Sports and Activities Boys Class 3 Individual Results Find School MSHSAA Member/AffiliateNon-Member School Go   cancel Find School Girls Class 3 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 2021-2022 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 Class Class 1 2 3 4 Individual Championship Results Championship Team Scores Copy Results HTML to Clipboard Championships 106 Class 3 1st Place Match - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 39-3 won by decision over Kaden Purler (North Point) 34-4 (Dec 8-5) 113 Class 3 1st Place Match - Dayton Boyd (Farmington) 47-2 won by decision over Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 40-6 (Dec 9-4) 120 Class 3 1st Place Match - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 47-3 won by decision over Gavin Alexander (Hillsboro) 33-3 (Dec 3-2) 126 Class 3 1st Place Match - Alexander Rallo (Whitfield) 33-4 won by decision over Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 44-4 (Dec 5-2) 132 Class 3 1st Place Match - Evan Binder (Whitfield) 45-3 won by major decision over Jesse Hahs (DeSmet) 29-7 (MD 9-0) 138 Class 3 1st Place Match - Gavin Linsman (Whitfield) 40-5 won by major decision over Eli Rocha (Platte County) 16-4 (MD 11-2) 145 Class 3 1st Place Match - Eli Ashcroft (Kearney) 37-3 won by decision over Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 37-10 (Dec 9-3) 152 Class 3 1st Place Match - Evan Morris (Hillsboro) 40-9 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jackson Sapp (North Point) 43-8 (SV-1 7-5) 160 Class 3 1st Place Match - Tyson Moore (Bolivar) 39-2 won in tie breaker - 1 over Gary Walker (Willard) 48-3 (TB-1 3-1) 170 Class 3 1st Place Match - Eli Zar (Neosho) 50-4 won by decision over Trevor Wilson (Hannibal) 40-4 (Dec 7-2) 182 Class 3 1st Place Match - Hayden Fane (Rolla) 41-1 won by fall over Chase Brock (Whitfield) 40-7 (Fall 4:28) 195 Class 3 1st Place Match - Jaydon Walls (Platte County) 36-7 won by decision over Blake Goodman (Bolivar) 38-6 (Dec 8-2) 220 Class 3 1st Place Match - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 34-8 won by decision over David Lewis (Van Horn) 35-4 (Dec 2-1) 285 Class 3 1st Place Match - Keith Miley (Whitfield) 34-2 won by decision over Issac Enloe (Jefferson City) 41-4 (Dec 7-0) 3rd & 5th (16 Man) 106 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Lukas Walker (Carl Junction) 43-5 won by decision over Reign Creech (Hannibal) 36-9 (Dec 7-3) 5th Place Match - Shawn Lang (Willard) 41-7 won in tie breaker - 1 over John Nguyen (Winnetonka) 31-11 (TB-1 5-1) 113 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Nate Martin (Clayton) 37-5 won by decision over Yashua Amen (Whitfield) 25-14 (Dec 7-0) 5th Place Match - Fisher Butler (Neosho) 33-19 won by fall over Trent Hallett (Smithville) 17-17 (Fall 0:56) 120 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 41-5 won by decision over Presley Johnson (Farmington) 42-14 (Dec 4-2) 5th Place Match - Chad Benwell jr. (North Point) 20-5 won by decision over Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 41-10 (Dec 4-0) 126 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Alex Turley (Webster Groves) 42-2 won by decision over Cody Culp (Hannibal) 38-8 (Dec 6-3) 5th Place Match - Kolby McClain (Smithville) 38-6 won by decision over Johnny Chrisco (Neosho) 30-23 (Dec 11-4) 132 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Kyshin Isringhausen (Branson) 47-3 won by decision over Hayden Crane (Neosho) 35-12 (Dec 9-5) 5th Place Match - Blake Cook (Farmington) 45-7 won by tech fall over Warren Fiedler (Pacific) 24-14 (TF-1.5 4:16 (16-0)) 138 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 36-5 won by decision over Nate Copeland (Neosho) 33-18 (Dec 9-2) 5th Place Match - Ethan Muir (Smithville) 35-14 won by decision over Camden Pye (Rockwood Summit) 20-5 (Dec 9-4) 145 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 42-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Joe Kuster (Jefferson City) 42-7 (SV-1 5-3) 5th Place Match - Trace Dunlap (Farmington) 31-8 won by fall over Damian Dockery (Marshfield) 41-13 (Fall 4:08) 152 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Trent Neece (Neosho) 41-9 won by fall over Drew Felker (Farmington) 38-14 (Fall 4:40) 5th Place Match - Daryn Langford (Kearney) 31-14 won by medical forfeit over De`Marcus Penson (Van Horn) 39-13 (M. For.) 160 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Andre Ridenhour (Rolla) 38-8 won by decision over Collyn Kivett (Neosho) 37-18 (Dec 3-1) 5th Place Match - Riley Brown (Smithville) 30-12 won by decision over Carter Epema (Jefferson City) 25-12 (Dec 7-2) 170 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Trey Brewer (Bolivar) 42-9 won by fall over Reese Callahan (Whitfield) 32-14 (Fall 3:22) 5th Place Match - Blaine Keuhn (Platte County) 34-11 won by decision over Clayton Hurley (Jefferson City) 23-23 (Dec 7-1) 182 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Dalton Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 43-7 won by major decision over Will Berendzen (Jefferson City) 46-2 (MD 9-1) 5th Place Match - Ben Wirtel (Marshfield) 45-9 won by decision over Rickson Taylor (DeSmet) 37-10 (Dec 5-1) 195 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Michael Friederich (Jefferson City) 45-4 won by major decision over Cade Grimm (Branson) 37-9 (MD 13-5) 5th Place Match - Brady Griffin (Willard) 41-10 won by decision over Asa Foeller (DeSoto) 37-7 (Dec 4-1) 220 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 47-2 won by decision over Isaac Foeller (DeSoto) 30-3 (Dec 2-1) 5th Place Match - Erik Tomanek (Marshfield) 45-8 won by decision over Alex Nunez (Willard) 41-14 (Dec 12-6) 285 Class 3 3rd Place Match - Gavin Holtmeyer (Washington) 38-3 won by fall over Mason Crim (Smithville) 18-13 (Fall 0:44) 5th Place Match - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 24-6 won by decision over Derek Joiner (Grandview) 21-7 (Dec 5-1) 4th Wrestleback (16 Man) 106 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Reign Creech (Hannibal) 36-9 won by decision over Shawn Lang (Willard) 41-7 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Semi - Lukas Walker (Carl Junction) 43-5 won by decision over John Nguyen (Winnetonka) 31-11 (Dec 3-2) 113 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Nate Martin (Clayton) 37-5 won by tech fall over Trent Hallett (Smithville) 17-17 (TF-1.5 5:00 (15-0)) Cons. Semi - Yashua Amen (Whitfield) 25-14 won by tech fall over Fisher Butler (Neosho) 33-19 (TF-1.5 4:18 (17-2)) 120 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 42-14 won by major decision over Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 41-10 (MD 9-1) Cons. Semi - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 41-5 won in sudden victory - 1 over Chad Benwell jr. (North Point) 20-5 (SV-1 2-0) 126 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 38-8 won by decision over Kolby McClain (Smithville) 38-6 (Dec 2-0) Cons. Semi - Alex Turley (Webster Groves) 42-2 won by decision over Johnny Chrisco (Neosho) 30-23 (Dec 6-2) 132 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Hayden Crane (Neosho) 35-12 won by fall over Warren Fiedler (Pacific) 24-14 (Fall 0:33) Cons. Semi - Kyshin Isringhausen (Branson) 47-3 won by decision over Blake Cook (Farmington) 45-7 (Dec 5-1) 138 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 36-5 won by fall over Camden Pye (Rockwood Summit) 20-5 (Fall 1:59) Cons. Semi - Nate Copeland (Neosho) 33-18 won by decision over Ethan Muir (Smithville) 35-14 (Dec 3-1) 145 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Joe Kuster (Jefferson City) 42-7 won by major decision over Trace Dunlap (Farmington) 31-8 (MD 9-1) Cons. Semi - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 42-6 won by fall over Damian Dockery (Marshfield) 41-13 (Fall 0:28) 152 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Drew Felker (Farmington) 38-14 won by decision over Daryn Langford (Kearney) 31-14 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Semi - Trent Neece (Neosho) 41-9 won by major decision over De`Marcus Penson (Van Horn) 39-13 (MD 9-1) 160 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Collyn Kivett (Neosho) 37-18 won by fall over Carter Epema (Jefferson City) 25-12 (Fall 1:22) Cons. Semi - Andre Ridenhour (Rolla) 38-8 won in tie breaker - 1 over Riley Brown (Smithville) 30-12 (TB-1 4-1) 170 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Trey Brewer (Bolivar) 42-9 won by decision over Blaine Keuhn (Platte County) 34-11 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Semi - Reese Callahan (Whitfield) 32-14 won by fall over Clayton Hurley (Jefferson City) 23-23 (Fall 2:12) 182 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Dalton Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 43-7 won by fall over Ben Wirtel (Marshfield) 45-9 (Fall 2:36) Cons. Semi - Will Berendzen (Jefferson City) 46-2 won by fall over Rickson Taylor (DeSmet) 37-10 (Fall 0:41) 195 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Cade Grimm (Branson) 37-9 won by major decision over Asa Foeller (DeSoto) 37-7 (MD 15-5) Cons. Semi - Michael Friederich (Jefferson City) 45-4 won by decision over Brady Griffin (Willard) 41-10 (Dec 7-2) 220 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Isaac Foeller (DeSoto) 30-3 won by fall over Alex Nunez (Willard) 41-14 (Fall 2:43) Cons. Semi - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 47-2 won by decision over Erik Tomanek (Marshfield) 45-8 (Dec 8-3) 285 Class 3 Cons. Semi - Gavin Holtmeyer (Washington) 38-3 won by fall over Derek Joiner (Grandview) 21-7 (Fall 0:50) Cons. Semi - Mason Crim (Smithville) 18-13 won by decision over Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 24-6 (Dec 3-2) Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man) 106 Class 3 Semifinal - Kaden Purler (North Point) 34-3 won by tech fall over Reign Creech (Hannibal) 35-8 (TF-1.5 5:04 (16-0)) Semifinal - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 38-3 won by decision over Lukas Walker (Carl Junction) 41-5 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 3 - Shawn Lang (Willard) 40-6 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Forrest McMannes (Bolivar) 28-12 (UTB 3-2) Cons. Round 3 - John Nguyen (Winnetonka) 31-9 won by decision over Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-8 (Dec 10-4) 113 Class 3 Semifinal - Dayton Boyd (Farmington) 46-2 won by decision over Nate Martin (Clayton) 35-5 (Dec 3-2) Semifinal - Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 40-5 won by major decision over Yashua Amen (Whitfield) 24-13 (MD 13-2) Cons. Round 3 - Trent Hallett (Smithville) 17-15 won by decision over Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 32-16 (Dec 5-3) Cons. Round 3 - Fisher Butler (Neosho) 32-18 won by decision over Brayden Squires (Rolla) 29-16 (Dec 5-3) 120 Class 3 Semifinal - Gavin Alexander (Hillsboro) 33-2 won by decision over Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 41-8 (Dec 8-1) Semifinal - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 46-3 won by decision over Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 39-5 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 3 - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 41-13 won by decision over Ethan Flaherty (Pacific) 31-12 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 3 - Chad Benwell jr. (North Point) 19-4 won by fall over Abdiel Kempker (Capital City) 32-19 (Fall 1:15) 126 Class 3 Semifinal - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 44-3 won by decision over Kolby McClain (Smithville) 37-5 (Dec 5-0) Semifinal - Alexander Rallo (Whitfield) 32-4 won by decision over Alex Turley (Webster Groves) 40-2 (Dec 6-0) Cons. Round 3 - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 37-7 won by decision over Blaine Ortiz (McDonald County) 41-7 (Dec 4-0) Cons. Round 3 - Johnny Chrisco (Neosho) 30-21 won by decision over Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 36-8 (Dec 4-2) 132 Class 3 Semifinal - Jesse Hahs (DeSmet) 29-6 won by decision over Hayden Crane (Neosho) 34-11 (Dec 2-0) Semifinal - Evan Binder (Whitfield) 44-3 won by decision over Kyshin Isringhausen (Branson) 45-3 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 3 - Warren Fiedler (Pacific) 24-12 won by decision over Blake Jackson (Hillsboro) 31-12 (Dec 6-3) Cons. Round 3 - Blake Cook (Farmington) 44-6 won by decision over Braden Werderhausen (Jefferson City) 40-8 (Dec 10-3) 138 Class 3 Semifinal - Eli Rocha (Platte County) 16-3 won by decision over Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 34-5 (Dec 9-3) Semifinal - Gavin Linsman (Whitfield) 39-5 won by major decision over Nate Copeland (Neosho) 32-17 (MD 14-3) Cons. Round 3 - Camden Pye (Rockwood Summit) 20-3 won by major decision over Cameron McKee (Jefferson City) 38-10 (MD 15-6) Cons. Round 3 - Ethan Muir (Smithville) 34-13 won by decision over Nate Schnur (Farmington) 31-21 (Dec 5-3) 145 Class 3 Semifinal - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 37-9 won by decision over Joe Kuster (Jefferson City) 41-6 (Dec 7-4) Semifinal - Eli Ashcroft (Kearney) 36-3 won by tech fall over Damian Dockery (Marshfield) 41-11 (TF-1.5 2:48 (18-3)) Cons. Round 3 - Trace Dunlap (Farmington) 30-7 won by decision over Levi Penrod (Warrenton) 30-7 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 3 - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 40-6 won by fall over Caleb Caldwell (Willard) 46-4 (Fall 4:30) 152 Class 3 Semifinal - Evan Morris (Hillsboro) 39-9 won by decision over Daryn Langford (Kearney) 30-13 (Dec 5-3) Semifinal - Jackson Sapp (North Point) 43-7 won by decision over Trent Neece (Neosho) 39-9 (Dec 8-7) Cons. Round 3 - Drew Felker (Farmington) 37-13 won by fall over Casey Olszowka (Washington) 36-9 (Fall 2:43) Cons. Round 3 - De`Marcus Penson (Van Horn) 39-11 won by decision over Levi Smith (McDonald County) 42-9 (Dec 14-8) 160 Class 3 Semifinal - Gary Walker (Willard) 48-2 won by major decision over Collyn Kivett (Neosho) 36-17 (MD 11-3) Semifinal - Tyson Moore (Bolivar) 38-2 won by tech fall over Andre Ridenhour (Rolla) 36-8 (TF-1.5 5:19 (15-0)) Cons. Round 3 - Carter Epema (Jefferson City) 25-10 won by fall over Peyton Shaver (Festus) 44-8 (Fall 3:42) Cons. Round 3 - Riley Brown (Smithville) 29-11 won by decision over Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 38-21 (Dec 3-1) 170 Class 3 Semifinal - Eli Zar (Neosho) 49-4 won by decision over Blaine Keuhn (Platte County) 33-10 (Dec 7-1) Semifinal - Trevor Wilson (Hannibal) 40-3 won by decision over Reese Callahan (Whitfield) 31-13 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 3 - Trey Brewer (Bolivar) 40-9 won by major decision over Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 36-17 (MD 12-3) Cons. Round 3 - Clayton Hurley (Jefferson City) 23-21 won by decision over Dusty Stevens (Marshfield) 46-9 (Dec 9-8) 182 Class 3 Semifinal - Hayden Fane (Rolla) 40-1 won by fall over Dalton Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 41-7 (Fall 0:54) Semifinal - Chase Brock (Whitfield) 40-6 won by decision over Will Berendzen (Jefferson City) 45-1 (Dec 5-0) Cons. Round 3 - Ben Wirtel (Marshfield) 44-8 won by fall over Chance Benford (Carl Junction) 40-12 (Fall 3:27) Cons. Round 3 - Rickson Taylor (DeSmet) 37-8 won by decision over CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 36-11 (Dec 7-0) 195 Class 3 Semifinal - Jaydon Walls (Platte County) 35-7 won by decision over Cade Grimm (Branson) 36-8 (Dec 9-2) Semifinal - Blake Goodman (Bolivar) 38-5 won by fall over Michael Friederich (Jefferson City) 43-4 (Fall 5:59) Cons. Round 3 - Asa Foeller (DeSoto) 37-5 won by fall over Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 32-13 (Fall 3:46) Cons. Round 3 - Brady Griffin (Willard) 40-9 won by fall over Caelin Stegmann (Rockwood Summit) 38-4 (Fall 3:53) 220 Class 3 Semifinal - David Lewis (Van Horn) 35-3 won by decision over Isaac Foeller (DeSoto) 29-2 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 3 - Alex Nunez (Willard) 41-12 won by fall over Ian Nelson (Capital City) 30-9 (Fall 1:49) Cons. Round 3 - Erik Tomanek (Marshfield) 44-7 won by decision over Zach Olson (Kearney) 37-13 (Dec 6-2) 285 Class 3 Semifinal - Keith Miley (Whitfield) 33-2 won by decision over Gavin Holtmeyer (Washington) 36-3 (Dec 8-2) Semifinal - Issac Enloe (Jefferson City) 41-3 won by decision over Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 23-5 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Round 3 - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 21-5 won by decision over Broc Horton (Rolla) 19-9 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 3 - Mason Crim (Smithville) 17-12 won by decision over Kameron Bennett (Carl Junction) 38-11 (Dec 6-3) 2nd Wrestleback (16 Man) 106 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Forrest McMannes (Bolivar) 28-11 won by decision over Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 24-10 (Dec 5-0) Cons. Round 2 - Shawn Lang (Willard) 39-6 won by decision over Gabe Barnett (Hillsboro) 31-11 (Dec 7-1) Cons. Round 2 - John Nguyen (Winnetonka) 30-9 won by decision over Caden Hulett (Platte County) 24-14 (Dec 7-5) Cons. Round 2 - Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-7 won by decision over Timothy Link (Pacific) 22-17 (Dec 4-0) 113 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Trent Hallett (Smithville) 16-15 won by decision over Riley Ragan (William Chrisman) 32-12 (Dec 5-4) Cons. Round 2 - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 32-15 won by fall over Sterling Wheatley (Capital City) 27-12 (Fall 2:07) Cons. Round 2 - Fisher Butler (Neosho) 31-18 won by fall over Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 29-12 (Fall 4:10) Cons. Round 2 - Brayden Squires (Rolla) 29-15 won by decision over Couper Deckard (Washington) 25-16 (Dec 7-5) 120 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 40-13 won by decision over Brennen Green (Kearney) 27-19 (Dec 10-6) Cons. Round 2 - Ethan Flaherty (Pacific) 31-11 won by major decision over Minko Brown (Rockwood Summit) 23-14 (MD 12-0) Cons. Round 2 - Abdiel Kempker (Capital City) 32-18 won by fall over Max Matthews (Carl Junction) 22-21 (Fall 3:36) Cons. Round 2 - Chad Benwell jr. (North Point) 18-4 won by fall over Wyatt Black (Neosho) 22-24 (Fall 0:27) 126 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Blaine Ortiz (McDonald County) 41-6 won by decision over Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 35-8 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 2 - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 36-7 won by fall over Devon Deckelman (Washington) 34-11 (Fall 1:34) Cons. Round 2 - Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 36-7 won by decision over Austin Neff (Festus) 25-11 (Dec 7-2) Cons. Round 2 - Johnny Chrisco (Neosho) 29-21 won by decision over Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 30-15 (Dec 5-3) 132 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Warren Fiedler (Pacific) 23-12 won by decision over Hunter Hoffman (Rolla) 34-7 (Dec 4-2) Cons. Round 2 - Blake Jackson (Hillsboro) 31-11 won by major decision over Devin Shipp (Rockwood Summit) 26-14 (MD 9-0) Cons. Round 2 - Braden Werderhausen (Jefferson City) 40-7 won by fall over Logan Rice (Bolivar) 20-16 (Fall 2:04) Cons. Round 2 - Blake Cook (Farmington) 43-6 won by fall over Jeffery Kobel (Smithville) 15-12 (Fall 2:28) 138 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Cameron McKee (Jefferson City) 38-9 won by fall over Marcus Gritts (Marshfield) 38-13 (Fall 4:38) Cons. Round 2 - Camden Pye (Rockwood Summit) 19-3 won by fall over Aaron DeBlasi (Parkway West) 31-9 (Fall 3:51) Cons. Round 2 - Ethan Muir (Smithville) 33-13 won by decision over Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 32-5 (Dec 6-3) Cons. Round 2 - Nate Schnur (Farmington) 31-20 won in tie breaker - 1 over Nate Barnett (Hillsboro) 34-13 (TB-1 2-1) 145 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Trace Dunlap (Farmington) 29-7 won by fall over Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 28-19 (Fall 2:30) Cons. Round 2 - Levi Penrod (Warrenton) 30-6 won by decision over Anthony Lentz (Vianney) 28-10 (Dec 7-0) Cons. Round 2 - Caleb Caldwell (Willard) 46-3 won by decision over Jared Parsons (Platte County) 17-12 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 2 - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 39-6 won by fall over Gabriel Hoekel (Union) 41-10 (Fall 4:34) 152 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Drew Felker (Farmington) 36-13 won by tech fall over Tanner Quick (Jefferson City) 24-17 (TF-1.5 4:10 (15-0)) Cons. Round 2 - Casey Olszowka (Washington) 36-8 won by decision over Rome Tate (Whitfield) 20-15 (Dec 5-2) Cons. Round 2 - Levi Smith (McDonald County) 42-8 won by decision over Junior Lamarre (Parkview) 30-12 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 2 - De`Marcus Penson (Van Horn) 38-11 won by fall over Riley Beckman (Bolivar) 38-8 (Fall 1:21) 160 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Peyton Shaver (Festus) 44-7 won by decision over Ben McDaniel (Platte County) 26-15 (Dec 5-4) Cons. Round 2 - Carter Epema (Jefferson City) 24-10 won by decision over Ethan Turner (Farmington) 32-18 (Dec 3-0) Cons. Round 2 - Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 38-20 won by decision over Elijah Jenkins (Capital City) 22-14 (Dec 9-7) Cons. Round 2 - Riley Brown (Smithville) 28-11 won by decision over Eddie Hines (Hillsboro) 26-11 (Dec 6-2) 170 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 36-16 won by fall over Mason Jensen (Parkway West) 33-11 (Fall 2:37) Cons. Round 2 - Trey Brewer (Bolivar) 39-9 won by fall over Victor Johnson (McCluer) 12-8 (Fall 4:03) Cons. Round 2 - Clayton Hurley (Jefferson City) 22-21 won by decision over Nathan Campos (William Chrisman) 38-12 (Dec 6-3) Cons. Round 2 - Dusty Stevens (Marshfield) 46-8 won by fall over Westley Kruger (Vianney) 31-16 (Fall 1:24) 182 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Chance Benford (Carl Junction) 40-11 won by decision over Colman Ebisch (Glendale) 31-10 (Dec 13-6) Cons. Round 2 - Ben Wirtel (Marshfield) 43-8 won by fall over Maurice Beers (Parkway West) 28-16 (Fall 1:00) Cons. Round 2 - CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 36-10 won by fall over Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 27-11 (Fall 4:07) Cons. Round 2 - Rickson Taylor (DeSmet) 36-8 won by major decision over Dominic Calvin (Pacific) 36-13 (MD 10-0) 195 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Asa Foeller (DeSoto) 36-5 won by fall over Tucker Black (Kearney) 18-22 (Fall 3:37) Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 32-12 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jose Avitia (Washington) 28-14 (SV-1 3-1) Cons. Round 2 - Brady Griffin (Willard) 39-9 won by fall over Ulysses DeLeon (Neosho) 26-23 (Fall 0:59) Cons. Round 2 - Caelin Stegmann (Rockwood Summit) 38-3 won by fall over Keanu Sua (Van Horn) 38-13 (Fall 2:21) 220 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Ian Nelson (Capital City) 30-8 won by fall over Henry Armstrong (Rockwood Summit) 28-13 (Fall 1:55) Cons. Round 2 - Alex Nunez (Willard) 40-12 won by fall over Mason Lay (North County) 18-15 (Fall 3:43) Cons. Round 2 - Zach Olson (Kearney) 37-12 won by decision over Kyler Flowers (Warrenton) 15-3 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 2 - Erik Tomanek (Marshfield) 43-7 won by decision over Cayden Bollinger (Carl Junction) 36-17 (Dec 5-2) 285 Class 3 Cons. Round 2 - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 20-5 won by fall over Jaydon Woodall (Parkway West) 35-7 (Fall 4:08) Cons. Round 2 - Broc Horton (Rolla) 19-8 won by fall over Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 31-17 (Fall 3:35) Cons. Round 2 - Mason Crim (Smithville) 16-12 won in tie breaker - 1 over Mason Igou (Van Horn) 27-6 (TB-1 2-1) Cons. Round 2 - Kameron Bennett (Carl Junction) 38-10 won by fall over Izik Simms (Bolivar) 15-11 (Fall 0:59) Quarters (16 Man) 106 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Reign Creech (Hannibal) 35-7 won by decision over Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-7 (Dec 7-0) Quarterfinal - Kaden Purler (North Point) 33-3 won by decision over Caden Hulett (Platte County) 24-14 (Dec 5-1) Quarterfinal - Lukas Walker (Carl Junction) 41-4 won by fall over Gabe Barnett (Hillsboro) 31-11 (Fall 3:20) Quarterfinal - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 37-3 won by fall over Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 24-10 (Fall 1:06) 113 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Dayton Boyd (Farmington) 45-2 won by fall over Brayden Squires (Rolla) 29-15 (Fall 1:19) Quarterfinal - Nate Martin (Clayton) 35-4 won by major decision over Fisher Butler (Neosho) 31-18 (MD 9-0) Quarterfinal - Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 39-5 won by major decision over Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 32-15 (MD 18-7) Quarterfinal - Yashua Amen (Whitfield) 24-12 won by major decision over Riley Ragan (William Chrisman) 32-12 (MD 12-4) 120 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Gavin Alexander (Hillsboro) 32-2 won by decision over Chad Benwell jr. (North Point) 18-4 (Dec 4-0) Quarterfinal - Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 41-7 won by fall over Abdiel Kempker (Capital City) 32-18 (Fall 5:27) Quarterfinal - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 45-3 won by fall over Ethan Flaherty (Pacific) 31-11 (Fall 2:35) Quarterfinal - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 39-4 won by decision over Presley Johnson (Farmington) 40-13 (Dec 5-1) 126 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 43-3 won by major decision over Johnny Chrisco (Neosho) 29-21 (MD 16-2) Quarterfinal - Kolby McClain (Smithville) 37-4 won by decision over Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 36-7 (Dec 8-1) Quarterfinal - Alexander Rallo (Whitfield) 31-4 won by decision over Cody Culp (Hannibal) 36-7 (Dec 6-2) Quarterfinal - Alex Turley (Webster Groves) 40-1 won by decision over Blaine Ortiz (McDonald County) 41-6 (Dec 3-0) 132 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Jesse Hahs (DeSmet) 28-6 won by decision over Blake Cook (Farmington) 43-6 (Dec 3-1) Quarterfinal - Hayden Crane (Neosho) 34-10 won by decision over Braden Werderhausen (Jefferson City) 40-7 (Dec 4-2) Quarterfinal - Evan Binder (Whitfield) 43-3 won by major decision over Blake Jackson (Hillsboro) 31-11 (MD 8-0) Quarterfinal - Kyshin Isringhausen (Branson) 45-2 won by fall over Warren Fiedler (Pacific) 23-12 (Fall 0:41) 138 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Eli Rocha (Platte County) 15-3 won by decision over Nate Barnett (Hillsboro) 34-13 (Dec 4-2) Quarterfinal - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 34-4 won by decision over Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 32-5 (Dec 8-1) Quarterfinal - Gavin Linsman (Whitfield) 38-5 won by fall over Camden Pye (Rockwood Summit) 19-3 (Fall 4:53) Quarterfinal - Nate Copeland (Neosho) 32-16 won by fall over Cameron McKee (Jefferson City) 38-9 (Fall 3:26) 145 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Joe Kuster (Jefferson City) 41-5 won by decision over Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 39-6 (Dec 7-3) Quarterfinal - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 36-9 won by decision over Caleb Caldwell (Willard) 46-3 (Dec 2-0) Quarterfinal - Damian Dockery (Marshfield) 41-10 won by decision over Levi Penrod (Warrenton) 30-6 (Dec 4-3) Quarterfinal - Eli Ashcroft (Kearney) 35-3 won by decision over Trace Dunlap (Farmington) 29-7 (Dec 10-5) 152 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Evan Morris (Hillsboro) 38-9 won by decision over Riley Beckman (Bolivar) 38-8 (Dec 9-3) Quarterfinal - Daryn Langford (Kearney) 30-12 won by fall over Levi Smith (McDonald County) 42-8 (Fall 1:58) Quarterfinal - Jackson Sapp (North Point) 42-7 won by decision over Casey Olszowka (Washington) 36-8 (Dec 7-2) Quarterfinal - Trent Neece (Neosho) 39-8 won by decision over Drew Felker (Farmington) 36-13 (Dec 7-1) 160 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Collyn Kivett (Neosho) 36-16 won by fall over Eddie Hines (Hillsboro) 26-11 (Fall 3:14) Quarterfinal - Gary Walker (Willard) 47-2 won by major decision over Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 38-20 (MD 15-3) Quarterfinal - Tyson Moore (Bolivar) 37-2 won by fall over Ethan Turner (Farmington) 32-18 (Fall 0:49) Quarterfinal - Andre Ridenhour (Rolla) 36-7 won by major decision over Peyton Shaver (Festus) 44-7 (MD 12-1) 170 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Blaine Keuhn (Platte County) 33-9 won in sudden victory - 1 over Dusty Stevens (Marshfield) 46-8 (SV-1 10-8) Quarterfinal - Eli Zar (Neosho) 48-4 won by fall over Nathan Campos (William Chrisman) 38-12 (Fall 2:16) Quarterfinal - Reese Callahan (Whitfield) 31-12 won by decision over Trey Brewer (Bolivar) 39-9 (Dec 8-6) Quarterfinal - Trevor Wilson (Hannibal) 39-3 won by fall over Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 36-16 (Fall 5:15) 182 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Dalton Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 41-6 won by decision over Rickson Taylor (DeSmet) 36-8 (Dec 7-0) Quarterfinal - Hayden Fane (Rolla) 39-1 won by decision over Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 27-11 (Dec 3-0) Quarterfinal - Chase Brock (Whitfield) 39-6 won by major decision over Ben Wirtel (Marshfield) 43-8 (MD 17-4) Quarterfinal - Will Berendzen (Jefferson City) 45-0 won by major decision over Colman Ebisch (Glendale) 31-10 (MD 9-0) 195 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Cade Grimm (Branson) 36-7 won by major decision over Caelin Stegmann (Rockwood Summit) 38-3 (MD 13-5) Quarterfinal - Jaydon Walls (Platte County) 34-7 won by decision over Brady Griffin (Willard) 39-9 (Dec 8-1) Quarterfinal - Michael Friederich (Jefferson City) 43-3 won by fall over Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 32-12 (Fall 1:31) Quarterfinal - Blake Goodman (Bolivar) 37-5 won by fall over Asa Foeller (DeSoto) 36-5 (Fall 3:20) 220 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Isaac Foeller (DeSoto) 29-1 won by decision over Erik Tomanek (Marshfield) 43-7 (Dec 3-2) Quarterfinal - David Lewis (Van Horn) 34-3 won by decision over Kyler Flowers (Warrenton) 15-3 (Dec 5-3) Quarterfinal - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 45-1 won by fall over Mason Lay (North County) 18-15 (Fall 2:22) Quarterfinal - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 32-8 won by fall over Henry Armstrong (Rockwood Summit) 28-13 (Fall 3:30) 285 Class 3 Quarterfinal - Gavin Holtmeyer (Washington) 36-2 won by fall over Kameron Bennett (Carl Junction) 38-10 (Fall 0:44) Quarterfinal - Keith Miley (Whitfield) 32-2 won by decision over Mason Igou (Van Horn) 27-6 (Dec 5-0) Quarterfinal - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 23-4 won by fall over Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 31-17 (Fall 2:21) Quarterfinal - Issac Enloe (Jefferson City) 40-3 won by fall over Jaydon Woodall (Parkway West) 35-7 (Fall 4:55) 1st WB (16 Man) 106 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Forrest McMannes (Bolivar) 28-11 won by major decision over Liam O`Brien (Parkway West) 29-13 (MD 8-0) Cons. Round 1 - Shawn Lang (Willard) 39-6 won by fall over Parker Kelpe (Washington) 23-14 (Fall 4:06) Cons. Round 1 - John Nguyen (Winnetonka) 30-9 won by tech fall over Daniel Smith (Chaminade College Preparatory) 23-9 (TF-1.5 3:04 (16-1)) Cons. Round 1 - Timothy Link (Pacific) 22-17 won by fall over Bradley Hiteshew (Glendale) 8-13 (Fall 1:51) 113 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Trent Hallett (Smithville) 16-15 won by fall over Charles Morgan (Hazelwood East) 21-15 (Fall 2:43) Cons. Round 1 - Sterling Wheatley (Capital City) 27-12 won by decision over Luke Patterson (Windsor (Imperial)) 26-23 (Dec 10-4) Cons. Round 1 - Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 29-12 won by fall over Tytus Oliver (Jefferson City) 19-28 (Fall 0:25) Cons. Round 1 - Couper Deckard (Washington) 25-16 won by fall over Jose Mendoza Garcia (McDonald County) 18-21 (Fall 2:37) 120 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Brennen Green (Kearney) 27-19 won by decision over Thomas Mutarelli (Branson) 23-21 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 1 - Minko Brown (Rockwood Summit) 23-14 won by decision over Noah Lohrman (Warrenton) 18-12 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 1 - Max Matthews (Carl Junction) 22-21 won by decision over Dominic Stafford (Jefferson City) 21-23 (Dec 10-5) Cons. Round 1 - Wyatt Black (Neosho) 22-24 won by tech fall over Massimo Mattina (Chaminade College Preparatory) 16-9 (TF-1.5 4:11 (19-3)) 126 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 35-8 won by fall over Kamron Watson (Hazelwood East) 25-10 (Fall 1:21) Cons. Round 1 - Devon Deckelman (Washington) 34-11 won by major decision over David Ciorba (Ladue Horton Watkins) 27-18 (MD 12-0) Cons. Round 1 - Austin Neff (Festus) 25-11 won by decision over Tommy Mynatt (Marshfield) 30-16 (Dec 4-0) Cons. Round 1 - Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 30-15 won by tech fall over Nicholas Schulze (Warrenton) 28-11 (TF-1.5 3:53 (16-0)) 132 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Hunter Hoffman (Rolla) 34-7 won by major decision over Eli Schuemann (Capital City) 31-17 (MD 10-0) Cons. Round 1 - Devin Shipp (Rockwood Summit) 26-14 won in sudden victory - 1 over Leo Buchheit (North Point) 18-14 (SV-1 4-2) Cons. Round 1 - Logan Rice (Bolivar) 20-16 won by decision over Steven Campos (Van Horn) 28-10 (Dec 6-2) Cons. Round 1 - Jeffery Kobel (Smithville) 15-12 won by fall over Jack Lake (Chaminade College Preparatory) 16-12 (Fall 2:19) 138 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Marcus Gritts (Marshfield) 38-13 won by fall over Logan Redel (North Point) 12-16 (Fall 0:56) Cons. Round 1 - Aaron DeBlasi (Parkway West) 31-9 won by decision over Blayne Mcdermott (Sikeston) 30-21 (Dec 7-2) Cons. Round 1 - Ethan Muir (Smithville) 33-13 won by decision over Noah Rogers (Willard) 33-18 (Dec 6-4) Cons. Round 1 - Nate Schnur (Farmington) 31-20 won by fall over Kaiden Brooks (Ft. Zumwalt East) 21-14 (Fall 2:19) 145 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 28-19 won by major decision over Bostyn Patterson (Neosho) 26-19 (MD 10-2) Cons. Round 1 - Anthony Lentz (Vianney) 28-10 won by decision over Sam Loiterstein (Ladue Horton Watkins) 11-4 (Dec 8-2) Cons. Round 1 - Jared Parsons (Platte County) 17-12 won by fall over John Berry (Rockwood Summit) 24-14 (Fall 4:27) Cons. Round 1 - Gabriel Hoekel (Union) 41-10 won by major decision over Tim Tullock (Parkway West) 19-20 (MD 17-3) 152 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Tanner Quick (Jefferson City) 24-17 won by major decision over Austin Rakers (McCluer North) 6-6 (MD 13-5) Cons. Round 1 - Rome Tate (Whitfield) 20-15 won by decision over Trey Scott (Sikeston) 22-17 (Dec 9-3) Cons. Round 1 - Junior Lamarre (Parkview) 30-12 won by decision over Aiden Walker (Warrensburg) 18-16 (Dec 5-1) Cons. Round 1 - De`Marcus Penson (Van Horn) 38-11 won by fall over Tommy Wehrmeister (Parkway West) 21-13 (Fall 2:41) 160 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Ben McDaniel (Platte County) 26-15 won by fall over Brody Williams (North Point) 22-20 (Fall 0:24) Cons. Round 1 - Carter Epema (Jefferson City) 24-10 won by decision over Caiden Gagliano (Whitfield) 5-2 (Dec 3-2) Cons. Round 1 - Elijah Jenkins (Capital City) 22-14 won by decision over Evan Rolwes (DeSmet) 15-8 (Dec 10-4) Cons. Round 1 - Riley Brown (Smithville) 28-11 won by fall over Devin Adams (Parkway West) 30-11 (Fall 4:50) 170 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Mason Jensen (Parkway West) 33-11 won by fall over Davarious Nunley (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 22-19 (Fall 1:38) Cons. Round 1 - Victor Johnson (McCluer) 12-8 won by decision over Sam Lancaster (Sikeston) 28-25 (Dec 8-1) Cons. Round 1 - Clayton Hurley (Jefferson City) 22-21 won by fall over Cameron Busch (Windsor (Imperial)) 34-15 (Fall 2:09) Cons. Round 1 - Westley Kruger (Vianney) 31-16 won by fall over Dempsey Brinkman (Clayton) 18-13 (Fall 4:25) 182 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Chance Benford (Carl Junction) 40-11 won by fall over Matthew Boyer (Capital City) 26-10 (Fall 3:22) Cons. Round 1 - Maurice Beers (Parkway West) 28-16 won by decision over Jack Burke (Vianney) 20-21 (Dec 7-5) Cons. Round 1 - CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 36-10 won by decision over Dominic Mullin (Sikeston) 41-12 (Dec 8-5) Cons. Round 1 - Dominic Calvin (Pacific) 36-13 won by decision over Tyler Jones (Parkway North) 36-9 (Dec 3-2) 195 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Tucker Black (Kearney) 18-22 won by decision over Cassius Nathaniel (Parkway North) 36-8 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 1 - Jose Avitia (Washington) 28-14 won by decision over Kaleb Strong (Hazelwood East) 17-14 (Dec 7-4) Cons. Round 1 - Ulysses DeLeon (Neosho) 26-23 won by decision over Rowdy Vaugh (Farmington) 20-26 (Dec 8-4) Cons. Round 1 - Keanu Sua (Van Horn) 38-13 won by major decision over Mason Marks (Whitfield) 11-23 (MD 17-4) 220 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Ian Nelson (Capital City) 30-8 won by fall over Nicholas Picaud (Parkway West) 23-17 (Fall 0:48) Cons. Round 1 - Alex Nunez (Willard) 40-12 won by fall over Blake Mckay (Pacific) 21-14 (Fall 3:55) Cons. Round 1 - Zach Olson (Kearney) 37-12 won by decision over Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 15-17 (Dec 1-0) Cons. Round 1 - Cayden Bollinger (Carl Junction) 36-17 won by fall over Jimmy Thompson (North Point) 24-27 (Fall 1:45) 285 Class 3 Cons. Round 1 - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 20-5 won by fall over Alec Gittemeier (North Point) 11-19 (Fall 0:34) Cons. Round 1 - Broc Horton (Rolla) 19-8 won by fall over Mark Fisher (Sikeston) 19-16 (Fall 0:38) Cons. Round 1 - Mason Crim (Smithville) 16-12 won by decision over Craig Bell (Hazelwood East) 11-8 (Dec 3-1) Cons. Round 1 - Izik Simms (Bolivar) 15-11 won by fall over Peyton Simily (Farmington) 25-22 (Fall 1:35) Round 1 (16 Man) 106 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-7 won by fall over Liam O`Brien (Parkway West) 29-13 (Fall 3:05) Champ. Round 1 - Reign Creech (Hannibal) 35-7 won in sudden victory - 1 over Forrest McMannes (Bolivar) 28-11 (SV-1 4-2) Champ. Round 1 - Kaden Purler (North Point) 33-3 won by fall over Parker Kelpe (Washington) 23-14 (Fall 0:33) Champ. Round 1 - Caden Hulett (Platte County) 24-14 won by decision over Shawn Lang (Willard) 39-6 (Dec 2-0) Champ. Round 1 - Lukas Walker (Carl Junction) 41-4 won by fall over John Nguyen (Winnetonka) 30-9 (Fall 4:53) Champ. Round 1 - Gabe Barnett (Hillsboro) 31-11 won by fall over Daniel Smith (Chaminade College Preparatory) 23-9 (Fall 3:35) Champ. Round 1 - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 37-3 won by tech fall over Bradley Hiteshew (Glendale) 8-13 (TF-1.5 3:05 (17-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 24-10 won by fall over Timothy Link (Pacific) 22-17 (Fall 1:26) 113 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Dayton Boyd (Farmington) 45-2 won by fall over Charles Morgan (Hazelwood East) 21-15 (Fall 0:56) Champ. Round 1 - Brayden Squires (Rolla) 29-15 won by fall over Trent Hallett (Smithville) 16-15 (Fall 5:25) Champ. Round 1 - Nate Martin (Clayton) 35-4 won by fall over Luke Patterson (Windsor (Imperial)) 26-23 (Fall 1:08) Champ. Round 1 - Fisher Butler (Neosho) 31-18 won by fall over Sterling Wheatley (Capital City) 27-12 (Fall 4:55) Champ. Round 1 - Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 39-5 won by fall over Tytus Oliver (Jefferson City) 19-28 (Fall 0:18) Champ. Round 1 - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 32-15 won by decision over Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 29-12 (Dec 11-6) Champ. Round 1 - Riley Ragan (William Chrisman) 32-12 won by fall over Jose Mendoza Garcia (McDonald County) 18-21 (Fall 4:29) Champ. Round 1 - Yashua Amen (Whitfield) 24-12 won by tech fall over Couper Deckard (Washington) 25-16 (TF-1.5 4:10 (18-3)) 120 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Gavin Alexander (Hillsboro) 32-2 won by fall over Thomas Mutarelli (Branson) 23-21 (Fall 1:55) Champ. Round 1 - Chad Benwell jr. (North Point) 18-4 won by fall over Brennen Green (Kearney) 27-19 (Fall 3:33) Champ. Round 1 - Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 41-7 won by tech fall over Minko Brown (Rockwood Summit) 23-14 (TF-1.5 5:10 (17-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Abdiel Kempker (Capital City) 32-18 won by decision over Noah Lohrman (Warrenton) 18-12 (Dec 7-3) Champ. Round 1 - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 45-3 won by tech fall over Dominic Stafford (Jefferson City) 21-23 (TF-1.5 3:03 (15-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Flaherty (Pacific) 31-11 won by fall over Max Matthews (Carl Junction) 22-21 (Fall 3:39) Champ. Round 1 - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 39-4 won by fall over Massimo Mattina (Chaminade College Preparatory) 16-9 (Fall 1:43) Champ. Round 1 - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 40-13 won by tech fall over Wyatt Black (Neosho) 22-24 (TF-1.5 4:49 (17-2)) 126 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 43-3 won by tech fall over Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 35-8 (TF-1.5 2:30 (16-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Johnny Chrisco (Neosho) 29-21 won by fall over Kamron Watson (Hazelwood East) 25-10 (Fall 4:30) Champ. Round 1 - Kolby McClain (Smithville) 37-4 won by fall over Devon Deckelman (Washington) 34-11 (Fall 0:53) Champ. Round 1 - Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 36-7 won by tech fall over David Ciorba (Ladue Horton Watkins) 27-18 (TF-1.5 5:32 (16-1)) Champ. Round 1 - Alexander Rallo (Whitfield) 31-4 won by fall over Tommy Mynatt (Marshfield) 30-16 (Fall 1:40) Champ. Round 1 - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 36-7 won by fall over Austin Neff (Festus) 25-11 (Fall 3:01) Champ. Round 1 - Blaine Ortiz (McDonald County) 41-6 won by fall over Nicholas Schulze (Warrenton) 28-11 (Fall 0:23) Champ. Round 1 - Alex Turley (Webster Groves) 40-1 won by fall over Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 30-15 (Fall 0:37) 132 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Blake Cook (Farmington) 43-6 won by fall over Eli Schuemann (Capital City) 31-17 (Fall 3:02) Champ. Round 1 - Jesse Hahs (DeSmet) 28-6 won by decision over Hunter Hoffman (Rolla) 34-7 (Dec 4-1) Champ. Round 1 - Braden Werderhausen (Jefferson City) 40-7 won by major decision over Devin Shipp (Rockwood Summit) 26-14 (MD 12-3) Champ. Round 1 - Hayden Crane (Neosho) 34-10 won by fall over Leo Buchheit (North Point) 18-14 (Fall 0:51) Champ. Round 1 - Evan Binder (Whitfield) 43-3 won by fall over Logan Rice (Bolivar) 20-16 (Fall 3:31) Champ. Round 1 - Blake Jackson (Hillsboro) 31-11 won by decision over Steven Campos (Van Horn) 28-10 (Dec 8-1) Champ. Round 1 - Kyshin Isringhausen (Branson) 45-2 won by fall over Jack Lake (Chaminade College Preparatory) 16-12 (Fall 0:42) Champ. Round 1 - Warren Fiedler (Pacific) 23-12 won by fall over Jeffery Kobel (Smithville) 15-12 (Fall 2:51) 138 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Nate Barnett (Hillsboro) 34-13 won by fall over Marcus Gritts (Marshfield) 38-13 (Fall 3:54) Champ. Round 1 - Eli Rocha (Platte County) 15-3 won by fall over Logan Redel (North Point) 12-16 (Fall 0:20) Champ. Round 1 - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 34-4 won by fall over Blayne Mcdermott (Sikeston) 30-21 (Fall 1:02) Champ. Round 1 - Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 32-5 won by fall over Aaron DeBlasi (Parkway West) 31-9 (Fall 0:59) Champ. Round 1 - Gavin Linsman (Whitfield) 38-5 won by decision over Ethan Muir (Smithville) 33-13 (Dec 7-1) Champ. Round 1 - Camden Pye (Rockwood Summit) 19-3 won by fall over Noah Rogers (Willard) 33-18 (Fall 4:49) Champ. Round 1 - Cameron McKee (Jefferson City) 38-9 won by fall over Kaiden Brooks (Ft. Zumwalt East) 21-14 (Fall 1:34) Champ. Round 1 - Nate Copeland (Neosho) 32-16 won by fall over Nate Schnur (Farmington) 31-20 (Fall 5:44) 145 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 39-6 won by fall over Bostyn Patterson (Neosho) 26-19 (Fall 0:43) Champ. Round 1 - Joe Kuster (Jefferson City) 41-5 won by decision over Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 28-19 (Dec 6-0) Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Caldwell (Willard) 46-3 won by tech fall over Anthony Lentz (Vianney) 28-10 (TF-1.5 4:52 (17-2)) Champ. Round 1 - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 36-9 won by fall over Sam Loiterstein (Ladue Horton Watkins) 11-4 (Fall 3:11) Champ. Round 1 - Levi Penrod (Warrenton) 30-6 won by fall over Jared Parsons (Platte County) 17-12 (Fall 5:54) Champ. Round 1 - Damian Dockery (Marshfield) 41-10 won by fall over John Berry (Rockwood Summit) 24-14 (Fall 5:04) Champ. Round 1 - Eli Ashcroft (Kearney) 35-3 won by fall over Tim Tullock (Parkway West) 19-20 (Fall 0:38) Champ. Round 1 - Trace Dunlap (Farmington) 29-7 won by fall over Gabriel Hoekel (Union) 41-10 (Fall 0:41) 152 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Evan Morris (Hillsboro) 38-9 won by tech fall over Tanner Quick (Jefferson City) 24-17 (TF-1.5 3:56 (17-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Riley Beckman (Bolivar) 38-8 won by fall over Austin Rakers (McCluer North) 6-6 (Fall 1:46) Champ. Round 1 - Daryn Langford (Kearney) 30-12 won by tech fall over Trey Scott (Sikeston) 22-17 (TF-1.5 4:09 (16-0)) Champ. Round 1 - Levi Smith (McDonald County) 42-8 won by decision over Rome Tate (Whitfield) 20-15 (Dec 8-4) Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Sapp (North Point) 42-7 won by decision over Junior Lamarre (Parkview) 30-12 (Dec 4-2) Champ. Round 1 - Casey Olszowka (Washington) 36-8 won by fall over Aiden Walker (Warrensburg) 18-16 (Fall 4:27) Champ. Round 1 - Trent Neece (Neosho) 39-8 won by fall over Tommy Wehrmeister (Parkway West) 21-13 (Fall 1:06) Champ. Round 1 - Drew Felker (Farmington) 36-13 won by major decision over De`Marcus Penson (Van Horn) 38-11 (MD 15-4) 160 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Eddie Hines (Hillsboro) 26-11 won by fall over Brody Williams (North Point) 22-20 (Fall 1:20) Champ. Round 1 - Collyn Kivett (Neosho) 36-16 won by fall over Ben McDaniel (Platte County) 26-15 (Fall 5:14) Champ. Round 1 - Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 38-20 won by decision over Caiden Gagliano (Whitfield) 5-2 (Dec 7-2) Champ. Round 1 - Gary Walker (Willard) 47-2 won by tech fall over Carter Epema (Jefferson City) 24-10 (TF-1.5 5:35 (21-6)) Champ. Round 1 - Tyson Moore (Bolivar) 37-2 won by fall over Elijah Jenkins (Capital City) 22-14 (Fall 1:13) Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Turner (Farmington) 32-18 won by decision over Evan Rolwes (DeSmet) 15-8 (Dec 5-2) Champ. Round 1 - Andre Ridenhour (Rolla) 36-7 won by fall over Riley Brown (Smithville) 28-11 (Fall 6:33) Champ. Round 1 - Peyton Shaver (Festus) 44-7 won by decision over Devin Adams (Parkway West) 30-11 (Dec 5-1) 170 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Dusty Stevens (Marshfield) 46-8 won by fall over Davarious Nunley (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 22-19 (Fall 1:22) Champ. Round 1 - Blaine Keuhn (Platte County) 33-9 won by fall over Mason Jensen (Parkway West) 33-11 (Fall 1:29) Champ. Round 1 - Eli Zar (Neosho) 48-4 won by fall over Sam Lancaster (Sikeston) 28-25 (Fall 0:32) Champ. Round 1 - Nathan Campos (William Chrisman) 38-12 won by decision over Victor Johnson (McCluer) 12-8 (Dec 7-6) Champ. Round 1 - Reese Callahan (Whitfield) 31-12 won by fall over Clayton Hurley (Jefferson City) 22-21 (Fall 1:39) Champ. Round 1 - Trey Brewer (Bolivar) 39-9 won by major decision over Cameron Busch (Windsor (Imperial)) 34-15 (MD 15-3) Champ. Round 1 - Trevor Wilson (Hannibal) 39-3 won by fall over Dempsey Brinkman (Clayton) 18-13 (Fall 1:28) Champ. Round 1 - Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 36-16 won by fall over Westley Kruger (Vianney) 31-16 (Fall 2:21) 182 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 41-6 won by major decision over Chance Benford (Carl Junction) 40-11 (MD 15-7) Champ. Round 1 - Rickson Taylor (DeSmet) 36-8 won by fall over Matthew Boyer (Capital City) 26-10 (Fall 3:04) Champ. Round 1 - Hayden Fane (Rolla) 39-1 won by fall over Jack Burke (Vianney) 20-21 (Fall 0:40) Champ. Round 1 - Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 27-11 won by fall over Maurice Beers (Parkway West) 28-16 (Fall 1:53) Champ. Round 1 - Chase Brock (Whitfield) 39-6 won by fall over CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 36-10 (Fall 2:28) Champ. Round 1 - Ben Wirtel (Marshfield) 43-8 won by fall over Dominic Mullin (Sikeston) 41-12 (Fall 2:35) Champ. Round 1 - Will Berendzen (Jefferson City) 45-0 won by fall over Tyler Jones (Parkway North) 36-9 (Fall 1:09) Champ. Round 1 - Colman Ebisch (Glendale) 31-10 won by decision over Dominic Calvin (Pacific) 36-13 (Dec 9-2) 195 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Caelin Stegmann (Rockwood Summit) 38-3 won by fall over Tucker Black (Kearney) 18-22 (Fall 3:23) Champ. Round 1 - Cade Grimm (Branson) 36-7 won by fall over Cassius Nathaniel (Parkway North) 36-8 (Fall 0:10) Champ. Round 1 - Jaydon Walls (Platte County) 34-7 won by fall over Jose Avitia (Washington) 28-14 (Fall 3:13) Champ. Round 1 - Brady Griffin (Willard) 39-9 won by fall over Kaleb Strong (Hazelwood East) 17-14 (Fall 1:44) Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 32-12 won by fall over Ulysses DeLeon (Neosho) 26-23 (Fall 3:47) Champ. Round 1 - Michael Friederich (Jefferson City) 43-3 won by fall over Rowdy Vaugh (Farmington) 20-26 (Fall 1:30) Champ. Round 1 - Blake Goodman (Bolivar) 37-5 won by fall over Mason Marks (Whitfield) 11-23 (Fall 0:26) Champ. Round 1 - Asa Foeller (DeSoto) 36-5 won by fall over Keanu Sua (Van Horn) 38-13 (Fall 2:34) 220 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Isaac Foeller (DeSoto) 29-1 won by fall over Nicholas Picaud (Parkway West) 23-17 (Fall 1:21) Champ. Round 1 - Erik Tomanek (Marshfield) 43-7 won by fall over Ian Nelson (Capital City) 30-8 (Fall 3:59) Champ. Round 1 - Kyler Flowers (Warrenton) 15-3 won by fall over Blake Mckay (Pacific) 21-14 (Fall 0:42) Champ. Round 1 - David Lewis (Van Horn) 34-3 won by decision over Alex Nunez (Willard) 40-12 (Dec 3-2) Champ. Round 1 - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 45-1 won by fall over Zach Olson (Kearney) 37-12 (Fall 2:59) Champ. Round 1 - Mason Lay (North County) 18-15 won by fall over Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 15-17 (Fall 5:46) Champ. Round 1 - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 32-8 won by fall over Cayden Bollinger (Carl Junction) 36-17 (Fall 5:31) Champ. Round 1 - Henry Armstrong (Rockwood Summit) 28-13 won by fall over Jimmy Thompson (North Point) 24-27 (Fall 2:59) 285 Class 3 Champ. Round 1 - Gavin Holtmeyer (Washington) 36-2 won by fall over Alec Gittemeier (North Point) 11-19 (Fall 0:36) Champ. Round 1 - Kameron Bennett (Carl Junction) 38-10 won by fall over Derek Joiner (Grandview) 20-5 (Fall 1:02) Champ. Round 1 - Keith Miley (Whitfield) 32-2 won by fall over Mark Fisher (Sikeston) 19-16 (Fall 1:15) Champ. Round 1 - Mason Igou (Van Horn) 27-6 won by fall over Broc Horton (Rolla) 19-8 (Fall 3:19) Champ. Round 1 - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 23-4 won by fall over Mason Crim (Smithville) 16-12 (Fall 0:38) Champ. Round 1 - Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 31-17 won by fall over Craig Bell (Hazelwood East) 11-8 (Fall 1:27) Champ. Round 1 - Issac Enloe (Jefferson City) 40-3 won by fall over Izik Simms (Bolivar) 15-11 (Fall 2:33) Champ. Round 1 - Jaydon Woodall (Parkway West) 35-7 won by decision over Peyton Simily (Farmington) 25-22 (Dec 6-3)