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106 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 49-2 won by decision over Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 39-9 (Dec 1-0)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 46-5 won by decision over Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 39-6 (Dec 4-2)
    5th Place Match - Antonio Escobar (Ladue Horton Watkins) 48-7 won by tech fall over Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 34-18 (TF-1.5 5:00 (19-3))
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 39-6 won by decision over Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 34-18 (Dec 11-4)
    Cons. Semi - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 46-5 won by decision over Antonio Escobar (Ladue Horton Watkins) 48-7 (Dec 9-4)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 39-9 won by decision over Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 39-6 (Dec 10-5)
    Semifinal - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 49-2 won by decision over Kyler Rea (Neosho) 46-5 (Dec 2-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 34-18 won by decision over Dillon Briscoe (Camdenton ) 39-13 (Dec 10-4)
    Cons. Round 3 - Antonio Escobar (Ladue Horton Watkins) 48-7 won by fall over Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 38-12 (Fall 1:56)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 34-18 won by decision over Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 38-9 (Dec 7-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dillon Briscoe (Camdenton ) 39-13 won by decision over Harrison Bamman (Grain Valley) 41-12 (Dec 4-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Antonio Escobar (Ladue Horton Watkins) 48-7 won by fall over Justin Rogers (Republic ) 27-17 (Fall 2:10)
    Cons. Round 2 - Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 38-12 won by decision over Josh Franek (Pacific ) 47-7 (Dec 11-7)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 39-6 won by decision over Josh Franek (Pacific ) 47-7 (Dec 5-2)
    Quarterfinal - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 39-9 won by major decision over Antonio Escobar (Ladue Horton Watkins) 48-7 (MD 12-2)
    Quarterfinal - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 49-2 won by fall over Harrison Bamman (Grain Valley) 41-12 (Fall 5:07)
    Quarterfinal - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 46-5 won by decision over Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 38-9 (Dec 9-3)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 34-18 won by decision over Seth Otis (Staley ) 35-21 (Dec 4-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dillon Briscoe (Camdenton ) 39-13 won by fall over Garrett Middleton (Sikeston ) 30-19 (Fall 1:25)
    Cons. Round 1 - Justin Rogers (Republic ) 27-17 won by forfeit over Jake Andrews (Farmington) 31-19 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 38-12 won by decision over Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 41-14 (Dec 5-4)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Josh Franek (Pacific ) 47-7 won by tech fall over Seth Otis (Staley ) 35-21 (TF-1.5 5:44 (16-0))
    Champ. Round 1 - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 39-6 won by fall over Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 34-18 (Fall 1:24)
    Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 39-9 won by fall over Garrett Middleton (Sikeston ) 30-19 (Fall 0:27)
    Champ. Round 1 - Antonio Escobar (Ladue Horton Watkins) 48-7 won by tech fall over Dillon Briscoe (Camdenton ) 39-13 (TF-1.5 5:18 (21-4))
    Champ. Round 1 - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 49-2 won by decision over Justin Rogers (Republic ) 27-17 (Dec 5-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Harrison Bamman (Grain Valley) 41-12 won by forfeit over Jake Andrews (Farmington) 31-19 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 46-5 won by fall over Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 38-12 (Fall 2:33)
    Champ. Round 1 - Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 38-9 won by fall over Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 41-14 (Fall 3:43)
113 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Jaret Singh (Kearney ) 50-5 won by tech fall over Dylan Linsenbardt (Helias Catholic) 47-9 (TF-1.5 2:39 (15-0))
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Sam Seidel (Oak Park ) 20-8 won by decision over Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 43-7 (Dec 5-2)
    5th Place Match - Trey Nelson (Staley ) 35-10 won by decision over Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 37-15 (Dec 4-0)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 43-7 won by fall over Trey Nelson (Staley ) 35-10 (Fall 1:37)
    Cons. Semi - Sam Seidel (Oak Park ) 20-8 won by tech fall over Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 37-15 (TF-1.5 4:05 (15-0))
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Jaret Singh (Kearney ) 50-5 won by fall over Trey Nelson (Staley ) 35-10 (Fall 0:16)
    Semifinal - Dylan Linsenbardt (Helias Catholic) 47-9 won in sudden victory - 1 over Sam Seidel (Oak Park ) 20-8 (SV-1 8-6)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 43-7 won by major decision over Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 37-16 (MD 10-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 37-15 won by decision over Parker Neptune (Washington) 44-13 (Dec 5-3)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 43-7 won by decision over Matthew King (Poplar Bluff ) 40-6 (Dec 4-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 37-16 won by major decision over Cody Dedear (DeSoto) 40-16 (MD 10-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 37-15 won by decision over Carter Daniels (Rolla ) 31-17 (Dec 6-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Parker Neptune (Washington) 44-13 won by decision over Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 37-17 (Dec 14-7)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Trey Nelson (Staley ) 35-10 won by decision over Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 37-17 (Dec 8-5)
    Quarterfinal - Jaret Singh (Kearney ) 50-5 won by fall over Carter Daniels (Rolla ) 31-17 (Fall 0:58)
    Quarterfinal - Sam Seidel (Oak Park ) 20-8 won by tech fall over Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 37-16 (TF-1.5 3:23 (15-0))
    Quarterfinal - Dylan Linsenbardt (Helias Catholic) 47-9 won by tech fall over Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 43-7 (TF-1.5 5:40 (15-0))
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Matthew King (Poplar Bluff ) 40-6 won by major decision over Dakota Werner (Warrenton) 26-16 (MD 8-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cody Dedear (DeSoto) 40-16 won by major decision over Justin Espinosa (Ladue Horton Watkins) 39-16 (MD 11-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 37-15 won by decision over Brandon O`Connell (Republic ) 25-16 (Dec 7-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Parker Neptune (Washington) 44-13 won by fall over Joe Welker (Westminster Christian Academy) 22-20 (Fall 1:32)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Trey Nelson (Staley ) 35-10 won by decision over Matthew King (Poplar Bluff ) 40-6 (Dec 3-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 37-17 won by fall over Dakota Werner (Warrenton) 26-16 (Fall 3:53)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jaret Singh (Kearney ) 50-5 won by fall over Cody Dedear (DeSoto) 40-16 (Fall 1:44)
    Champ. Round 1 - Carter Daniels (Rolla ) 31-17 won by decision over Justin Espinosa (Ladue Horton Watkins) 39-16 (Dec 7-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 37-16 won by decision over Brandon O`Connell (Republic ) 25-16 (Dec 6-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Sam Seidel (Oak Park ) 20-8 won by tech fall over Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 37-15 (TF-1.5 2:28 (16-0))
    Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 43-7 won by fall over Joe Welker (Westminster Christian Academy) 22-20 (Fall 0:39)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Linsenbardt (Helias Catholic) 47-9 won by fall over Parker Neptune (Washington) 44-13 (Fall 4:57)
120 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 49-3 won by decision over Malacai Collins (Warrensburg ) 48-5 (Dec 3-2)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - River Buttram (Neosho) 41-7 won by decision over Chris Allen (Staley ) 48-11 (Dec 5-1)
    5th Place Match - Ryan Sherry (Warrenton) 36-8 won by decision over Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-14 (Dec 4-3)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - River Buttram (Neosho) 41-7 won by decision over Ryan Sherry (Warrenton) 36-8 (Dec 3-1)
    Cons. Semi - Chris Allen (Staley ) 48-11 won by decision over Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-14 (Dec 7-1)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 49-3 won by fall over River Buttram (Neosho) 41-7 (Fall 5:53)
    Semifinal - Malacai Collins (Warrensburg ) 48-5 won by decision over Chris Allen (Staley ) 48-11 (Dec 7-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Ryan Sherry (Warrenton) 36-8 won by fall over Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-14 (Fall 2:51)
    Cons. Round 3 - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-14 won by major decision over Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 31-6 (MD 9-1)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Ryan Sherry (Warrenton) 36-8 won by major decision over Gage Gartner (Carthage ) 34-11 (MD 8-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-14 won by decision over Cody Gardner (Washington) 23-8 (Dec 12-8)
    Cons. Round 2 - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-14 won by major decision over Tanner (Willis) Edgen (Republic ) 37-17 (MD 13-5)
    Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 31-6 won by fall over Dirk Tucker (Windsor (Imperial)) 34-13 (Fall 2:56)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 49-3 won by major decision over Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 31-6 (MD 11-0)
    Quarterfinal - River Buttram (Neosho) 41-7 won by fall over Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-14 (Fall 5:04)
    Quarterfinal - Chris Allen (Staley ) 48-11 won by decision over Cody Gardner (Washington) 23-8 (Dec 8-1)
    Quarterfinal - Malacai Collins (Warrensburg ) 48-5 won by major decision over Gage Gartner (Carthage ) 34-11 (MD 10-2)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Ryan Sherry (Warrenton) 36-8 won by fall over Trevor Casady (Camdenton ) 23-24 (Fall 0:56)
    Cons. Round 1 - Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-14 won by decision over Joseph Rind (Pacific ) 39-17 (Dec 11-5)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tanner (Willis) Edgen (Republic ) 37-17 won by decision over Marvin Nelson (McCluer) 32-6 (Dec 8-7)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dirk Tucker (Windsor (Imperial)) 34-13 won by fall over Jonas Miller-Stockie (Ladue Horton Watkins) 20-17 (Fall 2:52)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 31-6 won by major decision over Trevor Casady (Camdenton ) 23-24 (MD 11-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 49-3 won by major decision over Ryan Sherry (Warrenton) 36-8 (MD 11-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - River Buttram (Neosho) 41-7 won by tech fall over Joseph Rind (Pacific ) 39-17 (TF-1.5 5:33 (18-3))
    Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-14 won by fall over Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-14 (Fall 3:13)
    Champ. Round 1 - Chris Allen (Staley ) 48-11 won by decision over Marvin Nelson (McCluer) 32-6 (Dec 3-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cody Gardner (Washington) 23-8 won by major decision over Tanner (Willis) Edgen (Republic ) 37-17 (MD 14-6)
    Champ. Round 1 - Malacai Collins (Warrensburg ) 48-5 won by fall over Jonas Miller-Stockie (Ladue Horton Watkins) 20-17 (Fall 3:33)
    Champ. Round 1 - Gage Gartner (Carthage ) 34-11 won by fall over Dirk Tucker (Windsor (Imperial)) 34-13 (Fall 2:34)
126 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Bradley Perkins (Oak Park ) 13-0 won by decision over Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 50-5 (Dec 8-4)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Jonathon Melton (Staley ) 50-10 won by decision over Joe Disciacca (Kearney ) 36-16 (Dec 1-0)
    5th Place Match - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 36-20 won by decision over Dakota McGarrah (Neosho) 38-15 (Dec 7-6)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Joe Disciacca (Kearney ) 36-16 won in sudden victory - 1 over Dakota McGarrah (Neosho) 38-15 (SV-1 3-1)
    Cons. Semi - Jonathon Melton (Staley ) 50-10 won by decision over Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 36-20 (Dec 3-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 50-5 won by decision over Joe Disciacca (Kearney ) 36-16 (Dec 6-0)
    Semifinal - Bradley Perkins (Oak Park ) 13-0 won by decision over Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 36-20 (Dec 6-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dakota McGarrah (Neosho) 38-15 won by decision over Jesse Czerniewski (Ft. Zumwalt South) 40-11 (Dec 9-5)
    Cons. Round 3 - Jonathon Melton (Staley ) 50-10 won by major decision over Dalton Adams (DeSoto) 50-4 (MD 9-0)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Jesse Czerniewski (Ft. Zumwalt South) 40-11 won by decision over River Maggard (Carthage ) 21-13 (Dec 2-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dakota McGarrah (Neosho) 38-15 won by major decision over Nicholas Solter (Washington) 42-8 (MD 15-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Jonathon Melton (Staley ) 50-10 won by major decision over Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 38-7 (MD 9-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Adams (DeSoto) 50-4 won by fall over Trevor Young (McDonald County ) 29-17 (Fall 2:59)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Joe Disciacca (Kearney ) 36-16 won by major decision over Dalton Adams (DeSoto) 50-4 (MD 14-4)
    Quarterfinal - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 50-5 won by decision over Jonathon Melton (Staley ) 50-10 (Dec 3-2)
    Quarterfinal - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 36-20 won by decision over Nicholas Solter (Washington) 42-8 (Dec 5-2)
    Quarterfinal - Bradley Perkins (Oak Park ) 13-0 won by major decision over Jesse Czerniewski (Ft. Zumwalt South) 40-11 (MD 15-3)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - River Maggard (Carthage ) 21-13 won by major decision over Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 21-9 (MD 11-3)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dakota McGarrah (Neosho) 38-15 won by tech fall over Cody Middleton (Sikeston ) 33-9 (TF-1.5 3:14 (17-2))
    Cons. Round 1 - Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 38-7 won by major decision over Eric Byers (Ft. Zumwalt North) 23-11 (MD 10-1)
    Cons. Round 1 - Trevor Young (McDonald County ) 29-17 won by decision over Jason Smith (Rockwood Summit ) 29-19 (Dec 9-4)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Adams (DeSoto) 50-4 won by fall over Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 21-9 (Fall 3:48)
    Champ. Round 1 - Joe Disciacca (Kearney ) 36-16 won by decision over River Maggard (Carthage ) 21-13 (Dec 15-12)
    Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 50-5 won by fall over Cody Middleton (Sikeston ) 33-9 (Fall 0:37)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jonathon Melton (Staley ) 50-10 won by major decision over Dakota McGarrah (Neosho) 38-15 (MD 10-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 36-20 won by fall over Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 38-7 (Fall 4:57)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nicholas Solter (Washington) 42-8 won by fall over Eric Byers (Ft. Zumwalt North) 23-11 (Fall 2:49)
    Champ. Round 1 - Bradley Perkins (Oak Park ) 13-0 won by tech fall over Trevor Young (McDonald County ) 29-17 (TF-1.5 3:04 (16-1))
    Champ. Round 1 - Jesse Czerniewski (Ft. Zumwalt South) 40-11 won by decision over Jason Smith (Rockwood Summit ) 29-19 (Dec 8-5)
132 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Nate Rodriguez (Neosho) 55-1 won by decision over Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 42-10 (Dec 6-3)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 39-15 won by decision over Seth Logan (Carthage ) 41-5 (Dec 1-0)
    5th Place Match - Jeff Miller (Pacific ) 48-9 won by decision over Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 53-5 (Dec 10-3)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 39-15 won by decision over Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 53-5 (Dec 3-2)
    Cons. Semi - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 41-5 won by fall over Jeff Miller (Pacific ) 48-9 (Fall 2:34)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 42-10 won by decision over Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 53-5 (Dec 3-0)
    Semifinal - Nate Rodriguez (Neosho) 55-1 won by fall over Jeff Miller (Pacific ) 48-9 (Fall 1:24)
    Cons. Round 3 - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 39-15 won by decision over Cody Summers (Washington) 36-21 (Dec 4-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 41-5 won by decision over Clay Stine (Belton ) 49-7 (Dec 3-2)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 39-15 won by decision over Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 36-21 (Dec 7-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Cody Summers (Washington) 36-21 won by fall over Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 29-12 (Fall 1:59)
    Cons. Round 2 - Clay Stine (Belton ) 49-7 won by tech fall over Kaleb Crook (Willard) 41-13 (TF-1.5 3:57 (17-2))
    Cons. Round 2 - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 41-5 won by fall over Brenden Briese (Farmington) 39-15 (Fall 4:41)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 53-5 won by decision over Seth Logan (Carthage ) 41-5 (Dec 4-1)
    Quarterfinal - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 42-10 won by fall over Kaleb Crook (Willard) 41-13 (Fall 4:41)
    Quarterfinal - Jeff Miller (Pacific ) 48-9 won by major decision over Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 29-12 (MD 14-4)
    Quarterfinal - Nate Rodriguez (Neosho) 55-1 won by fall over Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 39-15 (Fall 0:34)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 36-21 won by decision over Austin Graeler (Ft. Zumwalt North) 24-13 (Dec 7-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cody Summers (Washington) 36-21 won by decision over Matthew Estrada (Ft. Zumwalt South) 24-20 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Round 1 - Clay Stine (Belton ) 49-7 won by fall over Maffitt Rallo (Ladue Horton Watkins) 38-12 (Fall 1:47)
    Cons. Round 1 - Brenden Briese (Farmington) 39-15 won by major decision over Mike Nothum (Westminster Christian Academy) 20-20 (MD 9-0)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 53-5 won by major decision over Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 36-21 (MD 10-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 41-5 won by major decision over Austin Graeler (Ft. Zumwalt North) 24-13 (MD 12-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 42-10 won by major decision over Cody Summers (Washington) 36-21 (MD 10-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kaleb Crook (Willard) 41-13 won by decision over Matthew Estrada (Ft. Zumwalt South) 24-20 (Dec 6-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 29-12 won by fall over Maffitt Rallo (Ladue Horton Watkins) 38-12 (Fall 0:48)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jeff Miller (Pacific ) 48-9 won by decision over Clay Stine (Belton ) 49-7 (Dec 8-7)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nate Rodriguez (Neosho) 55-1 won by fall over Mike Nothum (Westminster Christian Academy) 20-20 (Fall 0:48)
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 39-15 won by decision over Brenden Briese (Farmington) 39-15 (Dec 7-4)
138 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Kevin Kinney (Kearney ) 47-3 won by decision over Trevor Feagans (Carthage ) 49-2 (Dec 3-0)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Cole Hamai (Washington) 53-4 won by decision over Grant Sachs (Ladue Horton Watkins) 33-5 (Dec 9-8)
    5th Place Match - Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 44-8 won by decision over Connar Loderhose (Willard) 43-12 (Dec 3-1)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Cole Hamai (Washington) 53-4 won by major decision over Connar Loderhose (Willard) 43-12 (MD 11-1)
    Cons. Semi - Grant Sachs (Ladue Horton Watkins) 33-5 won by decision over Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 44-8 (Dec 3-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Trevor Feagans (Carthage ) 49-2 won by fall over Cole Hamai (Washington) 53-4 (Fall 4:36)
    Semifinal - Kevin Kinney (Kearney ) 47-3 won by fall over Grant Sachs (Ladue Horton Watkins) 33-5 (Fall 2:53)
    Cons. Round 3 - Connar Loderhose (Willard) 43-12 won in tie breaker - 1 over Alexander Gaebe (Union) 46-7 (TB-1 7-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 44-8 won by decision over Collin Tolliver (Platte County ) 38-15 (Dec 3-0)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Connar Loderhose (Willard) 43-12 won by decision over William Seibert (Farmington) 33-16 (Dec 8-5)
    Cons. Round 2 - Alexander Gaebe (Union) 46-7 won by major decision over Jacob Stinnett (Sikeston ) 34-12 (MD 12-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Collin Tolliver (Platte County ) 38-15 won by decision over Jason Box (Neosho) 34-21 (Dec 10-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 44-8 won by decision over Dominic Barressi (Westminster Christian Academy) 35-19 (Dec 9-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Cole Hamai (Washington) 53-4 won by tech fall over Dominic Barressi (Westminster Christian Academy) 35-19 (TF-1.5 5:56 (16-1))
    Quarterfinal - Trevor Feagans (Carthage ) 49-2 won by decision over Collin Tolliver (Platte County ) 38-15 (Dec 7-3)
    Quarterfinal - Grant Sachs (Ladue Horton Watkins) 33-5 won by decision over Alexander Gaebe (Union) 46-7 (Dec 8-5)
    Quarterfinal - Kevin Kinney (Kearney ) 47-3 won by tech fall over William Seibert (Farmington) 33-16 (TF-1.5 3:56 (15-0))
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Connar Loderhose (Willard) 43-12 won by fall over Cameron Nadeau (Grain Valley) 28-26 (Fall 4:57)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Stinnett (Sikeston ) 34-12 won by fall over Shane Barrett (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 18-15 (Fall 2:54)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jason Box (Neosho) 34-21 won by fall over Jordan Steward (Staley ) 23-29 (Fall 2:55)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 44-8 won by major decision over Will Eicher (Chaminade) 30-13 (MD 10-2)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cole Hamai (Washington) 53-4 won by decision over Connar Loderhose (Willard) 43-12 (Dec 2-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dominic Barressi (Westminster Christian Academy) 35-19 won by fall over Cameron Nadeau (Grain Valley) 28-26 (Fall 3:32)
    Champ. Round 1 - Trevor Feagans (Carthage ) 49-2 won by fall over Jacob Stinnett (Sikeston ) 34-12 (Fall 2:36)
    Champ. Round 1 - Collin Tolliver (Platte County ) 38-15 won by fall over Shane Barrett (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 18-15 (Fall 0:41)
    Champ. Round 1 - Grant Sachs (Ladue Horton Watkins) 33-5 won by fall over Jordan Steward (Staley ) 23-29 (Fall 2:35)
    Champ. Round 1 - Alexander Gaebe (Union) 46-7 won by major decision over Jason Box (Neosho) 34-21 (MD 9-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kevin Kinney (Kearney ) 47-3 won by fall over Will Eicher (Chaminade) 30-13 (Fall 0:55)
    Champ. Round 1 - William Seibert (Farmington) 33-16 won by fall over Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 44-8 (Fall 5:38)
145 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 50-3 won by major decision over Brandon Baker (Staley ) 43-14 (MD 13-4)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 46-10 won by decision over Nic Smith (Ft. Zumwalt South) 45-5 (Dec 6-4)
    5th Place Match - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 44-13 won by fall over Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 39-17 (Fall 3:14)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 46-10 won by fall over Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 39-17 (Fall 3:30)
    Cons. Semi - Nic Smith (Ft. Zumwalt South) 45-5 won by decision over Collin Huitt (Farmington) 44-13 (Dec 8-3)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Brandon Baker (Staley ) 43-14 won by decision over Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 39-17 (Dec 8-4)
    Semifinal - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 50-3 won by major decision over Nic Smith (Ft. Zumwalt South) 45-5 (MD 15-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 46-10 won by decision over Tyler Bates (Lebanon ) 29-15 (Dec 7-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 44-13 won by major decision over Jeff Orr (Ladue Horton Watkins) 47-11 (MD 10-2)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Bates (Lebanon ) 29-15 won by fall over Jacob Dalton (McDonald County ) 32-15 (Fall 2:57)
    Cons. Round 2 - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 46-10 won by decision over Devon Fennessey (Union) 48-7 (Dec 13-6)
    Cons. Round 2 - Jeff Orr (Ladue Horton Watkins) 47-11 won by fall over Tommy Bradshaw (Carthage ) 32-13 (Fall 3:36)
    Cons. Round 2 - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 44-13 won by decision over Quinton Moore (Ft. Zumwalt North) 24-15 (Dec 3-1)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Brandon Baker (Staley ) 43-14 won by decision over Collin Huitt (Farmington) 44-13 (Dec 6-1)
    Quarterfinal - Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 39-17 won by decision over Jeff Orr (Ladue Horton Watkins) 47-11 (Dec 2-0)
    Quarterfinal - Nic Smith (Ft. Zumwalt South) 45-5 won by major decision over Devon Fennessey (Union) 48-7 (MD 13-5)
    Quarterfinal - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 50-3 won by fall over Jacob Dalton (McDonald County ) 32-15 (Fall 4:12)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Bates (Lebanon ) 29-15 won by forfeit over Colby Collings (Hannibal ) 46-7 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 46-10 won by fall over Joon Kim (Pacific ) 22-28 (Fall 1:33)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tommy Bradshaw (Carthage ) 32-13 won by fall over Jourdan Karsten (Platte County ) 31-24 (Fall 1:20)
    Cons. Round 1 - Quinton Moore (Ft. Zumwalt North) 24-15 won by fall over Lucas Ambrecht (Windsor (Imperial)) 32-22 (Fall 3:42)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 44-13 won by fall over Tyler Bates (Lebanon ) 29-15 (Fall 4:14)
    Champ. Round 1 - Brandon Baker (Staley ) 43-14 won by forfeit over Colby Collings (Hannibal ) 46-7 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 39-17 won by fall over Joon Kim (Pacific ) 22-28 (Fall 1:49)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jeff Orr (Ladue Horton Watkins) 47-11 won by decision over James Culp (Warrensburg ) 46-10 (Dec 7-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nic Smith (Ft. Zumwalt South) 45-5 won by decision over Jourdan Karsten (Platte County ) 31-24 (Dec 7-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Devon Fennessey (Union) 48-7 won by fall over Tommy Bradshaw (Carthage ) 32-13 (Fall 0:40)
    Champ. Round 1 - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 50-3 won by fall over Quinton Moore (Ft. Zumwalt North) 24-15 (Fall 2:43)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Dalton (McDonald County ) 32-15 won by fall over Lucas Ambrecht (Windsor (Imperial)) 32-22 (Fall 3:59)
152 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Zadac Lankford (Warrensburg ) 54-0 won by decision over Jayden Bears (Staley ) 42-17 (Dec 12-7)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Spencer Baird (Washington) 48-8 won by decision over Sam Williams (Neosho) 23-5 (Dec 8-6)
    5th Place Match - Chase Ridenour (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-5 won by decision over Nick Koon (Carl Junction ) 43-7 (Dec 5-4)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Spencer Baird (Washington) 48-8 won by decision over Chase Ridenour (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-5 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Semi - Sam Williams (Neosho) 23-5 won by decision over Nick Koon (Carl Junction ) 43-7 (Dec 4-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Zadac Lankford (Warrensburg ) 54-0 won by decision over Spencer Baird (Washington) 48-8 (Dec 7-2)
    Semifinal - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 42-17 won by fall over Sam Williams (Neosho) 23-5 (Fall 3:38)
    Cons. Round 3 - Chase Ridenour (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-5 won by decision over Justin Manzella (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-12 (Dec 6-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Nick Koon (Carl Junction ) 43-7 won by fall over Kyle Campbell (Republic ) 41-8 (Fall 4:25)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Justin Manzella (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-12 won by decision over Dominic Cervantes (Oak Park ) 24-9 (Dec 12-7)
    Cons. Round 2 - Chase Ridenour (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-5 won by fall over Kris Richardson (Riverview Gardens) 16-4 (Fall 1:54)
    Cons. Round 2 - Kyle Campbell (Republic ) 41-8 won by decision over Thomas Massengale (Willard) 36-18 (Dec 5-4)
    Cons. Round 2 - Nick Koon (Carl Junction ) 43-7 won by major decision over Cody Pace (Union) 49-9 (MD 11-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Spencer Baird (Washington) 48-8 won by fall over Nick Koon (Carl Junction ) 43-7 (Fall 3:39)
    Quarterfinal - Zadac Lankford (Warrensburg ) 54-0 won by major decision over Kyle Campbell (Republic ) 41-8 (MD 9-0)
    Quarterfinal - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 42-17 won by decision over Chase Ridenour (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-5 (Dec 5-3)
    Quarterfinal - Sam Williams (Neosho) 23-5 won by decision over Dominic Cervantes (Oak Park ) 24-9 (Dec 3-1)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Justin Manzella (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-12 won by fall over Jaxton Bingham (Kearney ) 23-24 (Fall 3:23)
    Cons. Round 1 - Kris Richardson (Riverview Gardens) 16-4 won by major decision over Reed Dietiker (Webster Groves) 33-16 (MD 11-1)
    Cons. Round 1 - Thomas Massengale (Willard) 36-18 won in sudden victory - 1 over Dalton Voyles (Pacific ) 35-17 (SV-1 5-3)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cody Pace (Union) 49-9 won by fall over Keegan Brown (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-15 (Fall 1:43)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Spencer Baird (Washington) 48-8 won by major decision over Jaxton Bingham (Kearney ) 23-24 (MD 9-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nick Koon (Carl Junction ) 43-7 won by fall over Justin Manzella (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-12 (Fall 5:03)
    Champ. Round 1 - Zadac Lankford (Warrensburg ) 54-0 won by fall over Reed Dietiker (Webster Groves) 33-16 (Fall 2:18)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Campbell (Republic ) 41-8 won by decision over Kris Richardson (Riverview Gardens) 16-4 (Dec 2-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Chase Ridenour (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-5 won by decision over Thomas Massengale (Willard) 36-18 (Dec 5-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 42-17 won by major decision over Dalton Voyles (Pacific ) 35-17 (MD 12-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Sam Williams (Neosho) 23-5 won by fall over Keegan Brown (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-15 (Fall 2:50)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dominic Cervantes (Oak Park ) 24-9 won by fall over Cody Pace (Union) 49-9 (Fall 3:43)
160 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Ian McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 40-2 won by decision over Tyler Warren (Windsor (Imperial)) 54-4 (Dec 9-3)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 43-8 won by decision over Blain Drescher (Kearney ) 43-8 (Dec 6-2)
    5th Place Match - Jared Allnutt (Warrensburg ) 47-12 won by decision over Caleb Summers (Washington) 47-11 (Dec 3-2)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 43-8 won by decision over Caleb Summers (Washington) 47-11 (Dec 7-2)
    Cons. Semi - Blain Drescher (Kearney ) 43-8 won by decision over Jared Allnutt (Warrensburg ) 47-12 (Dec 4-3)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Tyler Warren (Windsor (Imperial)) 54-4 won by decision over Caleb Summers (Washington) 47-11 (Dec 5-2)
    Semifinal - Ian McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 40-2 won by decision over Blain Drescher (Kearney ) 43-8 (Dec 3-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 43-8 won by fall over Brayden Goff (Webb City ) 27-4 (Fall 2:22)
    Cons. Round 3 - Jared Allnutt (Warrensburg ) 47-12 won by fall over Luke Sammelmann (Ft. Zumwalt North) 11-15 (Fall 0:25)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 43-8 won by fall over Jesse Kerr (Hillcrest ) 34-17 (Fall 2:08)
    Cons. Round 2 - Brayden Goff (Webb City ) 27-4 won by fall over Louden Bredeson (Platte County ) 21-29 (Fall 1:16)
    Cons. Round 2 - Jared Allnutt (Warrensburg ) 47-12 won by decision over Kerik Crouse (Republic ) 43-6 (Dec 7-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Luke Sammelmann (Ft. Zumwalt North) 11-15 won by decision over Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 34-20 (Dec 3-1)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Caleb Summers (Washington) 47-11 won by major decision over Luke Sammelmann (Ft. Zumwalt North) 11-15 (MD 12-0)
    Quarterfinal - Tyler Warren (Windsor (Imperial)) 54-4 won by fall over Jared Allnutt (Warrensburg ) 47-12 (Fall 0:18)
    Quarterfinal - Ian McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 40-2 won by fall over Louden Bredeson (Platte County ) 21-29 (Fall 5:16)
    Quarterfinal - Blain Drescher (Kearney ) 43-8 won by decision over Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 43-8 (Dec 7-2)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jesse Kerr (Hillcrest ) 34-17 won by forfeit over Eric Quador (Staley ) 21-17 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Brayden Goff (Webb City ) 27-4 won by major decision over Cody Forest (Ft. Zumwalt South) 25-22 (MD 13-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Kerik Crouse (Republic ) 43-6 won by forfeit over Justin Mann (Ladue Horton Watkins) 35-5 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 34-20 won by fall over Michael Weston (Westminster Christian Academy) 30-21 (Fall 2:28)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Summers (Washington) 47-11 won by decision over Jesse Kerr (Hillcrest ) 34-17 (Dec 12-11)
    Champ. Round 1 - Luke Sammelmann (Ft. Zumwalt North) 11-15 won by forfeit over Eric Quador (Staley ) 21-17 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Warren (Windsor (Imperial)) 54-4 won by fall over Brayden Goff (Webb City ) 27-4 (Fall 1:02)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jared Allnutt (Warrensburg ) 47-12 won by tech fall over Cody Forest (Ft. Zumwalt South) 25-22 (TF-1.5 3:10 (17-1))
    Champ. Round 1 - Louden Bredeson (Platte County ) 21-29 won by forfeit over Justin Mann (Ladue Horton Watkins) 35-5 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Ian McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 40-2 won by decision over Kerik Crouse (Republic ) 43-6 (Dec 8-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Blain Drescher (Kearney ) 43-8 won by fall over Michael Weston (Westminster Christian Academy) 30-21 (Fall 1:31)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 43-8 won by fall over Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 34-20 (Fall 3:45)
170 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 56-2 won by decision over Casey Bryan (Winnetonka) 47-5 (Dec 1-0)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Kyle Summers (Washington) 25-10 won by decision over Ryan Thomas (Ft. Zumwalt North) 48-5 (Dec 8-6)
    5th Place Match - Brett Marr (Warrensburg ) 51-7 won by decision over Garrison Jones (Farmington) 37-17 (Dec 4-1)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Ryan Thomas (Ft. Zumwalt North) 48-5 won by fall over Garrison Jones (Farmington) 37-17 (Fall 4:29)
    Cons. Semi - Kyle Summers (Washington) 25-10 won by decision over Brett Marr (Warrensburg ) 51-7 (Dec 10-3)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 56-2 won by fall over Garrison Jones (Farmington) 37-17 (Fall 2:25)
    Semifinal - Casey Bryan (Winnetonka) 47-5 won in tie breaker - 1 over Kyle Summers (Washington) 25-10 (TB-1 3-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Ryan Thomas (Ft. Zumwalt North) 48-5 won by decision over Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 36-15 (Dec 1-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Brett Marr (Warrensburg ) 51-7 won by decision over Alex Lane (Webb City ) 37-14 (Dec 5-0)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 36-15 won by decision over Jordan Femmer (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 40-10 (Dec 2-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Ryan Thomas (Ft. Zumwalt North) 48-5 won by fall over Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 37-4 (Fall 4:31)
    Cons. Round 2 - Alex Lane (Webb City ) 37-14 won by fall over Brandon Seely (Staley ) 10-16 (Fall 2:34)
    Cons. Round 2 - Brett Marr (Warrensburg ) 51-7 won by decision over Peter Weingart (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 43-12 (Dec 2-1)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 56-2 won by fall over Brett Marr (Warrensburg ) 51-7 (Fall 1:31)
    Quarterfinal - Garrison Jones (Farmington) 37-17 won by decision over Alex Lane (Webb City ) 37-14 (Dec 7-2)
    Quarterfinal - Kyle Summers (Washington) 25-10 won by major decision over Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 37-4 (MD 15-5)
    Quarterfinal - Casey Bryan (Winnetonka) 47-5 won by decision over Jordan Femmer (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 40-10 (Dec 5-1)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 36-15 won by fall over Alec Chrismer (Chaminade) 23-12 (Fall 1:30)
    Cons. Round 1 - Ryan Thomas (Ft. Zumwalt North) 48-5 won by fall over Asa Brand (Liberty North) 31-9 (Fall 2:16)
    Cons. Round 1 - Brandon Seely (Staley ) 10-16 won by major decision over Brink Thompson (Westminster Christian Academy) 23-25 (MD 12-1)
    Cons. Round 1 - Peter Weingart (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 43-12 won by decision over Skyler Bloomer (Carthage ) 30-18 (Dec 5-4)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 56-2 won by fall over Alec Chrismer (Chaminade) 23-12 (Fall 1:21)
    Champ. Round 1 - Brett Marr (Warrensburg ) 51-7 won by decision over Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 36-15 (Dec 6-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Garrison Jones (Farmington) 37-17 won by decision over Ryan Thomas (Ft. Zumwalt North) 48-5 (Dec 6-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Alex Lane (Webb City ) 37-14 won by fall over Asa Brand (Liberty North) 31-9 (Fall 3:50)
    Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 37-4 won by decision over Brandon Seely (Staley ) 10-16 (Dec 7-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Summers (Washington) 25-10 won by fall over Brink Thompson (Westminster Christian Academy) 23-25 (Fall 2:25)
    Champ. Round 1 - Casey Bryan (Winnetonka) 47-5 won by fall over Skyler Bloomer (Carthage ) 30-18 (Fall 3:35)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jordan Femmer (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 40-10 won by decision over Peter Weingart (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 43-12 (Dec 8-4)
182 Class 3
    1st Place Match - John (JJ) Filipek (Warrenton) 50-2 won by fall over Dustin Politte (Festus) 45-2 (Fall 3:26)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Taylor Ware (Kearney ) 34-11 won by fall over Anthony Flores (Winnetonka) 43-4 (Fall 1:48)
    5th Place Match - Ryan Wadlow (Farmington) 30-6 won by decision over Chris Cacciarelli (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-13 (Dec 6-2)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Taylor Ware (Kearney ) 34-11 won by decision over Ryan Wadlow (Farmington) 30-6 (Dec 8-5)
    Cons. Semi - Anthony Flores (Winnetonka) 43-4 won by decision over Chris Cacciarelli (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-13 (Dec 8-4)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - John (JJ) Filipek (Warrenton) 50-2 won by decision over Ryan Wadlow (Farmington) 30-6 (Dec 8-1)
    Semifinal - Dustin Politte (Festus) 45-2 won by decision over Anthony Flores (Winnetonka) 43-4 (Dec 4-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Taylor Ware (Kearney ) 34-11 won by decision over John Hiltner (Belton ) 40-13 (Dec 12-7)
    Cons. Round 3 - Chris Cacciarelli (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-13 won by decision over Austin Beushausen (Lebanon ) 40-11 (Dec 6-4)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - John Hiltner (Belton ) 40-13 won by fall over Jeffery Johnson (Hillsboro) 36-19 (Fall 4:20)
    Cons. Round 2 - Taylor Ware (Kearney ) 34-11 won by fall over Jacob Brock (Neosho) 50-5 (Fall 0:23)
    Cons. Round 2 - Austin Beushausen (Lebanon ) 40-11 won by fall over Conyer Hon (Platte County ) 19-10 (Fall 3:31)
    Cons. Round 2 - Chris Cacciarelli (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-13 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Darien Abston (Rolla ) 28-10 (UTB 4-3)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Ryan Wadlow (Farmington) 30-6 won by decision over Darien Abston (Rolla ) 28-10 (Dec 7-2)
    Quarterfinal - John (JJ) Filipek (Warrenton) 50-2 won by major decision over Austin Beushausen (Lebanon ) 40-11 (MD 14-1)
    Quarterfinal - Dustin Politte (Festus) 45-2 won by fall over Jacob Brock (Neosho) 50-5 (Fall 3:38)
    Quarterfinal - Anthony Flores (Winnetonka) 43-4 won by fall over Jeffery Johnson (Hillsboro) 36-19 (Fall 3:46)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - John Hiltner (Belton ) 40-13 won by fall over Nathan Williams (Ft. Zumwalt North) 17-17 (Fall 1:36)
    Cons. Round 1 - Taylor Ware (Kearney ) 34-11 won by fall over Jesse Pinkner (Webster Groves) 29-11 (Fall 0:52)
    Cons. Round 1 - Conyer Hon (Platte County ) 19-10 won by fall over Jack Hobbs (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-20 (Fall 2:39)
    Cons. Round 1 - Chris Cacciarelli (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-13 won by fall over Duane Faller (Willard) 28-12 (Fall 2:01)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Ryan Wadlow (Farmington) 30-6 won by fall over Nathan Williams (Ft. Zumwalt North) 17-17 (Fall 1:08)
    Champ. Round 1 - Darien Abston (Rolla ) 28-10 won by fall over John Hiltner (Belton ) 40-13 (Fall 4:22)
    Champ. Round 1 - John (JJ) Filipek (Warrenton) 50-2 won by fall over Jesse Pinkner (Webster Groves) 29-11 (Fall 0:27)
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Beushausen (Lebanon ) 40-11 won by decision over Taylor Ware (Kearney ) 34-11 (Dec 5-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Brock (Neosho) 50-5 won by decision over Conyer Hon (Platte County ) 19-10 (Dec 1-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dustin Politte (Festus) 45-2 won by fall over Jack Hobbs (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-20 (Fall 3:14)
    Champ. Round 1 - Anthony Flores (Winnetonka) 43-4 won by major decision over Duane Faller (Willard) 28-12 (MD 17-9)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jeffery Johnson (Hillsboro) 36-19 won by decision over Chris Cacciarelli (Westminster Christian Academy) 24-13 (Dec 13-9)
195 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Bennett Lewis (Westminster Christian Academy) 53-0 won by tech fall over Rudy May (Rockwood Summit ) 30-2 (TF-1.5 5:17 (16-1))
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Austin Dussold (Farmington) 44-14 won by fall over Tritton Barnes (Branson) 30-15 (Fall 4:32)
    5th Place Match - Daltan Sweet (Staley ) 51-7 won by decision over Joshua Mayberry (Hillsboro) 47-11 (Dec 1-0)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Austin Dussold (Farmington) 44-14 won by decision over Joshua Mayberry (Hillsboro) 47-11 (Dec 2-0)
    Cons. Semi - Tritton Barnes (Branson) 30-15 won by decision over Daltan Sweet (Staley ) 51-7 (Dec 3-0)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Rudy May (Rockwood Summit ) 30-2 won in sudden victory - 1 over Joshua Mayberry (Hillsboro) 47-11 (SV-1 3-1)
    Semifinal - Bennett Lewis (Westminster Christian Academy) 53-0 won by decision over Daltan Sweet (Staley ) 51-7 (Dec 8-4)
    Cons. Round 3 - Austin Dussold (Farmington) 44-14 won by decision over Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 44-8 (Dec 3-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Tritton Barnes (Branson) 30-15 won in tie breaker - 1 over Logan Baird (Washington) 40-15 (TB-1 2-1)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 44-8 won by fall over Jesse Eggers (Platte County ) 27-21 (Fall 0:25)
    Cons. Round 2 - Austin Dussold (Farmington) 44-14 won by decision over Lynzel Owens (McCluer) 33-6 (Dec 7-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Tritton Barnes (Branson) 30-15 won in tie breaker - 1 over Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 30-7 (TB-1 3-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Logan Baird (Washington) 40-15 won by decision over Ben Elledge (Neosho) 33-22 (Dec 7-3)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Rudy May (Rockwood Summit ) 30-2 won by fall over Ben Elledge (Neosho) 33-22 (Fall 5:48)
    Quarterfinal - Joshua Mayberry (Hillsboro) 47-11 won by decision over Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 30-7 (Dec 2-1)
    Quarterfinal - Bennett Lewis (Westminster Christian Academy) 53-0 won by decision over Austin Dussold (Farmington) 44-14 (Dec 8-5)
    Quarterfinal - Daltan Sweet (Staley ) 51-7 won by fall over Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 44-8 (Fall 3:48)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jesse Eggers (Platte County ) 27-21 won by decision over Lucas Clay (Ladue Horton Watkins) 18-11 (Dec 3-2)
    Cons. Round 1 - Lynzel Owens (McCluer) 33-6 won by decision over Jaeger Low (Oak Park ) 30-17 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tritton Barnes (Branson) 30-15 won by medical forfeit over Bryce Shepherd (Liberty North) 15-10 (M. For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Logan Baird (Washington) 40-15 won by fall over Evan Miller (Ft. Zumwalt North) 22-15 (Fall 1:45)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Rudy May (Rockwood Summit ) 30-2 won by decision over Jesse Eggers (Platte County ) 27-21 (Dec 10-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Ben Elledge (Neosho) 33-22 won by major decision over Lucas Clay (Ladue Horton Watkins) 18-11 (MD 12-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Joshua Mayberry (Hillsboro) 47-11 won by fall over Jaeger Low (Oak Park ) 30-17 (Fall 4:38)
    Champ. Round 1 - Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 30-7 won by decision over Lynzel Owens (McCluer) 33-6 (Dec 5-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Bennett Lewis (Westminster Christian Academy) 53-0 won by tech fall over Tritton Barnes (Branson) 30-15 (TF-1.5 4:11 (16-0))
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Dussold (Farmington) 44-14 won by decision over Bryce Shepherd (Liberty North) 15-10 (Dec 3-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 44-8 won by fall over Evan Miller (Ft. Zumwalt North) 22-15 (Fall 1:25)
    Champ. Round 1 - Daltan Sweet (Staley ) 51-7 won by decision over Logan Baird (Washington) 40-15 (Dec 3-0)
220 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Christian Lopez (Neosho) 51-5 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Jordan Moffett (McDonald County ) 45-2 (UTB 3-2)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Jarad Sheppard (Hillsboro) 57-1 won by decision over Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-8 (Dec 2-1)
    5th Place Match - Dylan Wolfe (Grain Valley) 44-9 won by fall over Di`ontay Hatch (McCluer) 37-6 (Fall 3:01)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Jarad Sheppard (Hillsboro) 57-1 won by fall over Dylan Wolfe (Grain Valley) 44-9 (Fall 1:15)
    Cons. Semi - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-8 won by fall over Di`ontay Hatch (McCluer) 37-6 (Fall 1:51)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Christian Lopez (Neosho) 51-5 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jarad Sheppard (Hillsboro) 57-1 (SV-1 3-1)
    Semifinal - Jordan Moffett (McDonald County ) 45-2 won by decision over Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-8 (Dec 3-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dylan Wolfe (Grain Valley) 44-9 won by decision over Austin Herbst (Farmington) 39-14 (Dec 1-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Di`ontay Hatch (McCluer) 37-6 won by decision over Caleb Kotraba (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 34-8 (Dec 10-5)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dylan Wolfe (Grain Valley) 44-9 won by fall over Trent Sluder (Platte County ) 27-18 (Fall 2:31)
    Cons. Round 2 - Austin Herbst (Farmington) 39-14 won in tie breaker - 1 over Andruw Goin (Belton ) 37-14 (TB-1 2-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Caleb Kotraba (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 34-8 won by fall over Isaiah Hills (Camdenton ) 31-16 (Fall 1:36)
    Cons. Round 2 - Di`ontay Hatch (McCluer) 37-6 won by injury default over Joe Lasky (Union) 39-17 (Inj. 2:36)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Jarad Sheppard (Hillsboro) 57-1 won by fall over Di`ontay Hatch (McCluer) 37-6 (Fall 3:44)
    Quarterfinal - Christian Lopez (Neosho) 51-5 won by fall over Caleb Kotraba (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 34-8 (Fall 2:18)
    Quarterfinal - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-8 won by decision over Austin Herbst (Farmington) 39-14 (Dec 2-1)
    Quarterfinal - Jordan Moffett (McDonald County ) 45-2 won by major decision over Trent Sluder (Platte County ) 27-18 (MD 9-1)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dylan Wolfe (Grain Valley) 44-9 won by fall over Shawn Dalangin (Lebanon ) 35-14 (Fall 3:20)
    Cons. Round 1 - Andruw Goin (Belton ) 37-14 won by fall over Tarrington Marks (Sikeston ) 26-14 (Fall 1:53)
    Cons. Round 1 - Isaiah Hills (Camdenton ) 31-16 won by fall over Justin Whitaker (Winnetonka) 33-17 (Fall 6:28)
    Cons. Round 1 - Joe Lasky (Union) 39-17 won by fall over Wes Park (Westminster Christian Academy) 18-10 (Fall 4:38)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jarad Sheppard (Hillsboro) 57-1 won by fall over Shawn Dalangin (Lebanon ) 35-14 (Fall 0:47)
    Champ. Round 1 - Di`ontay Hatch (McCluer) 37-6 won by decision over Dylan Wolfe (Grain Valley) 44-9 (Dec 13-6)
    Champ. Round 1 - Christian Lopez (Neosho) 51-5 won by fall over Tarrington Marks (Sikeston ) 26-14 (Fall 1:27)
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Kotraba (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 34-8 won by fall over Andruw Goin (Belton ) 37-14 (Fall 1:21)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-8 won by fall over Justin Whitaker (Winnetonka) 33-17 (Fall 3:46)
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Herbst (Farmington) 39-14 won by decision over Isaiah Hills (Camdenton ) 31-16 (Dec 6-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Trent Sluder (Platte County ) 27-18 won by decision over Wes Park (Westminster Christian Academy) 18-10 (Dec 6-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jordan Moffett (McDonald County ) 45-2 won by fall over Joe Lasky (Union) 39-17 (Fall 2:55)
285 Class 3
    1st Place Match - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 54-2 won by decision over Marlon Hampton (Webster Groves) 31-3 (Dec 7-3)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 46-10 won by decision over Mitch Adams (Platte County ) 37-13 (Dec 3-1)
    5th Place Match - Tony Carranco (Webb City ) 34-12 won in tie breaker - 1 over Caleb Braun (Warrensburg ) 45-10 (TB-1 3-2)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Mitch Adams (Platte County ) 37-13 won in sudden victory - 1 over Tony Carranco (Webb City ) 34-12 (SV-1 3-1)
    Cons. Semi - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 46-10 won by fall over Caleb Braun (Warrensburg ) 45-10 (Fall 1:31)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Marlon Hampton (Webster Groves) 31-3 won by fall over Mitch Adams (Platte County ) 37-13 (Fall 1:13)
    Semifinal - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 54-2 won by decision over Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 46-10 (Dec 4-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Tony Carranco (Webb City ) 34-12 won by decision over Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-19 (Dec 1-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Caleb Braun (Warrensburg ) 45-10 won by decision over Josiah Quick (Grandview ) 36-16 (Dec 4-0)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Tony Carranco (Webb City ) 34-12 won by fall over Chris Bryant (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 24-8 (Fall 4:39)
    Cons. Round 2 - Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-19 won in tie breaker - 1 over Payton Napoli (Farmington) 38-15 (TB-1 5-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Josiah Quick (Grandview ) 36-16 won by fall over Xavier Jenkins (McCluer) 28-5 (Fall 1:38)
    Cons. Round 2 - Caleb Braun (Warrensburg ) 45-10 won in tie breaker - 1 over Thomas Ceja (Rolla ) 28-14 (TB-1 5-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Marlon Hampton (Webster Groves) 31-3 won by decision over Caleb Braun (Warrensburg ) 45-10 (Dec 3-2)
    Quarterfinal - Mitch Adams (Platte County ) 37-13 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Xavier Jenkins (McCluer) 28-5 (UTB 3-2)
    Quarterfinal - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 46-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over Payton Napoli (Farmington) 38-15 (SV-1 10-8)
    Quarterfinal - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 54-2 won by fall over Chris Bryant (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 24-8 (Fall 7:30)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tony Carranco (Webb City ) 34-12 won by medical forfeit over Austin Lott (Ft. Zumwalt North) 17-17 (M. For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-19 won by decision over Blaine Perry (Carthage ) 31-14 (Dec 1-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Josiah Quick (Grandview ) 36-16 won by forfeit over Christian Hundley (Ft. Zumwalt South) 26-26 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Thomas Ceja (Rolla ) 28-14 won by fall over Joe Isaacs (Westminster Christian Academy) 29-17 (Fall 4:52)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Marlon Hampton (Webster Groves) 31-3 won by fall over Austin Lott (Ft. Zumwalt North) 17-17 (Fall 0:20)
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Braun (Warrensburg ) 45-10 won by decision over Tony Carranco (Webb City ) 34-12 (Dec 7-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Xavier Jenkins (McCluer) 28-5 won by decision over Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-19 (Dec 2-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Mitch Adams (Platte County ) 37-13 won by decision over Blaine Perry (Carthage ) 31-14 (Dec 13-6)
    Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 46-10 won by fall over Josiah Quick (Grandview ) 36-16 (Fall 4:35)
    Champ. Round 1 - Payton Napoli (Farmington) 38-15 won by forfeit over Christian Hundley (Ft. Zumwalt South) 26-26 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 54-2 won by decision over Thomas Ceja (Rolla ) 28-14 (Dec 3-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Chris Bryant (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 24-8 won by fall over Joe Isaacs (Westminster Christian Academy) 29-17 (Fall 1:03)

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