Carlock (Albany ) 20-10 won by forfeit over Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan ) 39-10 (FF) Quarterfinal - Derek Scates (Brookfield ) 37-1 won in overtime over Dylan Morris (Lawson ) 37-13 (OT 3-1) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Mitch Adams (North Platte ) 34-8 won by injury default over Wesley Davidson (Versailles ) 31-11 (I-D) Cons. Round 1 - Brandon Western (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 16-9 won by pin over Jonathan Veazy (Centralia ) 21-19 (Pin 1:37) Cons. Round 1 - David Rivera (Brentwood ) 30-8 won by decision over Christian Graham (Adrian ) 36-10 (Dec 2-0) Cons. Round 1 - Ryan Pope (St. James ) 28-16 won by pin over Damion Spillman (Diamond ) 11-10 (Pin 1:57) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Brian Duncan (Herculaneum ) 45-2 won in overtime over Mitch Adams (North Platte ) 34-8 (OT 6-4) Champ. Round 1 - Brendan Weybrew (Maryville ) 40-10 won by pin over Wesley Davidson (Versailles ) 31-11 (Pin 3:36) Champ. Round 1 - Alex Luman (Richmond ) 19-5 won by pin over Brandon Western (Central (New Madrid Co.)) 16-9 (Pin 2:13) Champ. Round 1 - Keaton Shaw (Tarkio) 43-8 won by pin over Jonathan Veazy (Centralia ) 21-19 (Pin 0:28) Champ. Round 1 - Kolby Carlock (Albany ) 20-10 won by decision over Christian Graham (Adrian ) 36-10 (Dec 5-4) Champ. Round 1 - Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan ) 39-10 won by decision over David Rivera (Brentwood ) 30-8 (Dec 8-3) Champ. Round 1 - Derek Scates (Brookfield ) 37-1 won by pin over Damion Spillman (Diamond ) 11-10 (Pin 0:45) Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Morris (Lawson ) 37-13 won by pin over Ryan Pope (St. James ) 28-16 (Pin 0:43)