Held May 2, 2018
1. Recommend the following be included in Section 7.B.6-DI, 7-Duet, 8-HI, 9-Poetry,10-Prose, 11-Storytelling: “Students should develop original interpretation of their selections.” Presently listed in “Ethics” section.
2. Recommend amending By-Law 4.3.3 to increase the maximum number of allowable tournaments for Jr. High Speech, Debate, and/or Theatre meets, festivals, and/or tournaments in a school year from 5 to 7.
*3. Recommend to revise Section 9.A.3, to read: When an original qualifier is unable to attend the State Tournament, an alternate (next finisher) can advance to the State tournament, provided they competed in an elimination round of the District Tournament.
4. Recommend revising Section 12.B.1: will make the deadline for changes to rosters and selections - the Friday following the close of the final district tournament.
5. Recommend adding to directives for One Act Play: The host school should be prepared to provide a qualified sound and light technician, to operate/assist with the board, if requested, at the district and state tournament.
*6. Voted to support the Barstow proposal of providing the option for schools to “opt out of By-Law 4.3.2.: 2 points - extend the season (months, not # of tournaments) - eliminate the mileage limitation.
7. Recommend adding Duo Interpretation as an event in Speech, Debate and Theatre.
8. Recommend adding to the Unethical Conduct section of each Debate event. (Lincoln-Douglas, Policy, Public Forum)
“It is the responsibility of the speaker to orally deliver the following when introducing evidence in a debate round: primary author(s)’ name (last) and year of publication. Any other information such as source, author’s qualifications, etc., may be given, but is not required. Should two or more quotations be used from the same source, the author and year must be given orally only for the first piece of evidence from that source. Subsequently, only the author’s name is required. Oral citations do not substitute for the written source citation. The full written citation must be provided if requested by an opponent or judge.”
9. Recommend to delete the first sentence from Section 7.B.5.k: Readers Theatre
“Stage movement and business shall be limited; the narrator may move about and the compositional grouping may change.”
***10. Recommend that presentation of 2nd Place plaques be eliminated and a 1st Place plaque be presented in every event, at the district and state tournaments.
Amend the recommendation by revising the awards as stated below:
Present 1st and 2nd place plaques in all team/multi-person events
Present only 1st and 2nd Place plaques in Reader’s Theatre and One Act Play
Eliminate presentation of plaques in Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Develop point system to award team championship
* Denied
** Tabled for further study
*** Approved as amended
**** No Action
All others approved