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1   270 Nathan Poindexter      SR Bolivar             5:18    16:29.25      
   2   386 Eli Klimek             SR Platte City         5:23    16:44.58     1
   3   437 Artie Randall          SR Winfield            5:30    17:06.47      
   4   382 Eddie Higgins          SR Pembroke Hill       5:30    17:07.60     2
   5   339 Andrew Almany          SO Licking             5:33    17:15.81     3
   6   273 Darell Rogers          SO Bowling Green       5:34    17:18.30      
   7   399 Tim Manning            SR Priory              5:34    17:19.55     4
   8   338 Kevin Veach            SR Lawson              5:35    17:21.70      
   9   374 Bobby Hovanec          JR Orchard Farm        5:36    17:24.29      
  10   296 Tal Hudson             SR East Newton         5:36    17:26.61     5
  11   292 Steve Sanford          SR Duchesne            5:37    17:27.84     6
  12   422 David Rothermich       JR St. Dominic         5:37    17:29.08     7
  13   397 George Capps           JR Priory              5:38    17:30.15     8
  14   301 George Price           JR Eldon               5:38    17:32.73      
  15   420 Ryan Mee               SR St. Dominic         5:39    17:34.82     9
  16   271 Steve Hercules         SR Bourbon             5:39    17:35.70      
  17   376 Chad Limberg           SR Owensville          5:40    17:36.64      
  18   332 Adam Lofton            SR Kelly               5:40    17:38.31    10
  19   426 John Heger             SR St. Francis Borgia  5:40    17:38.69    11
  20   351 Chris Rolland          SR Lutheran North      5:41    17:40.37      
  21   412 Dane Holtmeyer         SO South Callaway      5:41    17:40.76      
  22   308 Mike Wieberg           SR Fatima              5:41    17:41.10    12
  23   337 Mike Tolle             SO Lawson              5:42    17:42.56      
  24   400 Kevin O'Neill          JR Priory              5:43    17:47.02    13
  25   421 Jacob Meuth            JR St. Dominic         5:44    17:49.42    14
  26   393 Tyler Hale             SR Principia           5:44    17:51.04      
  27   418 Jason DuPont           JR St. Dominic         5:45    17:51.91    15
  28   360 Dusty Kime             SO Monett              5:45    17:52.44      
  29   430 Kyle Steffen           SR St. Francis Borgia  5:45    17:52.87    16
  30   423 Phil Yates             JR St. Dominic         5:45    17:53.38    17
  31   431 Tim Esparza            SR St. Pius X (Kansas  5:45    17:53.75      
  32   284 Ryan Arthur            SO Clinton             5:45    17:54.12      
  33   408 Greg Varner            SR Reeds Spring        5:45    17:54.55    18
  34   298 Matt McCleary          SR East Newton         5:46    17:55.04    19
  35   432 Brian Walterbach       SR St. Pius X (Kansas  5:46    17:56.07      
  36   287 John Dirnberger        SO Duchesne            5:47    17:58.93    20
  37   350 Brad Herbstreit        JR Lutheran North      5:47    18:00.39      
  38   410 Cody Boswell           SR Smithville          5:48    18:02.18      
  39   352 Jay Tillman            SR Lutheran North      5:49    18:04.79      
  40   402 Isaac Battaglia        JR Reeds Spring        5:49    18:05.52    21
  41   311 Preston Lingo          FR Herculaneum         5:49    18:05.96    22
  42   333 Lance Scheffer         JR Kelly               5:49    18:06.39    23
  43   405 Tyler Pyle             JR Reeds Spring        5:49    18:06.87    24
  44   394 Donnie Miller          SR Principia           5:50    18:07.93      
  45   291 Mark Lamb              SR Duchesne            5:50    18:08.96    25
  46   395 Eric Bradshaw          JR Priory              5:50    18:10.07    26
  47   413 Cody Branch            FR Southern Boone      5:51    18:10.51      
  48   266 Gabe Bisges            JR Blair Oaks          5:51    18:11.58      
  49   328 Adam Daughhetee        SR Kelly               5:51    18:12.42    27
  50   326 George Walter          SR John F. Hodge       5:52    18:13.95    28
  51   398 Sami Hawasli           SR Priory              5:52    18:14.31    29

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/03/01 11:25 AM    2001 MSHSAA 2A BOYS CROSS COUNTRY MEET              Page 2
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/03/01        
                          Event 1 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/03/01                
  52   377 Chris Bolman           SR Pembroke Hill       5:52    18:14.98    30
  53   375 Devin Gauzy            SR Owensville          5:52    18:16.47      
  54   307 Mark Wieberg           SR Fatima              5:53    18:18.03    31
  55   388 Shane Praiswater       SR Platte City         5:53    18:18.72    32
  56   309 Reggie Daugherty       SO Hancock             5:54    18:19.84      
  57   380 August Dietrich        SR Pembroke Hill       5:54    18:20.36    33
  58   416 Chris Medley           JR Springfield Cathol  5:54    18:21.70      
  59   346 Josh Bunch             JR Logan-Rogersville   5:54    18:22.13      
  60   358 Dan Moisio             JR Mary Inst/Country   5:54    18:22.52    34
  61   306 Craig Nilges           SO Fatima              5:55    18:22.93    35
  62   383 Clay Porter            SR Pembroke Hill       5:55    18:23.34    36
  63   381 Wally Forman           JR Pembroke Hill       5:55    18:23.75    37
  64   320 Robbie Molden          SR John Burroughs      5:55    18:24.69      
  65   344 Dakota Stoops          SO Licking             5:55    18:25.02    38
  66   315 Caleb Swartz           FR Herculaneum         5:55    18:25.85    39
  67   268 Anthony Larangeira     JR Blair Oaks          5:56    18:26.76      
  68   299 Henri Whitehead        SO East Newton         5:56    18:27.30    40
  69   396 Sam Bussmann           SR Priory              5:56    18:27.75    41
  70   283 Mark Brunk             JR Centralia           5:56    18:28.29      
  71   295 Cory Compton           SO East Newton         5:56    18:28.81    42
  72   365 Jesse Bechtold         SR O'Hara              5:57    18:29.14      
  73   429 Todd Schulte           SR St. Francis Borgia  5:57    18:29.56    43
  74   409 Ryan White             JR Richmond            5:57    18:29.97      
  75   407 A.J. Snelson           JR Reeds Spring        5:57    18:30.30    44
  76   316 Mah Travis             FR Herculaneum         5:57    18:31.06    45
  77   281 Joseph Gracy           SO Cassville           5:57    18:31.96      
  78   414 Andy Harmon            SO Springfield Cathol  5:58    18:33.02      
  79   361 Paul Strauss           JR Montgomery County   5:58    18:33.76      
  80   436 Kevin Smith            FR Willow Springs      5:58    18:35.06      
  81   331 Ashley Hahn            SR Kelly               5:59    18:38.36    46
  82   411 Alex Moore             JR Smithville          6:00    18:40.18      
  83   282 Brian Liddell          JR Central Visual & P  6:00    18:41.09      
  84   272 David Lucus            SO Bowling Green       6:01    18:42.25      
  85   305 Joe Landrum            SO Fatima              6:01    18:42.67    47
  86   387 Brandon McCammon       SO Platte City         6:01    18:42.93    48
  87   321 Dustin Felan           SR John F. Hodge       6:01    18:43.25    49
  88   277 Sam Hitchcock          JR Buffalo             6:01    18:43.44    50
  89   341 Danny Bradshaw         JR Licking             6:01    18:43.80    51
  90   370 Cassie Elledge         SO Oak Grove           6:01    18:44.49    52
  91   389 Zach Ryun              SO Platte City         6:02    18:45.06    53
  92   433 Carl Green             SR Steelville          6:02    18:46.55      
  93   335 Ryan Looney            JR Kennett             6:02    18:46.87      
  94   313 Jason Pruneau          SO Herculaneum         6:02    18:47.59    54
  95   267 Aaron Castillo         SO Blair Oaks          6:03    18:48.68      
  96   355 Brent Clermont         SR Mary Inst/Country   6:03    18:49.04    55
  97   373 Jesse Reynolds         JR Oak Grove           6:04    18:51.94    56
  98   319 Daniel Warren          JR Hollister           6:04    18:52.49      
  99   336 Danny Holmes           JR Lawson              6:04    18:52.72      
 100   349 Robert Hedgepeth       JR Logan-Rogersville   6:04    18:53.13      
 101   353 Nick Apperson          SR Mary Inst/Country   6:05    18:54.25    57
 102   310 Justin Kennedy         SR Herculaneum         6:05    18:55.15    58

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/03/01 11:25 AM    2001 MSHSAA 2A BOYS CROSS COUNTRY MEET              Page 3
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/03/01        
                          Event 1 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/03/01                
 103   357 Nate Hopson            SR Mary Inst/Country   6:05    18:56.93    59
 104   390 Ryan Schroeder         SR Platte City         6:06    18:57.60    60
 105   293 Nick Stahlschmidt      SR Duchesne            6:06    18:57.98    61
 106   379 Charles Curran         JR Pembroke Hill       6:06    18:58.63    62
 107   342 James Bradshaw         JR Licking             6:06    18:59.01    63
 108   425 Adam Fischer           JR St. Francis Borgia  6:06    18:59.39    64
 109   314 Shaun Shaffer          FR Herculaneum         6:06    18:59.70    65
 110   435 Greg Phipps            SO Willow Springs      6:06    19:00.10      
 111   318 Chris Allred           SO Hollister           6:07    19:00.65      
 112   343 Matt Mobley            JR Licking             6:07    19:01.41    66
 113   419 Adam Kuebler           JR St. Dominic         6:07    19:01.71    67
 114   330 Michael Glastetter     FR Kelly               6:07    19:01.98    68
 115   348 Cameron Cunningham     SR Logan-Rogersville   6:08    19:03.90      
 116   378 Wes Brown              SO Pembroke Hill       6:08    19:05.30    69
 117   329 Lance Ferrell          SR Kelly               6:08    19:05.89    70
 118   334 Trey Simmons           SO Kelly               6:09    19:06.88    71
 119   286 Dennis Boone           SR Cuba                6:09    19:07.73      
 120   363 Nathan Woodard         SR Mountain Grove      6:10    19:10.55      
 121   417 Nathan Bates           SR St. Dominic         6:10    19:11.72    72
 122   406 Mike Servis            JR Reeds Spring        6:11    19:12.82    73
 123   424 Nick Feldmann          SR St. Francis Borgia  6:11    19:13.88    74
 124   265 Justin Douglas         SR Arcadia Valley      6:11    19:14.96      
 125   347 Ty Climer              SR Logan-Rogersville   6:12    19:15.98      
 126   302 Mike Donze             FR Fatima              6:12    19:16.40    75
 127   362 Brian Azevedo          SR Mountain Grove      6:12    19:16.79      
 128   312 Scott Parson           SO Herculaneum         6:12    19:18.12    76
 129   384 Mark Dudley            JR Platte City         6:13    19:19.65    77
 130   285 Shawn Gardner          FR Clinton             6:14    19:22.34      
 131   303 Derek Kever            FR Fatima              6:14    19:23.23    78
 132   356 Ben Cooper             JR Mary Inst/Country   6:15    19:26.64    79
 133   401 Jon Tottleben          SR Priory              6:15    19:27.87    80
 134   428 Justin Rudolf          JR St. Francis Borgia  6:17    19:31.35    81
 135   367 Jaramia Alewine        SO Oak Grove           6:17    19:31.72    82
 136   345 Andy Taylor            JR Licking             6:18    19:35.31    83
 137   317 Patrick Burns          JR Holden              6:18    19:37.12      
 138   434 Matthew Gregory        FR Westminster Christ  6:18    19:37.46      
 139   297 Dan Martin             FR East Newton         6:19    19:38.37    84
 140   391 Matt Stewart           JR Pleasant Hill       6:19    19:39.76      
 141   289 Aaron Knoblauch        SR Duchesne            6:19    19:40.40    85
 142   294 Nathan Allen           SR East Newton         6:20    19:42.40    86
 143   340 Brian Bradshaw         SO Licking             6:21    19:44.67    87
 144   304 Alan Kirsch            SO Fatima              6:21    19:45.90    88
 145   366 Mike Roach             JR O'Hara              6:22    19:47.21      
 146   275 Jacob Elwood           SO Buffalo             6:22    19:47.81    89
 147   403 Joey Cardenzana        JR Reeds Spring        6:22    19:49.38    90
 148   427 Doug Holdmeyer         JR St. Francis Borgia  6:23    19:50.13    91
 149   288 Jason Griesenauer      SR Duchesne            6:24    19:54.29    92
 150   300 Ryan Wright            FR East Newton         6:25    19:58.41    93
 151   404 Bud Conti              SR Reeds Spring        6:27    20:03.60    94
 152   269 Jimmy Cox              SR Bolivar             6:28    20:08.22      
 153   279 Lee Phillips           SO Buffalo             6:29    20:10.59    95

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/03/01 11:25 AM    2001 MSHSAA 2A BOYS CROSS COUNTRY MEET              Page 4
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/03/01        
                          Event 1 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/03/01                
 154   371 Paul Laemmli           SO Oak Grove           6:33    20:22.40    96
 155   274 Aaron Black            SO Buffalo             6:35    20:27.68    97
 156   385 Bill Flynt             SR Platte City         6:35    20:27.99    98
 157   359 Graham Walker          SR Mary Inst/Country   6:36    20:31.35    99
 158   354 Adam Eldin             SO Mary Inst/Country   6:40    20:43.60   100
 159   392 Tyler Tate             SO Pleasant Hill       6:40    20:44.83      
 160   290 Kurt Knoblauch         SO Duchesne            6:40    20:45.73   101
 161   368 Peter Casey            JR Oak Grove           6:41    20:46.77   102
 162   323 Josh Morris            JR John F. Hodge       6:43    20:52.53   103
 163   372 Levi Messer            JR Oak Grove           6:46    21:01.75   104
 164   280 Keith Schakenberg      JR Buffalo             6:50    21:13.85   105
 165   369 Eric Dyer              SO Oak Grove           6:51    21:17.12   106
 166   324 Wade Ridenhour         FR John F. Hodge       6:55    21:29.33   107
 167   325 Brant Shockley         SO John F. Hodge       7:05    22:00.83   108
 168   276 Quintin Hicks          SO Buffalo             7:06    22:06.47   109
 169   327 Rusty Wright           JR John F. Hodge       7:11    22:21.33   110
 170   278 Eric King              FR Buffalo             7:20    22:47.73   111


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