Thursday, November 15, 2018
MSHSAA Office Building
9:00 a.m.
Anyone attending a meeting of the Public/Nonpublic Advisory Committee who requires auxiliary aids or services should request such services by contacting the Executive Director of the MSHSAA, telephone 573/875-4880, no later than 48 hours before the meeting.
1. Welcome and Review of W-9 Form Urhahn
2. Review of November 16, 2017 Meeting Minutes (No Recommendations in 2017) Urhahn
3. Classifications Urhahn
4. Link Rule Urhahn
5. Date of Next Meeting - November 21, 2019
MSHSAA – Public/Non-Public Advisory Committee Meeting
November 15, 2018
Committee members present for the meeting were Tim Jermain, Bruce Whitesides, Steve Triplett, Terry Cochran, Deborah Hand, Rick Byers, Chad Hertzog, Jeff Mingus, and Kenya Fuemmeler. Chad Bradley, Bill Deckelman, Drew Lohnes and John Theobald joined the meeting via telephone conference call. Kerwin Urhahn, Don Maurer and Lou Mazzocco were present from the MSHSAA staff.
The committee reviewed the minutes of the November 16, 2017 meeting.
Urhahn discussed and clarified items from last year dealing with immediate family and payment of tuition.
Urhahn explained the work being done by the ad hoc Committee on Classification and what data will be covered at the area meetings.
The theory associated with the Link Rule was explained to the committee by Urhahn. The practice of hiring coaches who have a connection with students with club teams or other high school teams. Discussion centered around issues, problems associated with such a rule, its impact on out-state schools, shortage of teaching/coaching candidates.
The next meeting is set for November 21, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerwin Urhahn
Executive Director, MSHSAA
Recording Secretary