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              MSHSAA State Cross Country Championships - 11/9/2013               
                       Entries and Results by TRXC Timing                        
                               Jefferson City, MO                                
Event 5  Boys 5k Run CC Class 4
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Kauppila, Noah            SR Marquette             15:22.34    1             
  2 Mugeche, Stephen          JR Blue Springs          15:34.43                  
  3 Haik, Spencer             SR Glendale              15:37.03    2             
  4 Schulte, Evan             SR Rock Bridge           15:37.40    3             
  5 Rockhold, Colton          SR Truman                15:47.76                  
  6 Del Rosso, Austin         SR DeSmet                15:53.75    4             
  7 Thompson, William         JR Rockhurst             16:03.18    5             
  8 Quisenberry, Dylan        SO Lafayette             16:09.04    6             
  9 Cook, Zach                SR Rock Bridge           16:09.68    7             
 10 Moll, Quinlan             SR Kickapoo              16:10.93    8             
 11 Byrley, Cameron           SR Parkview              16:11.01                  
 12 Way, Ryan                 SR Republic              16:11.66                  
 13 Jackson, Shayn            JR St. Louis Un. High    16:12.32    9             
 14 White, Dylan              SO West Plains           16:13.85   10             
 15 Gabrielson, Kyle          SR Liberty               16:15.70   11             
 16 Conlin, Sean              JR Ft. Zumwalt East      16:16.03   12             
 17 Ganahl, Kevin             JR Marquette             16:16.30   13             
 18 Sullivan, Jack            JR St. Louis Un. High    16:16.42   14             
 19 Inman, Jeremy             JR West Plains           16:16.50   15             
 20 Howard, Justin            SR Raymore-Peculiar      16:18.52   16             
 21 Riechman-Bennett, Matt    SR Joplin                16:18.99                  
 22 Bewen, Nick               SR Mehlville             16:20.50                  
 23 Bindner, Joe              SR Ft. Zumwalt East      16:22.27   17             
 24 Adams, Clayton            FR Kearney               16:22.40                  
 25 Hogan, Thomas             JR St. Louis Un. High    16:22.41   18             
 26 Alvey, Matt               JR Liberty               16:25.75   19             
 27 Whitman, Gus              JR Park Hill South       16:29.11                  
 28 Galanes, Gavin            SR Francis Howell        16:29.85   20             
 29 Hutchens, Andrew          SR Ladue                 16:31.80                  
 30 Throckmorton, Austin      SR Liberty               16:33.82   21             
 31 Herd, Jesse               JR Branson               16:34.17                  
 32 Wasson, Keaton            JR Raymore-Peculiar      16:34.55   22             
 33 Njogu, Nelson             SR Hazelwood West        16:34.77                  
 34 Dean, Kyle                SR Lee's Summit North    16:36.59   23             
 35 Haines, Alec              SO Lafayette             16:37.31   24             
 36 Johnson, Marcus           JR Nixa                  16:37.76                  
 37 Colner, Brandon           SO Liberty               16:38.26   25             
 38 Hindman, Austin           FR Lafayette             16:38.67   26             
 39 Crabtree, Connor          SR Rock Bridge           16:39.02   27             
 40 Osborne, Andrew           JR Parkway West          16:39.17                  
 41 Chaney, Will              SR Pattonville           16:39.68                  
 42 Hennessey, Matt           JR St. Louis Un. High    16:40.66   28             
 43 Beaman, Tyler             SR Eureka                16:40.69   29             
 44 Inman, Jordan             JR West Plains           16:42.18   30             
 45 Plassmeyer, Stephen       SR DeSmet                16:43.48   31             
 46 Underwood, Gabe           SR Jackson               16:44.95                  
 47 Allen, Landon             SR Staley                16:45.48                  
 48 Meyrer, Devin             SO Lafayette             16:45.91   32             
 49 Naeger, Sam               SR Eureka                16:46.55   33             
 50 Rubio, Tom                SR St. Louis Un. High    16:49.19   34             
 51 Oxandale, Sam             SR Kearney               16:49.98                  
 52 Green, Brian              SR Lee's Summit North    16:50.37   35             
 53 Laudeman, Tyler           SR Lafayette             16:51.08   36             
 54 Miller, Luke              FR Glendale              16:51.41   37             
 55 Nichols, Ransom           JR West Plains           16:51.61   38             
 56 Keller, Quentin           SR West Plains           16:51.83   39             
 57 Nickens, Ian              JR Lee's Summit          16:52.77                  
 58 Andrew, Patrick           SR Parkway South         16:53.25                  
 59 Harrington, Lucas         JR Rock Bridge           16:53.25   40             
 60 Jeffers, Jack             SR Jackson               16:53.30                  
 61 Hart, Ryan                SO Marquette             16:54.70   41             
 62 Walters, Luke             SR Rock Bridge           16:55.40   42             
 63 Wilkerson, Sam            SO Rockhurst             16:55.73   43             
 64 Kosbar, James             JR Rolla                 16:56.28                  
 65 Hall, Nathan              SO Kickapoo              16:56.68   44             
 66 Stockman, Sam             SR Lee's Summit North    16:57.35   45             
 67 Matteucci, Nicky          SO Parkway South         16:58.25                  
 68 Southwick, Ben            SR Carthage              17:01.24                  
 69 Stovall, Evan             SR Parkway South         17:01.74                  
 70 Smith, Charlie            SR Rockhurst             17:02.18   46             
 71 Parson, Ryan              FR Farmington            17:02.69                  
 72 Butler, Joe               SO St. Louis Un. High    17:02.80   47             
 73 Meyr, Brandon             SR Oakville              17:03.61                  
 74 Schaefer, Cameron         JR Staley                17:05.07                  
 75 Edwards, Dalton           SO Glendale              17:05.45   48             
 76 Crowe, Austin             SO Timberland            17:07.29                  
 77 Elbert, Travis            SR Washington            17:08.07                  
 78 burr, chance              SO Neosho                17:08.34                  
 79 Wood, Chris               JR Staley                17:08.95                  
 80 Kilgore, Brent            JR Lee's Summit North    17:09.50   49             
 81 Hooks, Charlie            SR Kirkwood              17:09.96                  
 82 Wathor, Kyle              SO Raymore-Peculiar      17:10.54   50             
 83 Bhakta, Kush              SR Joplin                17:11.11                  
 84 Wilkins, Andy             SR Kickapoo              17:11.66   51             
 85 Wingo, Ben                JR Kickapoo              17:12.14   52             
 86 Renteria-Contreras, Edga  SR Truman                17:14.36                  
 87 Barkofske, Matt           SR DeSmet                17:14.93   53             
 88 Balleau, Zach             SO Eureka                17:15.79   54             
 89 Koenig, Austin            SR Liberty               17:15.82   55             
 90 Rabenau, Dalton           SO Rolla                 17:16.06                  
 91 Baumer, Sam               FR Rock Bridge           17:16.32   56             
 92 Broadbooks, Jerod         JR Eureka                17:16.70   57             
 93 Ryan, Gray                SO Rockhurst             17:17.89   58             
 94 Lorenzino, Caleb          SR Glendale              17:18.87   59             
 95 Pudenz, Kyle              JR Park Hill             17:20.22                  
 96 Loaiza, Tavo              SR Eureka                17:20.48   60             
 97 Smith, Mason              FR Blue Springs South    17:21.47                  
 98 Wyble, Caleb              SR Ft. Zumwalt East      17:21.60   61             
 99 Davis, Courage            JR Raymore-Peculiar      17:22.30   62             
100 Wilson, Lamont            JR Webster Groves        17:23.02   63             
101 Remund, Trevor            JR Francis Howell        17:23.25   64             
102 McMillin, Miles           SR Webster Groves        17:23.72   65             
103 Penney, Thomas            FR Marquette             17:23.83   66             
104 Seese, Alex               JR Rockhurst             17:24.25   67             
105 Southall, Damon           SO Liberty               17:24.62   68             
106 Miller, Zac               SR Central (S.J.)        17:25.91                  
107 Miller, Carson            SR Ft. Zumwalt South     17:27.58                  
108 Johnson, Billy            SO Webster Groves        17:28.73   69             
109 quick, cyle               SR Fox                   17:28.90                  
110 Udchachon, Najim          JR Waynesville           17:29.15                  
111 Walsh, Keegan             JR C.B.C.                17:29.27                  
112 Moss, Kameron             SR West Plains           17:30.37   70             
113 Bode, Carson              JR Rockhurst             17:31.06   71             
114 Walton, Rodney            SO Parkway Central       17:31.21                  
115 Rigabar, Ryan             SO Lafayette             17:32.11   72             
116 Hardway, Mike             SR Seckman               17:32.94                  
117 Drury, Daniel             SR Timberland            17:34.24                  
118 Brooks, Cole              JR Raymore-Peculiar      17:38.00   73             
119 Bailey, Griffin           SO Oakville              17:39.10                  
120 Wetter, Walker            SO Francis Howell        17:39.53   74             
121 McElmurry, Josiah         JR Lafayette             17:39.67   75             
122 Blechle, Tyler            JR DeSmet                17:40.60   76             
123 Gilbert, Nick             SR Webster Groves        17:41.66   77             
124 Fowler, Sean              SO Ft. Zumwalt East      17:42.14   78             
125 Esswein, John             SR St. Louis Un. High    17:43.39   79             
126 Eshelman, Robert          SR Marquette             17:44.36   80             
127 Powers, Brandon           SR Eureka                17:45.07   81             
128 Haff, Ayden               SO Glendale              17:45.59   82             
129 Wiskur, Eric              JR Kickapoo              17:45.59   83             
130 Garner, George            JR Ladue                 17:45.81                  
131 Fetzer, Davis             SR Francis Howell        17:46.98   84             
132 Stephen, Taylor           SR Nixa                  17:47.56                  
133 Flynn, Riley              SR Ft. Zumwalt North     17:48.50                  
134 Taber, Justin             SR Liberty               17:49.61   85             
135 Gibbs, Cedric             JR Truman                17:50.03                  
136 McHugh, Jack              SR Rockhurst             17:51.76   86             
137 Louder, Nathan            SR Ft. Zumwalt East      17:53.60   87             
138 Williams, Karl            JR Lee's Summit North    17:56.72   88             
139 Henry, Will               SR Oak Park              17:57.70                  
140 Neske, Jack               JR Ft. Zumwalt West      17:58.13                  
141 Moores, Derek             JR Lee's Summit North    17:59.47   89             
142 Cox, Jonathon             SO Kickapoo              18:00.74   90             
143 Bevel, Connor             SR Glendale              18:01.73   91             
144 Howells, Billy            SO Webster Groves        18:01.85   92             
145 Kirn, Kyle                SO Francis Howell        18:03.86   93             
146 Davies, Gabe              SO Lee's Summit North    18:05.83   94             
147 Lembeck, Walter           JR F.H.C.                18:07.68                  
148 Bennett, Lucas            SO Webster Groves        18:08.43   95             
149 Dolan, Nick               JR DeSmet                18:12.05   96             
150 Thielbar, Ean             SR F.H.N.                18:14.22                  
151 Taylor, Nicholas          SR McCluer North         18:20.42                  
152 Burkey, Cameron           SO Kickapoo              18:21.53   97             
153 Novatny, Ryan             SR Marquette             18:25.94   98             
154 Miller, Quinn             SO Rock Bridge           18:27.76   99             
155 Biddle, Garrett           JR Francis Howell        18:31.00  100             
156 Waters, Blake             SR DeSmet                18:34.31  101             
157 Long, Zach                FR Eureka                18:35.35  102             
158 Collier, Austin           SO Francis Howell        18:41.75  103             
159 Kieffer, Curt             SR Ft. Zumwalt East      18:52.34  104             
160 Tracy, Chris              SR Marquette             18:56.52  105             
161 Trunko, Nick              SR DeSmet                18:58.81  106             
162 Rodman, Cameron           FR Ft. Zumwalt East      19:16.70  107             
163 Cope, Jack                JR Glendale              19:20.62  108 

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