Sports and Activities 2014 MSHSAA Championship Results - Class 3 Find School MSHSAA Member/AffiliateNon-Member School Go   cancel Find School Girls Class 3 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 2013-2014 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 Class Class 1 2 3 4 Championship Team Scores Individual Championship Results Copy Results HTML to Clipboard 106 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 54-1 won by decision over David Berryman (Staley ) 46-8 (Dec 11-5) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 42-3 won by major decision over Dalton Kivett (Neosho) 40-13 (MD 19-7) 5th Place Match - Nikolas Chavez (Willard) 49-4 won by decision over Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 47-6 (Dec 8-5) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Dalton Kivett (Neosho) 40-13 won by decision over Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 47-6 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Semi - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 42-3 won by decision over Nikolas Chavez (Willard) 49-4 (Dec 7-3) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - David Berryman (Staley ) 46-8 won by decision over Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 47-6 (Dec 10-4) Semifinal - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 54-1 won by major decision over Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 42-3 (MD 14-3) Cons. Round 3 - Dalton Kivett (Neosho) 40-13 won by fall over Justin Espinosa (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 37-8 (Fall 2:02) Cons. Round 3 - Nikolas Chavez (Willard) 49-4 won by decision over Aaron Gion (Westminister Christian Academy) 40-11 (Dec 6-5) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Kivett (Neosho) 40-13 won by major decision over Taylor Brown (Warrensburg ) 36-6 (MD 12-4) Cons. Round 2 - Justin Espinosa (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 37-8 won by decision over Cody Hey (Washington) 31-21 (Dec 5-3) Cons. Round 2 - Nikolas Chavez (Willard) 49-4 won by decision over Zeb Ashford (Branson) 29-17 (Dec 10-3) Cons. Round 2 - Aaron Gion (Westminister Christian Academy) 40-11 won by fall over Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 36-7 (Fall 3:22) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 47-6 won by decision over Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 36-7 (Dec 7-6) Quarterfinal - David Berryman (Staley ) 46-8 won by fall over Nikolas Chavez (Willard) 49-4 (Fall 4:42) Quarterfinal - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 42-3 won by tech fall over Cody Hey (Washington) 31-21 (TF-1.5 4:23 (20-3)) Quarterfinal - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 54-1 won by fall over Dalton Kivett (Neosho) 40-13 (Fall 0:45) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Taylor Brown (Warrensburg ) 36-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Daniel De Santiago (McDonald County ) 29-13 (SV-1 9-7) Cons. Round 1 - Justin Espinosa (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 37-8 won by forfeit over Dawson Sickmeier (Union) 30-16 (For.) Cons. Round 1 - Zeb Ashford (Branson) 29-17 won by decision over Nick Gaines (Helias Catholic) 28-14 (Dec 7-3) Cons. Round 1 - Aaron Gion (Westminister Christian Academy) 40-11 won by major decision over Bradly Harman (Farmington) 27-17 (MD 11-0) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Alex Waggoner (DeSoto) 47-6 won by decision over Daniel De Santiago (McDonald County ) 29-13 (Dec 9-7) Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Brazil (Ft. Zumwalt South) 36-7 won by decision over Taylor Brown (Warrensburg ) 36-6 (Dec 10-8) Champ. Round 1 - Nikolas Chavez (Willard) 49-4 won by forfeit over Dawson Sickmeier (Union) 30-16 (For.) Champ. Round 1 - David Berryman (Staley ) 46-8 won by fall over Justin Espinosa (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 37-8 (Fall 2:31) Champ. Round 1 - Shaun Beeman (Ft. Zumwalt North) 42-3 won by decision over Nick Gaines (Helias Catholic) 28-14 (Dec 9-4) Champ. Round 1 - Cody Hey (Washington) 31-21 won by major decision over Zeb Ashford (Branson) 29-17 (MD 17-8) Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Schmitt (Platte County ) 54-1 won by tech fall over Aaron Gion (Westminister Christian Academy) 40-11 (TF-1.5 5:19 (17-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Kivett (Neosho) 40-13 won by fall over Bradly Harman (Farmington) 27-17 (Fall 4:53) 113 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 34-10 won by decision over Wolfgang Clapper (Grain Valley) 35-6 (Dec 7-6) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 39-5 won by decision over Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 38-6 (Dec 5-1) 5th Place Match - Mathew Barmann (Platte County ) 46-11 won by decision over Parker Neptune (Washington) 35-12 (Dec 4-0) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 38-6 won by decision over Parker Neptune (Washington) 35-12 (Dec 4-1) Cons. Semi - Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 39-5 won by decision over Mathew Barmann (Platte County ) 46-11 (Dec 3-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 34-10 won by decision over Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 38-6 (Dec 5-4) Semifinal - Wolfgang Clapper (Grain Valley) 35-6 won by decision over Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 39-5 (Dec 6-0) Cons. Round 3 - Parker Neptune (Washington) 35-12 won by decision over Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 33-14 (Dec 5-1) Cons. Round 3 - Mathew Barmann (Platte County ) 46-11 won by decision over Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 32-9 (Dec 9-3) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 33-14 won by decision over Alex Morose (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 24-12 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 2 - Parker Neptune (Washington) 35-12 won by decision over Christian Yates (Ft. Zumwalt South) 29-9 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 2 - Mathew Barmann (Platte County ) 46-11 won by major decision over Logan Beushausen (Lebanon ) 30-10 (MD 8-0) Cons. Round 2 - Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 32-9 won by major decision over Garrett Middleton (Sikeston ) 36-12 (MD 11-1) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 38-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 32-9 (SV-1 5-3) Quarterfinal - Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 34-10 won by decision over Mathew Barmann (Platte County ) 46-11 (Dec 9-6) Quarterfinal - Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 39-5 won by decision over Parker Neptune (Washington) 35-12 (Dec 5-2) Quarterfinal - Wolfgang Clapper (Grain Valley) 35-6 won by major decision over Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 33-14 (MD 12-2) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Alex Morose (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 24-12 won by fall over Tristan Allen (Webb City ) 27-19 (Fall 1:41) Cons. Round 1 - Christian Yates (Ft. Zumwalt South) 29-9 won by tech fall over Sourya Mogallapu (Rockwood Summit ) 15-18 (TF-1.5 3:48 (15-0)) Cons. Round 1 - Logan Beushausen (Lebanon ) 30-10 won by decision over Dillon Greene (Winnetonka) 18-23 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 1 - Garrett Middleton (Sikeston ) 36-12 won by major decision over Dominic Kennedy (Warrenton ) 28-19 (MD 11-1) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Lamont Wilson (Webster Groves) 38-6 won by fall over Tristan Allen (Webb City ) 27-19 (Fall 4:21) Champ. Round 1 - Elias Hamchaoui (Raytown ) 32-9 won by decision over Alex Morose (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 24-12 (Dec 5-3) Champ. Round 1 - Johnathan Williams (Neosho) 34-10 won by fall over Sourya Mogallapu (Rockwood Summit ) 15-18 (Fall 1:31) Champ. Round 1 - Mathew Barmann (Platte County ) 46-11 won by decision over Christian Yates (Ft. Zumwalt South) 29-9 (Dec 7-3) Champ. Round 1 - Austin Janes (Hannibal ) 39-5 won by major decision over Dillon Greene (Winnetonka) 18-23 (MD 16-6) Champ. Round 1 - Parker Neptune (Washington) 35-12 won by decision over Logan Beushausen (Lebanon ) 30-10 (Dec 6-1) Champ. Round 1 - Wolfgang Clapper (Grain Valley) 35-6 won by fall over Dominic Kennedy (Warrenton ) 28-19 (Fall 1:14) Champ. Round 1 - Dakota Jones (Carthage ) 33-14 won by decision over Garrett Middleton (Sikeston ) 36-12 (Dec 6-2) 120 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 44-1 won by fall over Hunter Shelton (Oak Park ) 33-6 (Fall 0:38) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Josh Franek (Pacific ) 46-4 won by decision over Gannon Millard (Neosho) 40-10 (Dec 4-2) 5th Place Match - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 32-7 won by forfeit over Trey Nelson (Staley ) 27-14 (For.) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Gannon Millard (Neosho) 40-10 won by medical forfeit over Trey Nelson (Staley ) 27-14 (M. For.) Cons. Semi - Josh Franek (Pacific ) 46-4 won by decision over Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 32-7 (Dec 5-0) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 44-1 won by injury default over Trey Nelson (Staley ) 27-14 (Inj. 2:33) Semifinal - Hunter Shelton (Oak Park ) 33-6 won by decision over Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 32-7 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 3 - Gannon Millard (Neosho) 40-10 won by decision over Devin Colbert (Glendale ) 37-10 (Dec 8-3) Cons. Round 3 - Josh Franek (Pacific ) 46-4 won by decision over Clayton Fenzl (Belton ) 19-9 (Dec 6-2) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Devin Colbert (Glendale ) 37-10 won by decision over Dakota Werner (Warrenton ) 38-12 (Dec 7-6) Cons. Round 2 - Gannon Millard (Neosho) 40-10 won by decision over Patrick Klix (Ft. Zumwalt South) 30-16 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 2 - Clayton Fenzl (Belton ) 19-9 won by decision over Harrison Bamman (Grain Valley) 39-11 (Dec 6-5) Cons. Round 2 - Josh Franek (Pacific ) 46-4 won by fall over Matt Stauder (Rockwood Summit ) 27-15 (Fall 3:33) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Trey Nelson (Staley ) 27-14 won by decision over Josh Franek (Pacific ) 46-4 (Dec 4-2) Quarterfinal - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 44-1 won by decision over Harrison Bamman (Grain Valley) 39-11 (Dec 6-4) Quarterfinal - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 32-7 won by fall over Patrick Klix (Ft. Zumwalt South) 30-16 (Fall 3:04) Quarterfinal - Hunter Shelton (Oak Park ) 33-6 won by major decision over Dakota Werner (Warrenton ) 38-12 (MD 12-2) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Devin Colbert (Glendale ) 37-10 won by decision over Jonas Miller-Stockie (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 36-14 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 1 - Gannon Millard (Neosho) 40-10 won by fall over Max Hunkins (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 24-14 (Fall 3:00) Cons. Round 1 - Clayton Fenzl (Belton ) 19-9 won by decision over Matthew King (Poplar Bluff ) 37-7 (Dec 7-1) Cons. Round 1 - Matt Stauder (Rockwood Summit ) 27-15 won by decision over Carter Daniels (Rolla ) 30-19 (Dec 6-2) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Josh Franek (Pacific ) 46-4 won by decision over Jonas Miller-Stockie (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 36-14 (Dec 10-3) Champ. Round 1 - Trey Nelson (Staley ) 27-14 won by major decision over Devin Colbert (Glendale ) 37-10 (MD 10-1) Champ. Round 1 - Chandler Fohey (Hannibal ) 44-1 won by fall over Max Hunkins (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 24-14 (Fall 0:29) Champ. Round 1 - Harrison Bamman (Grain Valley) 39-11 won in sudden victory - 1 over Gannon Millard (Neosho) 40-10 (SV-1 5-3) Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Burns (Lebanon ) 32-7 won by major decision over Clayton Fenzl (Belton ) 19-9 (MD 11-0) Champ. Round 1 - Patrick Klix (Ft. Zumwalt South) 30-16 won by decision over Matthew King (Poplar Bluff ) 37-7 (Dec 8-7) Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Shelton (Oak Park ) 33-6 won by decision over Carter Daniels (Rolla ) 30-19 (Dec 9-3) Champ. Round 1 - Dakota Werner (Warrenton ) 38-12 won by decision over Matt Stauder (Rockwood Summit ) 27-15 (Dec 5-0) 126 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 33-1 won by tech fall over Nicholas Solter (Washington) 48-4 (TF-1.5 5:27 (15-0)) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 51-5 won by decision over Seth Brayfield (Kearney ) 28-4 (Dec 1-0) 5th Place Match - Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 25-9 won by forfeit over River Maggard (Carthage ) 35-14 (For.) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 51-5 won by medical forfeit over River Maggard (Carthage ) 35-14 (M. For.) Cons. Semi - Seth Brayfield (Kearney ) 28-4 won by fall over Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 25-9 (Fall 4:37) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Nicholas Solter (Washington) 48-4 won by decision over Kyler Rea (Neosho) 51-5 (Dec 6-3) Semifinal - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 33-1 won by fall over Seth Brayfield (Kearney ) 28-4 (Fall 4:59) Cons. Round 3 - River Maggard (Carthage ) 35-14 won by decision over Tristan Barr (Rolla ) 39-13 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 3 - Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 25-9 won by decision over Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 45-5 (Dec 7-4) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - River Maggard (Carthage ) 35-14 won by fall over Caine Harrison (Staley ) 22-16 (Fall 1:23) Cons. Round 2 - Tristan Barr (Rolla ) 39-13 won by decision over Justin Minks (Farmington) 25-17 (Dec 9-3) Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 45-5 won by decision over Mavrick Alexander (Grain Valley) 39-11 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 2 - Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 25-9 won by decision over Trae Adams (DeSoto) 44-10 (Dec 9-7) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Nicholas Solter (Washington) 48-4 won by decision over Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 25-9 (Dec 5-4) Quarterfinal - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 51-5 won by decision over Mavrick Alexander (Grain Valley) 39-11 (Dec 7-1) Quarterfinal - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 33-1 won by decision over Tristan Barr (Rolla ) 39-13 (Dec 4-1) Quarterfinal - Seth Brayfield (Kearney ) 28-4 won by decision over River Maggard (Carthage ) 35-14 (Dec 10-3) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Caine Harrison (Staley ) 22-16 won by injury default over Austin Thomas (Webb City ) 21-17 (Inj. 4:23) Cons. Round 1 - Justin Minks (Farmington) 25-17 won by decision over Austin Graeler (Ft. Zumwalt North) 23-12 (Dec 8-6) Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 45-5 won by decision over Trey Dockery (Platte County ) 16-12 (Dec 8-3) Cons. Round 1 - Trae Adams (DeSoto) 44-10 won by decision over Nick Schmeiderer (Ft. Zumwalt South) 21-26 (Dec 9-2) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Nicholas Solter (Washington) 48-4 won by tech fall over Austin Thomas (Webb City ) 21-17 (TF-1.5 4:00 (18-3)) Champ. Round 1 - Kamerun Williams (McCluer) 25-9 won by decision over Caine Harrison (Staley ) 22-16 (Dec 12-9) Champ. Round 1 - Kyler Rea (Neosho) 51-5 won by tech fall over Justin Minks (Farmington) 25-17 (TF-1.5 2:56 (16-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Mavrick Alexander (Grain Valley) 39-11 won by decision over Austin Graeler (Ft. Zumwalt North) 23-12 (Dec 7-1) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Janes (Hannibal ) 33-1 won by tech fall over Trey Dockery (Platte County ) 16-12 (TF-1.5 5:09 (15-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Tristan Barr (Rolla ) 39-13 won by decision over Tyler Lawson (Webster Groves) 45-5 (Dec 3-2) Champ. Round 1 - Seth Brayfield (Kearney ) 28-4 won by fall over Nick Schmeiderer (Ft. Zumwalt South) 21-26 (Fall 0:57) Champ. Round 1 - River Maggard (Carthage ) 35-14 won by fall over Trae Adams (DeSoto) 44-10 (Fall 5:19) 132 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-12 won in sudden victory - 1 over Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 42-2 (SV-1 4-2) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 34-3 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jonathan Melton (Staley ) 37-12 (SV-1 4-2) 5th Place Match - Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 44-11 won by decision over Isaac Townsend (Neosho) 40-13 (Dec 3-1) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Jonathan Melton (Staley ) 37-12 won by fall over Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 44-11 (Fall 4:59) Cons. Semi - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 34-3 won by decision over Isaac Townsend (Neosho) 40-13 (Dec 5-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-12 won by decision over Jonathan Melton (Staley ) 37-12 (Dec 4-3) Semifinal - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 42-2 won by decision over Seth Logan (Carthage ) 34-3 (Dec 4-0) Cons. Round 3 - Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 44-11 won by decision over Kaleb Crook (Willard) 40-6 (Dec 6-5) Cons. Round 3 - Isaac Townsend (Neosho) 40-13 won by fall over Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-16 (Fall 1:40) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 44-11 won by fall over Ryan Roemerman (Webster Groves) 31-10 (Fall 4:18) Cons. Round 2 - Kaleb Crook (Willard) 40-6 won by tech fall over Aaron Vincent (Poplar Bluff ) 22-9 (TF-1.5 3:36 (17-2)) Cons. Round 2 - Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-16 won by decision over Ian Benoit (Winnetonka) 30-24 (Dec 10-3) Cons. Round 2 - Isaac Townsend (Neosho) 40-13 won by fall over Cody Gardner (Washington) 14-6 (Fall 3:31) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Jonathan Melton (Staley ) 37-12 won by fall over Cody Gardner (Washington) 14-6 (Fall 3:06) Quarterfinal - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-12 won by fall over Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-16 (Fall 1:30) Quarterfinal - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 34-3 won by fall over Aaron Vincent (Poplar Bluff ) 22-9 (Fall 3:02) Quarterfinal - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 42-2 won by fall over Ryan Roemerman (Webster Groves) 31-10 (Fall 2:58) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 44-11 won by fall over William Lindsay (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 7-23 (Fall 1:39) Cons. Round 1 - Kaleb Crook (Willard) 40-6 won by tech fall over Cody Robertson (Hillsboro) 36-13 (TF-1.5 3:00 (15-0)) Cons. Round 1 - Ian Benoit (Winnetonka) 30-24 won by fall over Drake Meine (Warrenton ) 10-11 (Fall 1:34) Cons. Round 1 - Isaac Townsend (Neosho) 40-13 won by decision over Christopher Minton (McCluer) 31-18 (Dec 12-8) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Cody Gardner (Washington) 14-6 won by fall over William Lindsay (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 7-23 (Fall 3:05) Champ. Round 1 - Jonathan Melton (Staley ) 37-12 won by fall over Anthony Franicevich (Camdenton ) 44-11 (Fall 5:39) Champ. Round 1 - Trenton Jaco (Ft. Zumwalt North) 28-16 won by decision over Cody Robertson (Hillsboro) 36-13 (Dec 9-5) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Karsten (Platte County ) 44-12 won by major decision over Kaleb Crook (Willard) 40-6 (MD 12-2) Champ. Round 1 - Seth Logan (Carthage ) 34-3 won by tech fall over Ian Benoit (Winnetonka) 30-24 (TF-1.5 4:55 (16-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Vincent (Poplar Bluff ) 22-9 won by fall over Drake Meine (Warrenton ) 10-11 (Fall 3:11) Champ. Round 1 - Noah Teaney (Oak Park ) 42-2 won by major decision over Isaac Townsend (Neosho) 40-13 (MD 13-0) Champ. Round 1 - Ryan Roemerman (Webster Groves) 31-10 won by tech fall over Christopher Minton (McCluer) 31-18 (TF-1.5 5:10 (17-1)) 138 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 52-3 won by decision over Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 46-12 (Dec 5-0) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 42-14 won by decision over Jason Box (Neosho) 45-11 (Dec 2-1) 5th Place Match - Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 52-5 won by decision over Nicky Greco (Farmington) 39-14 (Dec 6-0) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 42-14 won by decision over Nicky Greco (Farmington) 39-14 (Dec 5-0) Cons. Semi - Jason Box (Neosho) 45-11 won by decision over Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 52-5 (Dec 3-0) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 46-12 won by decision over Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 42-14 (Dec 2-1) Semifinal - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 52-3 won by fall over Jason Box (Neosho) 45-11 (Fall 2:43) Cons. Round 3 - Nicky Greco (Farmington) 39-14 won by fall over Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 35-12 (Fall 0:58) Cons. Round 3 - Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 52-5 won by fall over Jacob Schulte (Helias Catholic) 33-14 (Fall 4:44) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 35-12 won by fall over Maffitt Rallo (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 24-7 (Fall 5:42) Cons. Round 2 - Nicky Greco (Farmington) 39-14 won by decision over Tyler Harden (Carthage ) 27-19 (Dec 13-6) Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Schulte (Helias Catholic) 33-14 won by decision over Josh Kemper (Ft. Zumwalt South) 14-2 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Round 2 - Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 52-5 won by decision over Kyle Caldwell (Willard) 35-11 (Dec 5-4) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 46-12 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 52-5 (UTB 3-3) Quarterfinal - Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 42-14 won by decision over Josh Kemper (Ft. Zumwalt South) 14-2 (Dec 1-0) Quarterfinal - Jason Box (Neosho) 45-11 won by decision over Nicky Greco (Farmington) 39-14 (Dec 1-0) Quarterfinal - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 52-3 won by fall over Maffitt Rallo (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 24-7 (Fall 0:35) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 35-12 won by fall over James Biship (Warrenton ) 25-22 (Fall 2:07) Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Harden (Carthage ) 27-19 won by major decision over Lane Smith (Pacific ) 34-23 (MD 8-0) Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Schulte (Helias Catholic) 33-14 won by major decision over Alex Hopkins (Westminister Christian Academy) 27-21 (MD 14-0) Cons. Round 1 - Kyle Caldwell (Willard) 35-11 won by decision over Josh Luck (Washington) 38-16 (Dec 2-1) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Minx (DeSoto) 52-5 won by fall over James Biship (Warrenton ) 25-22 (Fall 0:30) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Crabtree (Platte County ) 46-12 won by decision over Josh Kinser (McDonald County ) 35-12 (Dec 11-4) Champ. Round 1 - Josh Kemper (Ft. Zumwalt South) 14-2 won by decision over Lane Smith (Pacific ) 34-23 (Dec 6-2) Champ. Round 1 - Robert Bastarache (Staley ) 42-14 won by decision over Tyler Harden (Carthage ) 27-19 (Dec 5-2) Champ. Round 1 - Jason Box (Neosho) 45-11 won by fall over Jacob Schulte (Helias Catholic) 33-14 (Fall 5:56) Champ. Round 1 - Nicky Greco (Farmington) 39-14 won by major decision over Alex Hopkins (Westminister Christian Academy) 27-21 (MD 8-0) Champ. Round 1 - Blake Clevenger (Kearney ) 52-3 won by fall over Kyle Caldwell (Willard) 35-11 (Fall 3:58) Champ. Round 1 - Maffitt Rallo (Ladue Horton Watkins HS) 24-7 won by decision over Josh Luck (Washington) 38-16 (Dec 6-3) 145 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 46-12 won by decision over Daniel Filipek (Warrenton ) 46-6 (Dec 2-1) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Andrew Borden (Kearney ) 34-10 won by major decision over Connar Loderhose (Willard) 46-5 (MD 9-0) 5th Place Match - William Seibert (Farmington) 37-15 won by medical forfeit over James Culp (Warrensburg ) 40-7 (M. For.) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Andrew Borden (Kearney ) 34-10 won by injury default over James Culp (Warrensburg ) 40-7 (Inj. 3:00) Cons. Semi - Connar Loderhose (Willard) 46-5 won by decision over William Seibert (Farmington) 37-15 (Dec 4-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 46-12 won by decision over James Culp (Warrensburg ) 40-7 (Dec 2-1) Semifinal - Daniel Filipek (Warrenton ) 46-6 won by decision over Connar Loderhose (Willard) 46-5 (Dec 5-4) Cons. Round 3 - Andrew Borden (Kearney ) 34-10 won by decision over Cole Hamai (Washington) 45-2 (Dec 8-7) Cons. Round 3 - William Seibert (Farmington) 37-15 won by decision over Gage Maxwell (Rolla ) 33-15 (Dec 11-6) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Cole Hamai (Washington) 45-2 won by decision over Brandon Baker (Staley ) 30-16 (Dec 8-1) Cons. Round 2 - Andrew Borden (Kearney ) 34-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over Cody Rains (Neosho) 39-16 (SV-1 8-6) Cons. Round 2 - William Seibert (Farmington) 37-15 won by fall over Charlie Henson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 26-17 (Fall 3:00) Cons. Round 2 - Gage Maxwell (Rolla ) 33-15 won by decision over Joe Ponticello (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 13-13 (Dec 4-2) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 46-12 won by decision over Gage Maxwell (Rolla ) 33-15 (Dec 4-2) Quarterfinal - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 40-7 won by decision over Charlie Henson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 26-17 (Dec 3-0) Quarterfinal - Daniel Filipek (Warrenton ) 46-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Andrew Borden (Kearney ) 34-10 (SV-1 3-1) Quarterfinal - Connar Loderhose (Willard) 46-5 won by decision over Brandon Baker (Staley ) 30-16 (Dec 6-1) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Cole Hamai (Washington) 45-2 won by major decision over Clayton Hubler (Westminister Christian Academy) 33-21 (MD 11-0) Cons. Round 1 - Cody Rains (Neosho) 39-16 won by fall over Ryan Kinder (Windsor (Imperial)) 26-18 (Fall 2:03) Cons. Round 1 - William Seibert (Farmington) 37-15 won by major decision over Edxel Morales (Carthage ) 31-17 (MD 12-1) Cons. Round 1 - Joe Ponticello (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 13-13 won by decision over Michael Fodge (DeSoto) 41-12 (Dec 9-8) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Johnny Blankenship (Platte County ) 46-12 won in sudden victory - 1 over Cole Hamai (Washington) 45-2 (SV-1 5-3) Champ. Round 1 - Gage Maxwell (Rolla ) 33-15 won by fall over Clayton Hubler (Westminister Christian Academy) 33-21 (Fall 5:22) Champ. Round 1 - James Culp (Warrensburg ) 40-7 won by tech fall over Ryan Kinder (Windsor (Imperial)) 26-18 (TF-1.5 5:22 (15-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Charlie Henson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 26-17 won by decision over Cody Rains (Neosho) 39-16 (Dec 8-5) Champ. Round 1 - Daniel Filipek (Warrenton ) 46-6 won by fall over Edxel Morales (Carthage ) 31-17 (Fall 1:22) Champ. Round 1 - Andrew Borden (Kearney ) 34-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over William Seibert (Farmington) 37-15 (SV-1 11-9) Champ. Round 1 - Connar Loderhose (Willard) 46-5 won by decision over Joe Ponticello (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 13-13 (Dec 4-0) Champ. Round 1 - Brandon Baker (Staley ) 30-16 won by tech fall over Michael Fodge (DeSoto) 41-12 (TF-1.5 5:49 (21-4)) 152 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 54-1 won by fall over Jordan Steward (Staley ) 44-10 (Fall 1:55) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Caleb Chevalier (Belton ) 48-6 won by decision over Caleb McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 42-11 (Dec 8-4) 5th Place Match - Hunter Vanlue (Webb City ) 43-10 won by decision over Bryan Baker (Winnetonka) 41-14 (Dec 3-0) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Caleb Chevalier (Belton ) 48-6 won by decision over Hunter Vanlue (Webb City ) 43-10 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Semi - Caleb McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 42-11 won by major decision over Bryan Baker (Winnetonka) 41-14 (MD 11-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Jordan Steward (Staley ) 44-10 won by decision over Caleb Chevalier (Belton ) 48-6 (Dec 3-1) Semifinal - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 54-1 won by fall over Caleb McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 42-11 (Fall 1:13) Cons. Round 3 - Hunter Vanlue (Webb City ) 43-10 won by decision over Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 45-11 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 3 - Bryan Baker (Winnetonka) 41-14 won by decision over Kaleb Erwin (Farmington) 22-17 (Dec 2-1) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 45-11 won by decision over Buddy Conley (Chaminade College Prep) 39-7 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 2 - Hunter Vanlue (Webb City ) 43-10 won by decision over Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 12-2 (Dec 4-1) Cons. Round 2 - Bryan Baker (Winnetonka) 41-14 won by decision over Alex Willis (McCluer) 40-9 (Dec 11-8) Cons. Round 2 - Kaleb Erwin (Farmington) 22-17 won by decision over John Sprow (Rolla ) 29-14 (Dec 5-3) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Jordan Steward (Staley ) 44-10 won by fall over Kaleb Erwin (Farmington) 22-17 (Fall 5:28) Quarterfinal - Caleb Chevalier (Belton ) 48-6 won by fall over Alex Willis (McCluer) 40-9 (Fall 5:31) Quarterfinal - Caleb McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 42-11 won by decision over Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 12-2 (Dec 5-3) Quarterfinal - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 54-1 won by fall over Buddy Conley (Chaminade College Prep) 39-7 (Fall 1:19) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 45-11 won by fall over Dylan Wade (Warrenton ) 35-15 (Fall 1:22) Cons. Round 1 - Hunter Vanlue (Webb City ) 43-10 won by decision over Izeck Elbert (Washington) 13-10 (Dec 7-1) Cons. Round 1 - Bryan Baker (Winnetonka) 41-14 won by decision over Luke Sammelmann (Ft. Zumwalt North) 16-18 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 1 - John Sprow (Rolla ) 29-14 won by decision over Kole Meador (Hillsboro) 37-17 (Dec 5-1) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Kaleb Erwin (Farmington) 22-17 won by fall over Dylan Wade (Warrenton ) 35-15 (Fall 3:52) Champ. Round 1 - Jordan Steward (Staley ) 44-10 won by decision over Chance Branstetter (Neosho) 45-11 (Dec 6-1) Champ. Round 1 - Alex Willis (McCluer) 40-9 won by fall over Izeck Elbert (Washington) 13-10 (Fall 2:37) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Chevalier (Belton ) 48-6 won by fall over Hunter Vanlue (Webb City ) 43-10 (Fall 5:54) Champ. Round 1 - Cody Sandridge (Republic ) 12-2 won by decision over Bryan Baker (Winnetonka) 41-14 (Dec 5-0) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb McIntosh (Rockwood Summit ) 42-11 won by fall over Luke Sammelmann (Ft. Zumwalt North) 16-18 (Fall 3:15) Champ. Round 1 - Grant Leeth (Kearney ) 54-1 won by fall over John Sprow (Rolla ) 29-14 (Fall 1:49) Champ. Round 1 - Buddy Conley (Chaminade College Prep) 39-7 won by decision over Kole Meador (Hillsboro) 37-17 (Dec 3-2) 160 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 49-2 won by decision over Colby Collings (Hannibal ) 42-2 (Dec 1-0) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Sam Williams (Neosho) 49-5 won by decision over Collin Huitt (Farmington) 41-8 (Dec 4-3) 5th Place Match - Andrew Buckley (Kearney ) 41-12 won by decision over Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 30-8 (Dec 3-2) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 41-8 won by decision over Andrew Buckley (Kearney ) 41-12 (Dec 5-1) Cons. Semi - Sam Williams (Neosho) 49-5 won by tech fall over Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 30-8 (TF-1.5 4:05 (15-0)) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 49-2 won by decision over Collin Huitt (Farmington) 41-8 (Dec 4-1) Semifinal - Colby Collings (Hannibal ) 42-2 won by decision over Sam Williams (Neosho) 49-5 (Dec 4-3) Cons. Round 3 - Andrew Buckley (Kearney ) 41-12 won by fall over Braden Best (Raytown ) 48-9 (Fall 0:53) Cons. Round 3 - Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 30-8 won by decision over Thomas Massengale (Willard) 33-7 (Dec 3-1) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Andrew Buckley (Kearney ) 41-12 won by fall over Cody Forest (Ft. Zumwalt South) 33-14 (Fall 3:31) Cons. Round 2 - Braden Best (Raytown ) 48-9 won by decision over Zach Wilhelm (Chaminade College Prep) 39-6 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 2 - Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 30-8 won by decision over Dalton Voyles (Pacific ) 48-9 (Dec 10-3) Cons. Round 2 - Thomas Massengale (Willard) 33-7 won by fall over Michael Weston (Westminister Christian Academy) 31-20 (Fall 2:22) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 41-8 won by fall over Thomas Massengale (Willard) 33-7 (Fall 3:02) Quarterfinal - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 49-2 won by major decision over Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 30-8 (MD 13-2) Quarterfinal - Colby Collings (Hannibal ) 42-2 won by major decision over Braden Best (Raytown ) 48-9 (MD 8-0) Quarterfinal - Sam Williams (Neosho) 49-5 won by fall over Andrew Buckley (Kearney ) 41-12 (Fall 3:15) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Cody Forest (Ft. Zumwalt South) 33-14 won by decision over Cole Hunter (Warrensburg ) 20-20 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 1 - Zach Wilhelm (Chaminade College Prep) 39-6 won by fall over Brendan Cardinali (Rockwood Summit ) 13-20 (Fall 3:49) Cons. Round 1 - Dalton Voyles (Pacific ) 48-9 won by decision over Seth Veatch (Rolla ) 21-11 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 1 - Michael Weston (Westminister Christian Academy) 31-20 won by major decision over Jeremy Monehan (Washington) 28-24 (MD 13-5) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Collin Huitt (Farmington) 41-8 won by major decision over Cole Hunter (Warrensburg ) 20-20 (MD 14-3) Champ. Round 1 - Thomas Massengale (Willard) 33-7 won by decision over Cody Forest (Ft. Zumwalt South) 33-14 (Dec 12-6) Champ. Round 1 - Jayden Bears (Staley ) 49-2 won by fall over Brendan Cardinali (Rockwood Summit ) 13-20 (Fall 0:59) Champ. Round 1 - Nick Brown (Lebanon ) 30-8 won by decision over Zach Wilhelm (Chaminade College Prep) 39-6 (Dec 9-3) Champ. Round 1 - Colby Collings (Hannibal ) 42-2 won by tech fall over Seth Veatch (Rolla ) 21-11 (TF-1.5 5:41 (23-8)) Champ. Round 1 - Braden Best (Raytown ) 48-9 won by fall over Dalton Voyles (Pacific ) 48-9 (Fall 3:48) Champ. Round 1 - Sam Williams (Neosho) 49-5 won by fall over Michael Weston (Westminister Christian Academy) 31-20 (Fall 1:31) Champ. Round 1 - Andrew Buckley (Kearney ) 41-12 won by fall over Jeremy Monehan (Washington) 28-24 (Fall 5:26) 170 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 58-0 won by fall over Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 46-10 (Fall 1:46) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Levi Kessels (Ft. Zumwalt North) 31-6 won by fall over Adrian Palmer (Lebanon ) 20-3 (Fall 0:44) 5th Place Match - Sam Pennington (Rockwood Summit ) 29-11 won by decision over Dalton Lewis (Kearney ) 32-10 (Dec 10-5) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Levi Kessels (Ft. Zumwalt North) 31-6 won by fall over Dalton Lewis (Kearney ) 32-10 (Fall 4:45) Cons. Semi - Adrian Palmer (Lebanon ) 20-3 won by fall over Sam Pennington (Rockwood Summit ) 29-11 (Fall 3:21) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 58-0 won by fall over Dalton Lewis (Kearney ) 32-10 (Fall 0:41) Semifinal - Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 46-10 won by fall over Sam Pennington (Rockwood Summit ) 29-11 (Fall 1:48) Cons. Round 3 - Levi Kessels (Ft. Zumwalt North) 31-6 won by fall over Josh Drake (Raytown ) 39-11 (Fall 2:31) Cons. Round 3 - Adrian Palmer (Lebanon ) 20-3 won by fall over Brandon Seely (Staley ) 32-14 (Fall 2:49) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Josh Drake (Raytown ) 39-11 won by decision over Ben Richner (Warrensburg ) 29-15 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Round 2 - Levi Kessels (Ft. Zumwalt North) 31-6 won by fall over Dylan Ahern (Union) 26-20 (Fall 0:33) Cons. Round 2 - Brandon Seely (Staley ) 32-14 won by decision over Gage Holub (Branson) 27-9 (Dec 9-2) Cons. Round 2 - Adrian Palmer (Lebanon ) 20-3 won by fall over Clay Porter (Sikeston ) 18-9 (Fall 3:23) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 58-0 won by fall over Adrian Palmer (Lebanon ) 20-3 (Fall 1:31) Quarterfinal - Dalton Lewis (Kearney ) 32-10 won by decision over Gage Holub (Branson) 27-9 (Dec 9-8) Quarterfinal - Sam Pennington (Rockwood Summit ) 29-11 won by fall over Levi Kessels (Ft. Zumwalt North) 31-6 (Fall 2:45) Quarterfinal - Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 46-10 won by decision over Josh Drake (Raytown ) 39-11 (Dec 8-4) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Ben Richner (Warrensburg ) 29-15 won by fall over Devon Dillon (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 13-6 (Fall 2:16) Cons. Round 1 - Dylan Ahern (Union) 26-20 won by decision over Austin Hawes (Hannibal ) 27-14 (Dec 13-8) Cons. Round 1 - Brandon Seely (Staley ) 32-14 won by fall over Tim Bowers (Webb City ) 18-16 (Fall 1:45) Cons. Round 1 - Clay Porter (Sikeston ) 18-9 won by fall over Jarvis Hubbard (McCluer) 27-13 (Fall 1:34) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Austin Repp (Pacific ) 58-0 won by fall over Ben Richner (Warrensburg ) 29-15 (Fall 0:54) Champ. Round 1 - Adrian Palmer (Lebanon ) 20-3 won by fall over Devon Dillon (Ft. Zumwalt East ) 13-6 (Fall 0:53) Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Lewis (Kearney ) 32-10 won by major decision over Dylan Ahern (Union) 26-20 (MD 12-4) Champ. Round 1 - Gage Holub (Branson) 27-9 won by decision over Austin Hawes (Hannibal ) 27-14 (Dec 7-3) Champ. Round 1 - Levi Kessels (Ft. Zumwalt North) 31-6 won by fall over Tim Bowers (Webb City ) 18-16 (Fall 2:32) Champ. Round 1 - Sam Pennington (Rockwood Summit ) 29-11 won by fall over Brandon Seely (Staley ) 32-14 (Fall 5:17) Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Hostetter (Neosho) 46-10 won by fall over Jarvis Hubbard (McCluer) 27-13 (Fall 1:30) Champ. Round 1 - Josh Drake (Raytown ) 39-11 won by fall over Clay Porter (Sikeston ) 18-9 (Fall 5:41) 182 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 46-2 won by fall over Markel Fluker (Winnetonka) 47-4 (Fall 3:05) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 51-2 won by decision over Jacob Brock (Neosho) 45-6 (Dec 1-0) 5th Place Match - Kyle Summers (Washington) 45-5 won by fall over Adam Muehlebach (Platte County ) 26-23 (Fall 0:51) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 51-2 won in sudden victory - 1 over Kyle Summers (Washington) 45-5 (SV-1 4-2) Cons. Semi - Jacob Brock (Neosho) 45-6 won by major decision over Adam Muehlebach (Platte County ) 26-23 (MD 14-1) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 46-2 won by fall over Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 51-2 (Fall 5:20) Semifinal - Markel Fluker (Winnetonka) 47-4 won by major decision over Adam Muehlebach (Platte County ) 26-23 (MD 11-1) Cons. Round 3 - Kyle Summers (Washington) 45-5 won by major decision over Christian Robertson (Branson) 26-16 (MD 15-4) Cons. Round 3 - Jacob Brock (Neosho) 45-6 won in tie breaker - 1 over Joey Sodano (Grain Valley) 28-22 (TB-1 4-1) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Christian Robertson (Branson) 26-16 won by fall over Skyler Bloomer (Carthage ) 33-12 (Fall 3:46) Cons. Round 2 - Kyle Summers (Washington) 45-5 won by tech fall over Mohamed El-walid (Battle) 37-13 (TF-1.5 1:43 (15-0)) Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Brock (Neosho) 45-6 won by decision over Charley Genisio (Staley ) 28-9 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 2 - Joey Sodano (Grain Valley) 28-22 won by decision over Tyler Latham (DeSoto) 39-16 (Dec 5-2) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 46-2 won by fall over Joey Sodano (Grain Valley) 28-22 (Fall 0:45) Quarterfinal - Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 51-2 won by decision over Charley Genisio (Staley ) 28-9 (Dec 9-4) Quarterfinal - Adam Muehlebach (Platte County ) 26-23 won by decision over Kyle Summers (Washington) 45-5 (Dec 13-12) Quarterfinal - Markel Fluker (Winnetonka) 47-4 won by decision over Skyler Bloomer (Carthage ) 33-12 (Dec 5-4) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Christian Robertson (Branson) 26-16 won by decision over Demetrius Ross (Ft. Zumwalt South) 29-20 (Dec 11-5) Cons. Round 1 - Mohamed El-walid (Battle) 37-13 won by fall over Braydon Reynolds (Sikeston ) 13-25 (Fall 2:09) Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Brock (Neosho) 45-6 won by forfeit over Sam Terrana (Westminister Christian Academy) 34-11 (For.) Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Latham (DeSoto) 39-16 won by fall over Jamal Richie (Parkway Central ) 14-15 (Fall 1:35) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Kuenzel (Union) 46-2 won by fall over Christian Robertson (Branson) 26-16 (Fall 2:11) Champ. Round 1 - Joey Sodano (Grain Valley) 28-22 won by decision over Demetrius Ross (Ft. Zumwalt South) 29-20 (Dec 5-4) Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Yeargan (Willard) 51-2 won by fall over Braydon Reynolds (Sikeston ) 13-25 (Fall 0:43) Champ. Round 1 - Charley Genisio (Staley ) 28-9 won by major decision over Mohamed El-walid (Battle) 37-13 (MD 9-1) Champ. Round 1 - Adam Muehlebach (Platte County ) 26-23 won by fall over Sam Terrana (Westminister Christian Academy) 34-11 (Fall 5:18) Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Summers (Washington) 45-5 won by decision over Jacob Brock (Neosho) 45-6 (Dec 3-2) Champ. Round 1 - Markel Fluker (Winnetonka) 47-4 won by decision over Jamal Richie (Parkway Central ) 14-15 (Dec 8-1) Champ. Round 1 - Skyler Bloomer (Carthage ) 33-12 won by major decision over Tyler Latham (DeSoto) 39-16 (MD 13-5) 195 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Dustin Politte (Festus) 37-0 won by decision over Christopher Hailey (Neosho) 48-6 (Dec 3-2) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Brandon Musselman (Webb City ) 48-5 won by decision over Eric Quador (Staley ) 44-13 (Dec 7-3) 5th Place Match - Brandon Adams (Kearney ) 40-11 won by decision over Logan Baird (Washington) 46-8 (Dec 2-1) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Brandon Musselman (Webb City ) 48-5 won by decision over Logan Baird (Washington) 46-8 (Dec 7-3) Cons. Semi - Eric Quador (Staley ) 44-13 won by decision over Brandon Adams (Kearney ) 40-11 (Dec 1-0) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Dustin Politte (Festus) 37-0 won by fall over Brandon Musselman (Webb City ) 48-5 (Fall 1:43) Semifinal - Christopher Hailey (Neosho) 48-6 won by decision over Brandon Adams (Kearney ) 40-11 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 3 - Logan Baird (Washington) 46-8 won by decision over Kegan Ray (Camdenton ) 41-5 (Dec 5-1) Cons. Round 3 - Eric Quador (Staley ) 44-13 won by decision over Royce Williams (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 42-8 (Dec 7-1) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Kegan Ray (Camdenton ) 41-5 won by decision over Joshua Stinnett (Sikeston ) 32-13 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 2 - Logan Baird (Washington) 46-8 won by fall over Zach Jons (Grain Valley) 18-20 (Fall 4:09) Cons. Round 2 - Royce Williams (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 42-8 won by decision over Malik Clayborn (Belton ) 10-14 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 2 - Eric Quador (Staley ) 44-13 won by fall over Sky Cope (Willard) 37-13 (Fall 2:59) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Dustin Politte (Festus) 37-0 won by fall over Eric Quador (Staley ) 44-13 (Fall 1:36) Quarterfinal - Brandon Musselman (Webb City ) 48-5 won by decision over Royce Williams (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 42-8 (Dec 7-3) Quarterfinal - Christopher Hailey (Neosho) 48-6 won by decision over Logan Baird (Washington) 46-8 (Dec 3-1) Quarterfinal - Brandon Adams (Kearney ) 40-11 won by decision over Joshua Stinnett (Sikeston ) 32-13 (Dec 3-2) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Kegan Ray (Camdenton ) 41-5 won by major decision over Jack Karagiannis (Parkway Central ) 12-13 (MD 14-4) Cons. Round 1 - Zach Jons (Grain Valley) 18-20 won by fall over Wes Park (Westminister Christian Academy) 20-6 (Fall 2:41) Cons. Round 1 - Malik Clayborn (Belton ) 10-14 won by decision over Harrison Vessell (Hannibal ) 19-24 (Dec 6-1) Cons. Round 1 - Sky Cope (Willard) 37-13 won by decision over Wyatt Clark (McCluer) 18-10 (Dec 10-4) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Dustin Politte (Festus) 37-0 won by fall over Jack Karagiannis (Parkway Central ) 12-13 (Fall 1:17) Champ. Round 1 - Eric Quador (Staley ) 44-13 won by major decision over Kegan Ray (Camdenton ) 41-5 (MD 8-0) Champ. Round 1 - Royce Williams (St. Mary`s (St. Louis)) 42-8 won by decision over Wes Park (Westminister Christian Academy) 20-6 (Dec 6-1) Champ. Round 1 - Brandon Musselman (Webb City ) 48-5 won by fall over Zach Jons (Grain Valley) 18-20 (Fall 1:27) Champ. Round 1 - Christopher Hailey (Neosho) 48-6 won by fall over Malik Clayborn (Belton ) 10-14 (Fall 3:17) Champ. Round 1 - Logan Baird (Washington) 46-8 won by fall over Harrison Vessell (Hannibal ) 19-24 (Fall 1:49) Champ. Round 1 - Brandon Adams (Kearney ) 40-11 won by fall over Sky Cope (Willard) 37-13 (Fall 0:52) Champ. Round 1 - Joshua Stinnett (Sikeston ) 32-13 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Wyatt Clark (McCluer) 18-10 (UTB 5-2) 220 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-2 won by decision over Payton Napoli (Farmington) 36-9 (Dec 5-2) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 38-4 won in sudden victory - 1 over Ben Elledge (Neosho) 36-15 (SV-1 3-1) 5th Place Match - Tyler Horton (Kearney ) 23-6 won by fall over Joe Lasky (Union) 32-10 (Fall 1:43) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Ben Elledge (Neosho) 36-15 won by decision over Joe Lasky (Union) 32-10 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Semi - Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 38-4 won by decision over Tyler Horton (Kearney ) 23-6 (Dec 3-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Payton Napoli (Farmington) 36-9 won in tie breaker - 1 over Ben Elledge (Neosho) 36-15 (TB-1 3-2) Semifinal - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-2 won by decision over Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 38-4 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 3 - Joe Lasky (Union) 32-10 won by decision over Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 39-6 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 3 - Tyler Horton (Kearney ) 23-6 won by decision over Chris Zachary (Battle) 43-10 (Dec 1-0) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 39-6 won by decision over Sergio Ramos (Belton ) 30-11 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 2 - Joe Lasky (Union) 32-10 won by fall over Craman Mays (Chaminade College Prep) 31-12 (Fall 2:23) Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Horton (Kearney ) 23-6 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Logan Shinneman (Staley ) 32-21 (UTB 2-1) Cons. Round 2 - Chris Zachary (Battle) 43-10 won by fall over Mason Seeger (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-16 (Fall 2:04) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Payton Napoli (Farmington) 36-9 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Chris Zachary (Battle) 43-10 (UTB 4-3) Quarterfinal - Ben Elledge (Neosho) 36-15 won by decision over Tyler Horton (Kearney ) 23-6 (Dec 10-3) Quarterfinal - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-2 won by major decision over Joe Lasky (Union) 32-10 (MD 8-0) Quarterfinal - Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 38-4 won in sudden victory - 1 over Sergio Ramos (Belton ) 30-11 (SV-1 3-1) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 39-6 won by decision over Marshall Purtee (Raytown South ) 36-15 (Dec 2-1) Cons. Round 1 - Craman Mays (Chaminade College Prep) 31-12 won by major decision over Gage Barber (Sikeston ) 24-23 (MD 13-1) Cons. Round 1 - Logan Shinneman (Staley ) 32-21 won by decision over Tyler Schmitt (Lebanon ) 33-9 (Dec 5-1) Cons. Round 1 - Mason Seeger (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-16 won in sudden victory - 1 over Donovan Haislar (Windsor (Imperial)) 28-11 (SV-1 11-9) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Payton Napoli (Farmington) 36-9 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Marshall Purtee (Raytown South ) 36-15 (UTB 4-2) Champ. Round 1 - Chris Zachary (Battle) 43-10 won by decision over Micah Ragsdale (Marshfield ) 39-6 (Dec 4-2) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Horton (Kearney ) 23-6 won by fall over Gage Barber (Sikeston ) 24-23 (Fall 0:54) Champ. Round 1 - Ben Elledge (Neosho) 36-15 won by decision over Craman Mays (Chaminade College Prep) 31-12 (Dec 7-0) Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Muehring (Hannibal ) 43-2 won by fall over Tyler Schmitt (Lebanon ) 33-9 (Fall 2:45) Champ. Round 1 - Joe Lasky (Union) 32-10 won by fall over Logan Shinneman (Staley ) 32-21 (Fall 5:52) Champ. Round 1 - Chandler Klein (Glendale ) 38-4 won by fall over Mason Seeger (Ft. Zumwalt North) 26-16 (Fall 1:53) Champ. Round 1 - Sergio Ramos (Belton ) 30-11 won by major decision over Donovan Haislar (Windsor (Imperial)) 28-11 (MD 14-4) 285 Class 3 Championships 1st Place Match - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 51-6 won in tie breaker - 1 over Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 51-3 (TB-1 7-1) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 3rd Place Match - Collin Braun (Warrensburg ) 49-2 won by decision over Tyler Gorman (Belton ) 36-14 (Dec 3-1) 5th Place Match - Adam Maple (Farmington) 33-15 won by decision over Max Oeser (Glendale ) 37-10 (Dec 6-3) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Semi - Tyler Gorman (Belton ) 36-14 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Adam Maple (Farmington) 33-15 (UTB 4-3) Cons. Semi - Collin Braun (Warrensburg ) 49-2 won by fall over Max Oeser (Glendale ) 37-10 (Fall 0:52) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) Semifinal - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 51-6 won by fall over Tyler Gorman (Belton ) 36-14 (Fall 1:12) Semifinal - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 51-3 won by fall over Max Oeser (Glendale ) 37-10 (Fall 0:55) Cons. Round 3 - Adam Maple (Farmington) 33-15 won by decision over Dusty Lucas (Lebanon ) 29-16 (Dec 6-5) Cons. Round 3 - Collin Braun (Warrensburg ) 49-2 won by decision over Ryan Ochoa (Hillsboro) 42-11 (Dec 6-3) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) Cons. Round 2 - Dusty Lucas (Lebanon ) 29-16 won by decision over Blaine Perry (Carthage ) 30-16 (Dec 5-4) Cons. Round 2 - Adam Maple (Farmington) 33-15 won by decision over Dillion Grieme (Kearney ) 28-17 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 2 - Collin Braun (Warrensburg ) 49-2 won by decision over Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-9 (Dec 4-1) Cons. Round 2 - Ryan Ochoa (Hillsboro) 42-11 won by decision over Lucas Fann (DeSoto) 40-9 (Dec 6-2) Quarters (16 Man) Quarterfinal - Tyler Gorman (Belton ) 36-14 won in tie breaker - 1 over Lucas Fann (DeSoto) 40-9 (TB-1 7-5) Quarterfinal - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 51-6 won by fall over Collin Braun (Warrensburg ) 49-2 (Fall 4:30) Quarterfinal - Max Oeser (Glendale ) 37-10 won by decision over Dillion Grieme (Kearney ) 28-17 (Dec 3-2) Quarterfinal - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 51-3 won by fall over Blaine Perry (Carthage ) 30-16 (Fall 1:28) 1st WB (16 Man) Cons. Round 1 - Dusty Lucas (Lebanon ) 29-16 won by decision over Josh Stockton (Ft. Zumwalt North) 20-22 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 1 - Adam Maple (Farmington) 33-15 won by fall over Denez Bradford (Battle) 19-21 (Fall 2:12) Cons. Round 1 - Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-9 won by fall over Christian Hundley (Ft. Zumwalt South) 13-11 (Fall 2:02) Cons. Round 1 - Ryan Ochoa (Hillsboro) 42-11 won by fall over Luke Rone (Chaminade College Prep) 20-14 (Fall 0:27) Round 1 (16 Man) Champ. Round 1 - Lucas Fann (DeSoto) 40-9 won by fall over Dusty Lucas (Lebanon ) 29-16 (Fall 1:26) Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Gorman (Belton ) 36-14 won by fall over Josh Stockton (Ft. Zumwalt North) 20-22 (Fall 2:54) Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Clardy (Neosho) 51-6 won by decision over Adam Maple (Farmington) 33-15 (Dec 8-7) Champ. Round 1 - Collin Braun (Warrensburg ) 49-2 won by fall over Denez Bradford (Battle) 19-21 (Fall 1:32) Champ. Round 1 - Dillion Grieme (Kearney ) 28-17 won by decision over Christian Hundley (Ft. Zumwalt South) 13-11 (Dec 3-0) Champ. Round 1 - Max Oeser (Glendale ) 37-10 won by decision over Matt Pecka (Washington) 36-9 (Dec 4-0) Champ. Round 1 - Bailey Sutko (Staley ) 51-3 won by fall over Luke Rone (Chaminade College Prep) 20-14 (Fall 0:55) Champ. Round 1 - Blaine Perry (Carthage ) 30-16 won by fall over Ryan Ochoa (Hillsboro) 42-11 (Fall 3:02)