Volleyball Advisory Committee Summary
Held on November 13, 2019
Recommend implementing the ‘Checklist When Hosting/Working a Volleyball Contest’ document. This item will be placed in the MSHSAA Volleyball Manual, the Fall Rulebook Mailing Booklet for Athletic Directors and the required Online Rules Review for coaches and officials.
Recommend adding language to Section 4-A-4 of the MSHSAA Volleyball Manual stating “When one team is assigned to the full court, the opposing team shall not be permitted to use balls, in any capacity, during that 5-minute period.”
Recommend an item be placed on the Annual Ballot to amend By-Law 3.25.1.b.2 for high school varsity playing three-out-of-five to increase the maximum set limit from 5 sets to 6 sets on one calendar date against the same school.
Recommend an item be placed on the Annual Ballot to amend By-Law 3.25.1.d to include the following statement. “A player may participate in a maximum number of sets for the season that equals five times the number of dual matches when playing three-out-of-five set format.”
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Denied |
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Tabled |
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Approved as Amended |
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No Action |
Approved |