Softball Advisory Committee Meeting
Held November 1, 2017
Recommend surveying member schools to expand Fall District window to go from Tuesday to Saturday. (9-0)
Rationale: Belief of the committee is an extra day will provide more flexibility and better insure district tournaments are completed by Saturday but believe it is necessary to see if it would eliminate regular season playing dates for schools.
Recommendation to place on the annual ballot a question to change the contest limitations for both the Fall and Spring by removing the 14 games and 3 tournaments option and replace it with a 16 games and 3 tournament option. (8-0 with 1 abstaining)
Rationale: Brings contest limitations in line with other team sports and provides more flexibility in scheduling especially when dealing with rescheduling due to weather issues.
Recommendation to develop language for the Softball Manual to clarify permissible and impermissible bench/dugout conduct during the regular season. (9-0)
Rationale: The committee believes bench/dugout conduct is becoming a bigger concern and developing regular season guidelines to align with the post season will benefit all.
The committee went on record in support of the “off-season practice” plan proposed by the AD Advisory Committee. (9-0)
* Denied
** Tabled for further study
*** Approved as amended
**** No Action
All others approved