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MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/05/05 12:33 PM   2005 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 1
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/05/05        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/08/03                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
   1   399 Jessica Bollinger      JR Ste. Genevieve              19:08.71     1
   2   312 Kelly Williams         SR Herculaneum                 19:38.35     2
   3   368 Jamie Haefner          SO Pleasant Hill               19:51.74      
   4   396 Terry Phillips         JR St. Mary's (Independence    19:57.43     3
   5   420 Megan Kowalik          SO Wright City                 20:13.88      
   6   404 Jessica Wehner         SR Ste. Genevieve              20:15.62     4
   7   326 Erica Whitfield        SR Lawson                      20:17.68      
   8   401 Kristi Palmer          JR Ste. Genevieve              20:23.04     5
   9   403 Kristin Rust           JR Ste. Genevieve              20:27.34     6
  10   360 Anna Zahner            SO Pembroke Hill               20:29.81     7
  11   412 Samantha Keller        SO Whitfield                   20:38.76     8
  12   333 Courtney Waltbillig    SR Logan-Rogersville           20:39.17     9
  13   266 Lori Forck             JR Blair Oaks                  20:39.97    10
  14   402 Mallory Roth           SR Ste. Genevieve              20:41.59    11
  15   311 Chelsie Moore          JR Herculaneum                 20:43.49    12
  16   310 Elise Moloney          JR Herculaneum                 20:47.12    13
  17   356 Annie Foreman          SR Pembroke Hill               20:53.68    14
  18   344 Jessica Palmer         SR Moberly                     20:55.46    15
  19   379 Joni Weinert           JR Smithville                  20:57.08    16
  20   287 Annie Lowe             SR Clinton                     21:07.92      
  21   354 Anne-Marie Bollier     SR Pembroke Hill               21:10.70    17
  22   351 Jessica Banda          SO Notre Dame (Cape Gir.)      21:13.92      
  23   318 Anne Kerth             JR John Burroughs              21:15.13    18
  24   400 Kelsea Inman           SO Ste. Genevieve              21:16.27    19
  25   408 Emily Barber           SR Whitfield                   21:17.49    20
  26   355 Lilly Fisher           FR Pembroke Hill               21:21.78    21
  27   306 Amanda Albrecht        JR Herculaneum                 21:26.01    22
  28   372 Stephanie Smith        JR Richmond                    21:29.19      
  29   340 Taylor Beaverson       FR Moberly                     21:35.05    23
  30   307 Brittany Dabrowski     SR Herculaneum                 21:36.42    24
  31   362 Alyssa Crabtree        FR Platte County               21:37.48    25
  32   281 Makayla Burkle         JR Buffalo                     21:38.01      
  33   385 Elle Holtman           JR Springfield Catholic        21:38.62    26
  34   279 Amanda Brown           JR Buffalo                     21:43.26      
  35   398 Ashley Armbruster      SO Ste. Genevieve              21:43.85    27
  36   314 Theresa Baumstark      SR Hermann                     21:45.70      
  37   315 Breanna Daniels        SO Hollister                   21:47.49      
  38   288 Sarah Martin           SO Clinton                     21:50.06      
  39   293 Amanda Bragg           SR East Newton                 21:56.46    28
  40   419 Megan James            JR Willow Springs              21:56.92    29
  41   391 Annie Hart             JR St. Mary's (Independence    21:57.47    30
  42   348 Katie Cline            JR Montgomery County           21:57.93      
  43   352 Victoria Pfau          FR Notre Dame (Cape Gir.)      22:00.52      
  44   265 Annie Duffner          JR Blair Oaks                  22:01.48    31
  45   317 Tory Dille             FR John Burroughs              22:05.80    32
  46   272 Sarah Erickson         FR Bowling Green               22:07.30    33
  47   369 Jessica Yount          FR Pleasant Hill               22:10.64      
  48   278 Kim Yoder              SR Bowling Green               22:11.86    34
  49   332 Meika Mitts            SO Logan-Rogersville           22:12.94    35
  50   343 Dana Klatt             FR Moberly                     22:13.28    36
  51   411 Tess DeLean            JR Whitfield                   22:15.57    37

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/05/05 12:33 PM   2005 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 2
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/05/05        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/08/03                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
  52   367 Jennifer Weedin        JR Platte County               22:17.52    38
  53   331 Brianna Mingus         SR Logan-Rogersville           22:18.48    39
  54   320 Mary Jo Maliekel       SO John Burroughs              22:19.39    40
  55   365 Elle Jenkins           FR Platte County               22:20.27    41
  56   268 Rebecca McNally-Gale   JR Blair Oaks                  22:22.68    42
  57   393 Sarah Hoog             JR St. Mary's (Independence    22:26.87    43
  58   349 Tyann Hayes            FR Mountain Grove              22:29.29      
  59   383 Jessica Travlos        FR Southern Boone              22:30.38      
  60   388 Liz Schultz            SR Springfield Catholic        22:31.29    44
  61   335 Sarah Bachman          FR Lutheran North              22:31.84      
  62   334 Sarah McNiff           SO Lutheran (St. Peters)       22:32.55      
  63   342 Amy Kennison           SR Moberly                     22:34.17    45
  64   345 Morgan Schmit          SO Moberly                     22:37.37    46
  65   291 Elizabeth Zaragoza     SR Dixon                       22:39.05      
  66   280 Rachel Brown           FR Buffalo                     22:40.29      
  67   289 Haylee Walrath         SR Clinton                     22:40.87      
  68   267 Hannah McNally-Gale    FR Blair Oaks                  22:41.40    47
  69   358 Ashley Price           SR Pembroke Hill               22:41.97    48
  70   263 Wittney Mitchell       SR Ava                         22:43.06      
  71   337 Megan Hayden           SR Maryville                   22:45.34      
  72   295 Courtney Mann          FR East Newton                 22:47.31    49
  73   347 Natasha Wegrzyn        JR Monett                      22:48.82      
  74   406 Brittany Baun          SR Sullivan                    22:51.17      
  75   384 Katie Finch            SO Springfield Catholic        22:53.65    50
  76   284 Ron'l Hoff             SO Cassville                   22:54.42      
  77   376 Traci Meyers           SO Smithville                  22:55.58    51
  78   322 Leah Sandler           JR John Burroughs              22:58.00    52
  79   321 Abby Sandberg          FR John Burroughs              22:59.90    53
  80   304 Kayla Veit             SR Fatima                      23:00.99    54
  81   323 Sarah Ruff             SO Kelly                       23:02.35      
  82   313 Maura Baumstark        SO Hermann                     23:03.85      
  83   363 Jessica Gonzalez       SO Platte County               23:04.31    55
  84   283 Courtney Beagle        FR Cassville                   23:05.10      
  85   300 Jana Hales             SO Eldon                       23:06.06      
  86   341 Kelsey Fusselman       JR Moberly                     23:06.55    56
  87   270 Megan Wankum           JR Blair Oaks                  23:07.19    57
  88   395 Katie Noland           SO St. Mary's (Independence    23:07.81    58
  89   324 Brittany McNeely       SO Lawson                      23:10.10      
  90   386 Erin Keiser            SO Springfield Catholic        23:10.72    59
  91   275 Jessica Portwood       SR Bowling Green               23:12.94    60
  92   328 Michelle Crawford      FR Logan-Rogersville           23:13.99    61
  93   319 Cady Macon             JR John Burroughs              23:15.48    62
  94   309 Lauren Keen            JR Herculaneum                 23:16.27    63
  95   325 Kelly Raffety          SR Lawson                      23:16.87      
  96   282 Tia Baker              FR Cassville                   23:17.51      
  97   346 Shannan Eimer          JR Monett                      23:18.19      
  98   359 Jin Sanders            JR Pembroke Hill               23:19.02    64
  99   290 Kehri Liesman          FR Cuba                        23:19.69      
 100   381 Rebeca Barajas         SO Southern Boone              23:25.09      
 101   338 Candace Barry          SR McCluer South-Berkeley      23:25.80      
 102   276 Tia Scott              FR Bowling Green               23:27.78    65

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/05/05 12:33 PM   2005 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 3
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/05/05        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/08/03                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
 103   292 Morgan Davis           JR Doniphan                    23:30.71      
 104   377 Kymie Roland           FR Smithville                  23:31.23    66
 105   308 Brittney Depeu         SO Herculaneum                 23:32.40    67
 106   350 Shortt KC              FR Mountain Grove              23:33.81      
 107   389 Taryn Smith            FR Springfield Catholic        23:35.09    68
 108   397 Kati Wheeler           SO St. Mary's (Independence    23:36.11    69
 109   415 Quencie Colley         FR Willow Springs              23:38.86    70
 110   285 Sierra Angell          FR Centralia                   23:40.89      
 111   380 McKynlee Westman       JR Smithville                  23:42.36    71
 112   264 Sara Bisges            SO Blair Oaks                  23:45.14    72
 113   357 Ann Green              SO Pembroke Hill               23:49.40    73
 114   374 Anna Hughes            JR Smithville                  23:50.17    74
 115   364 Kortnie Herren         JR Platte County               23:50.87    75
 116   329 Katie Durr             JR Logan-Rogersville           23:53.27    76
 117   371 Leagha Marlar          JR Reeds Spring                23:54.35      
 118   370 Taylor MacKenzie       SR Principia                   23:58.52      
 119   298 Tiffany Widener        FR East Newton                 23:59.53    77
 120   286 Telisha Humphrey       FR Clinton                     24:00.09      
 121   271 Rachel Lass            SR Bourbon                     24:00.54      
 122   392 Tess Hart              FR St. Mary's (Independence    24:02.85    78
 123   336 Katie Nebel            SO Lutheran North              24:05.02      
 124   418 Lindsey James          FR Willow Springs              24:06.09    79
 125   296 Nikki Moore            SO East Newton                 24:06.73    80
 126   410 Anna Cox               JR Whitfield                   24:13.22    81
 127   390 Alicia Tonjuk          JR Springfield Catholic        24:14.62    82
 128   409 Jenny Cosgrove         SR Whitfield                   24:16.90    83
 129   387 Sesily Matthews        SO Springfield Catholic        24:22.91    84
 130   327 Samantha Schettler     FR Licking                     24:23.95      
 131   302 Meghan Falter          SR Fatima                      24:24.86    85
 132   407 Abby Rose              FR Sullivan                    24:28.06      
 133   273 Stephanie Gregory      SR Bowling Green               24:28.99    86
 134   361 Megan Brown            SO Platte County               24:51.69    87
 135   378 Ariel Schaufler        FR Smithville                  24:56.49    88
 136   339 Amber Beaverson        FR Moberly                     24:57.93    89
 137   353 Marrisa Smith          JR Orchard Farm                25:01.23      
 138   416 Lacey Hall             JR Willow Springs              25:02.69    90
 139   366 Sarah Muntean          SO Platte County               25:09.50    91
 140   382 Courtney Branch        SO Southern Boone              25:16.40      
 141   375 Krysten Leas           JR Smithville                  25:17.89    92
 142   297 Katlyn Peterson        SO East Newton                 25:20.61    93
 143   269 Sarah Robbins          SO Blair Oaks                  25:36.37    94
 144   373 Kaci Kuhn              FR Seneca                      25:49.84      
 145   405 Sara O'Connor          JR Strafford                   25:55.49      
 146   294 Sam Dallas             SO East Newton                 25:58.98    95
 147   305 Ashley Volmert         SR Fatima                      26:01.10    96
 148   394 Lauren Niemeyer        SR St. Mary's (Independence    26:12.75    97
 149   299 Julie Yang             SO East Newton                 26:19.35    98
 150   301 Cecilia Boessen        JR Fatima                      26:30.05    99
 151   417 Kara Hinten            JR Willow Springs              26:38.92   100
 152   274 Laura Parrott          FR Bowling Green               27:43.51   101
 153   303 Samantha Kremer        JR Fatima                      28:31.00   102

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
11/05/05 12:33 PM   2005 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 4
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/05/05        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/08/03                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
 154   330 Ashley Gunnels         SR Logan-Rogersville           33:20.35   103

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